/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_DATA_STRUCTURES_LSTRING_H_ #define _PASSENGER_DATA_STRUCTURES_LSTRING_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Passenger { using namespace std; /** * A string data structure that consists of singly-linked parts. Its purpose * is to allow us to parse and store HTTP headers in a zero-copy manner. * Instead of copying parsed HTTP headers in order to make them contiguous, * we just store the headers non-contiguously using LString. Each LString * references the mbuf_block that the HTTP header data comes from. * * The empty string is represented by `size == 0 && start == &emptyLStringPart && end == &emptyLStringPart`. * Except for emptyLStringPart, parts may never contain the empty string. * * This struct must be a POD so that we can allocate it with psg_pool_t. */ struct LString { struct Part { Part *next; struct MemoryKit::mbuf_block *mbuf_block; /** May never be the empty string. */ const char *data; unsigned int size; }; Part *start; Part *end; unsigned int size; }; extern LString::Part emptyLStringPart; namespace { OXT_FORCE_INLINE char psg_lstr_first_byte(const LString *str) { return str->start->data[0]; } OXT_FORCE_INLINE char psg_lstr_last_byte(const LString *str) { return str->end->data[str->end->size - 1]; } } inline void psg_lstr_append(LString *str, psg_pool_t *pool, const char *data, unsigned int size); inline void psg_lstr_init(LString *str) { str->start = &emptyLStringPart; str->end = &emptyLStringPart; str->size = 0; } inline LString * psg_lstr_create(psg_pool_t *pool, const char *data, unsigned int size) { LString *result = (LString *) psg_palloc(pool, sizeof(LString)); if (OXT_UNLIKELY(result == NULL)) { TRACE_POINT(); throw std::bad_alloc(); } psg_lstr_init(result); psg_lstr_append(result, pool, data, size); return result; } inline LString * psg_lstr_create(psg_pool_t *pool, const StaticString &str) { return psg_lstr_create(pool, str.data(), str.size()); } inline void _psg_lstr_append_part(LString *str, LString::Part *part) { if (str->size == 0) { str->start = part; str->end = part; } else { str->end->next = part; str->end = part; } str->size += part->size; part->next = NULL; } inline void psg_lstr_append(LString *str, psg_pool_t *pool, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer, const char *data, unsigned int size) { if (size == 0) { return; } assert(data >= buffer.start); assert(data + size <= buffer.end); LString::Part *part = (LString::Part *) psg_palloc(pool, sizeof(LString::Part)); if (OXT_UNLIKELY(part == NULL)) { TRACE_POINT(); throw std::bad_alloc(); } // part->next is set to NULL by psg_lstr_append_part() part->mbuf_block = buffer.mbuf_block; part->data = data; part->size = size; mbuf_block_ref(buffer.mbuf_block); _psg_lstr_append_part(str, part); } inline void psg_lstr_append(LString *str, psg_pool_t *pool, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer) { psg_lstr_append(str, pool, buffer, buffer.start, buffer.size()); } inline void psg_lstr_append(LString *str, psg_pool_t *pool, const char *data, unsigned int size) { if (size == 0) { return; } LString::Part *part = (LString::Part *) psg_palloc(pool, sizeof(LString::Part)); if (OXT_UNLIKELY(part == NULL)) { TRACE_POINT(); throw std::bad_alloc(); } // part->next is set to NULL by psg_lstr_append_part() part->mbuf_block = NULL; part->data = data; part->size = size; _psg_lstr_append_part(str, part); } inline void psg_lstr_append(LString *str, psg_pool_t *pool, const char *data) { psg_lstr_append(str, pool, data, strlen(data)); } /** * Move the parts in `from` to the end of `to`. */ inline void psg_lstr_move_and_append(LString *from, psg_pool_t *pool, LString *to) { if (OXT_LIKELY(from != to)) { if (from->size == 0) { return; } if (to->size == 0) { *to = *from; } else { to->end->next = from->start; to->end = from->end; to->size += from->size; } psg_lstr_init(from); } } inline LString * psg_lstr_null_terminate(const LString *str, psg_pool_t *pool) { LString *newstr; LString::Part *part; char *data, *pos; data = (char *) psg_pnalloc(pool, str->size + 1); if (OXT_UNLIKELY(data == NULL)) { TRACE_POINT(); throw std::bad_alloc(); } pos = data; part = str->start; while (part != NULL) { memcpy(pos, part->data, part->size); pos += part->size; part = part->next; } *pos = '\0'; newstr = (LString *) psg_palloc(pool, sizeof(LString)); if (OXT_UNLIKELY(newstr == NULL)) { TRACE_POINT(); throw std::bad_alloc(); } psg_lstr_init(newstr); psg_lstr_append(newstr, pool, data, str->size); return newstr; } inline LString * psg_lstr_make_contiguous(LString *str, psg_pool_t *pool) { if (str->size == 0 || str->start == str->end) { return str; } else { return psg_lstr_null_terminate(str, pool); } } inline const LString * psg_lstr_make_contiguous(const LString *str, psg_pool_t *pool) { if (str->size == 0 || str->start == str->end) { return str; } else { return psg_lstr_null_terminate(str, pool); } } inline bool psg_lstr_cmp(const LString *str, const StaticString &other) { const LString::Part *part; const char *b; // Fast check: check length match if (str->size != other.size()) { return false; } // Fast check: check first and last bytes match if (str->size > 0 && (psg_lstr_first_byte(str) != other[0] || psg_lstr_last_byte(str) != other[other.size() - 1])) { return false; } part = str->start; b = other.data(); while (part != NULL) { if (memcmp(part->data, b, part->size) != 0) { return false; } b += part->size; part = part->next; } return true; } // Check whether the first `size` bytes of both `str` and `other` are equal. inline bool psg_lstr_cmp(const LString *str, const StaticString &other, unsigned int size) { const LString::Part *part; const char *b; unsigned int checked; if (size > str->size && size > other.size()) { size = std::max(str->size, other.size()); } // Fast check: check lengths if (size == 0) { return true; } if (str->size < size || other.size() < size) { return false; } assert(str->size > 0 && other.size() > 0); // Fast check: check first bytes of both strings match if (psg_lstr_first_byte(str) != other[0]) { return false; } // Fast check: in the common case where the LString only has 1 part, // check whether the last bytes of both strings match if (str->start == str->end && str->start->data[size - 1] != other[size - 1]) { return false; } checked = 0; part = str->start; b = other.data(); while (part != NULL && checked < size) { unsigned int localSize = std::min(size - checked, part->size); if (memcmp(part->data, b, localSize) != 0) { return false; } b += localSize; checked += localSize; part = part->next; } return true; } inline bool psg_lstr_cmp(const LString *str, const LString *other) { const LString::Part *a_part, *b_part; const char *a_start, *a_end; const char *b_start, *b_end; unsigned int chunklen; // Fast check: check length match if (str->size != other->size) { return false; } // Fast check: check both strings empty if (str->size == 0) { return true; } // Fast check: check first and last bytes match if (str->size > 0 && (psg_lstr_first_byte(str) != psg_lstr_first_byte(other) || psg_lstr_last_byte(str) != psg_lstr_last_byte(other))) { return false; } a_part = str->start; b_part = other->start; a_start = a_part->data; b_start = b_part->data; chunklen = std::min(a_part->size, b_part->size); a_end = a_start + chunklen; b_end = b_start + chunklen; while (true) { if (memcmp(a_start, b_start, chunklen) != 0) { return false; } // End of part A or B reached? if (a_end == a_part->data + a_part->size || b_end == b_part->data + b_part->size) { if (((a_end == a_part->data + a_part->size) && a_part->next == NULL) || ((b_end == b_part->data + b_part->size) && b_part->next == NULL)) { // End of entire LString reached. assert(a_end == a_part->data + a_part->size); assert(b_end == b_part->data + b_part->size); assert(a_part->next == NULL); assert(b_part->next == NULL); return true; } unsigned int a_len, b_len; if (a_end == a_part->data + a_part->size) { // End of part A reached. a_part = a_part->next; a_len = a_part->size; a_start = a_part->data; a_end = a_start + a_len; } else { a_len = a_part->size - (a_end - a_part->data); a_start = a_end; a_end = a_start + a_len; } if (b_end == b_part->data + b_part->size) { // End of part B reached. b_part = b_part->next; b_len = b_part->size; b_start = b_part->data; b_end = b_start + b_len; } else { b_len = b_part->size - (b_end - b_part->data); b_start = b_end; b_end = b_start + b_len; } chunklen = std::min(a_len, b_len); a_end = a_start + chunklen; b_end = b_start + chunklen; } } return true; // Never reached. } inline boost::uint32_t psg_lstr_hash(const LString *str) { const LString::Part *part = str->start; Hasher h; while (part != NULL) { h.update(part->data, part->size); part = part->next; } return h.finalize(); } inline void psg_lstr_deinit(LString *str) { LString::Part *part; for (part = str->start; part != NULL; part = part->next) { if (part->mbuf_block != NULL) { mbuf_block_unref(part->mbuf_block); } } psg_lstr_init(str); } inline char * appendData(char *pos, const char *end, const LString *str) { const LString::Part *part = str->start; while (part != NULL) { pos = appendData(pos, end, part->data, part->size); part = part->next; } return pos; } } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_DATA_STRUCTURES_LSTRING_H_ */