module HealthyHungerApi class Meals #class that takes in the input from the api and creates meal objects that can be #parsed and sent to the cli for output @@all = [] def self.all #class method that is used as a getter for the class array @@all @@all ||= load_meals #loads the meal objects into the @@all array if they don't already exist end def self.find_by_number(choice) #class method that takes in the choice of the user and then finds #the meal object associated with it within the all array self.all[choice.to_i - 1] end def self.load_meals(time, cal, diet, allergy) #class method that passes input from the user into the class methods #from the API class based on a conditional of whether the user has chosen day or week for time. It then assigns #the return value of those class methods to an instance variable @meals which is passed to a class method within #the meals class to create a new instance for each meal and assign the instances to the @@all array if time == 'day' @meals = API.get_meals(time, cal, diet, allergy)["meals"] #gets the meals from the API class using a the hash symbol elsif time == 'week' #necessary to get the appropriate data for daily meals @meals = API.get_meals(time, cal, diet, allergy)["items"] end @@all = self.create_meal_from_specifics(@meals) #passing the return values to create new instances of meals end def self.create_meal_from_specifics(meals) #class method that is used to create new instances by iterating over the meal hash do |meal_hash| end end attr_accessor :id, :title, :readyInMinutes, :servings, :sumnary, :day, :slot, :value #creates getter and setter methods for each #hash key received from the api meal hash def initialize(attributes = {}) #initializes new instances of each meal attributes.each do |attribute_name, attribute_value| #iterates over each has assigning each key as an attribute name if (attribute_name == "value") initialize(JSON.parse(attribute_value)) elsif self.respond_to?("#{attribute_name}=") #and each key value as the attribute value using the send method self.send("#{attribute_name}=", attribute_value) end end end def summaries #instance method that uses the id key from the return value of the class method #get_summary of the API class to get the summary of each meal for a daily meal plan @summaries ||= API.get_summary( end def get_meal_id end def meals_summary #instance method that uses the "summary" string to access the value from that hash symbol #and replace each of the symbols found through the regex passed into the .gsub method #with an empty space puts "" puts "Summary:" puts summaries["summary"].gsub(/<\/?[a-z]+>/, "").gsub(//, "") end end end