module XS # These methods don't belong to any specific class. They get included # in the #Context, #Socket and #Poller classes. # module Util # Returns true when +rc+ is greater than or equal to 0, false otherwise. # # We use the >= test because xs_poll() returns the number of sockets # that had a read or write event triggered. So, a >= 0 result means # it succeeded. # def self.resultcode_ok? rc rc >= 0 end # Returns the +errno+ as set by the libxs library. # def self.errno LibXS.xs_errno end # Returns a string corresponding to the currently set #errno. These # error strings are defined by libxs. # def self.error_string LibXS.xs_strerror(errno).read_string end # Returns an array of the form [major, minor, patch] to represent the # version of libzmq. # # Class method! Invoke as: XS::Util.version # def self.version major = :int minor = :int patch = :int LibXS.xs_version major, minor, patch [major.read_int, minor.read_int, patch.read_int] end # Attempts to bind to a random tcp port on +host+ up to +max_tries+ # times. Returns the port number upon success or nil upon failure. # def self.bind_to_random_tcp_port host = '', max_tries = 500 tries = 0 rc = -1 while !resultcode_ok?(rc) && tries < max_tries tries += 1 random = random_port rc = socket.bind "tcp://#{host}:#{random}" end resultcode_ok?(rc) ? random : nil end private # generate a random port between 10_000 and 65534 def self.random_port rand(55534) + 10_000 end # :doc: # Called by most library methods to verify there were no errors during # operation. If any are found, raise the appropriate #XSError. # # When no error is found, this method returns +true+ which is behavior # used internally by #send and #recv. # def error_check source, result_code if -1 == result_code raise_error source, result_code end # used by Socket::send/recv, ignored by others true end def raise_error source, result_code if 'xs_init' == source || 'xs_socket' == source raise source, result_code, XS::Util.errno, XS::Util.error_string elsif ['xs_msg_init', 'xs_msg_init_data', 'xs_msg_copy', 'xs_msg_move'].include?(source) raise source, result_code, XS::Util.errno, XS::Util.error_string else puts "else" raise source, result_code, -1, "Source [#{source}] does not match any xs_* strings, rc [#{result_code}], errno [#{XS::Util.errno}], error_string [#{XS::Util.error_string}]" end end def eagain? EAGAIN == XS::Util.errno end end # module Util end # module XS