module Hobo module Model class PermissionDeniedError < RuntimeError; end class NoNameError < RuntimeError; end NAME_FIELD_GUESS = %w(name title) PRIMARY_CONTENT_GUESS = %w(description body content profile) SEARCH_COLUMNS_GUESS = %w(name title body content profile) def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) included_in_class_callbacks(base) Hobo.register_model(base) patch_will_paginate base.class_eval do inheriting_cattr_reader :default_order alias_method_chain :attributes=, :hobo_type_conversion end class << base alias_method_chain :has_many, :defined_scopes alias_method_chain :has_many, :join_record_management alias_method_chain :belongs_to, :creator_metadata alias_method_chain :has_one, :new_method def inherited(klass) super fields do Hobo.register_model(klass) field(klass.inheritance_column, :string) end end end end def self.patch_will_paginate if defined?(WillPaginate) && !WillPaginate::Collection.respond_to?(:member_class) WillPaginate::Collection.class_eval do attr_accessor :member_class, :origin, :origin_attribute end WillPaginate::Finder::ClassMethods.class_eval do def paginate_with_hobo_metadata(*args, &block) returning paginate_without_hobo_metadata(*args, &block) do |collection| collection.member_class = self collection.origin = try.proxy_owner collection.origin_attribute = try.proxy_reflection._?.name end end alias_method_chain :paginate, :hobo_metadata end end end module ClassMethods # include methods also shared by CompositeModel #include ModelSupport::ClassMethods attr_accessor :creator_attribute attr_writer :name_attribute, :primary_content_attribute def named(*args) raise NoNameError, "Model #{name} has no name attribute" unless name_attribute send("find_by_#{name_attribute}", *args) end def field_added(name, type, args, options) self.name_attribute = name.to_sym if options.delete(:name) self.primary_content_attribute = name.to_sym if options.delete(:primary_content) self.creator_attribute = name.to_sym if options.delete(:creator) validate = options.delete(:validate) {true} #FIXME - this should be in Hobo::User send(:login_attribute=, name.to_sym, validate) if options.delete(:login) && respond_to?(:login_attribute=) end def user_find(user, *args) record = find(*args) raise PermissionDeniedError unless Hobo.can_view?(user, record) record end def user_new(user, attributes={}) record = new(attributes) record.user_changes(user) and record end def user_new!(user, attributes={}) user_new(user, attributes) or raise PermissionDeniedError end def user_create(user, attributes={}) record = new(attributes) record.user_save_changes(user) record end def user_can_create?(user, attributes={}) record = new(attributes) record.user_changes(user) end def user_update(user, id, attributes={}) find(id).user_save_changes(user, attributes) end def name_attribute @name_attribute ||= begin cols = columns.*.name NAME_FIELD_GUESS.detect {|f| columns.*.name } end end def primary_content_attribute @primary_content_attribute ||= begin cols = columns.*.name PRIMARY_CONTENT_GUESS.detect {|f| columns.*.name } end end def dependent_collections do |refl| refl.macro == :has_many && refl.options[:dependent] end.*.name end def dependent_on do |refl| refl.macro == :belongs_to && (rev = reverse_reflection( and rev.options[:dependent]) end.*.name end def default_dependent_on dependent_on.first end private def belongs_to_with_creator_metadata(name, options={}, &block) self.creator_attribute = name.to_sym if options.delete(:creator) belongs_to_without_creator_metadata(name, options, &block) end def has_one_with_new_method(name, options={}, &block) has_one_without_new_method(name, options) class_eval "def new_#{name}(attributes={}); build_#{name}(attributes, false); end" end def set_default_order(order) @default_order = order end def never_show(*fields) @hobo_never_show ||= [] @hobo_never_show.concat(fields.*.to_sym) end def set_search_columns(*columns) class_eval %{ def self.search_columns %w{#{columns.*.to_s * ' '}} end } end public def never_show?(field) (@hobo_never_show && || (superclass < Hobo::Model && superclass.never_show?(field)) end def find(*args, &b) options = args.extract_options! if options[:order] == :default options = if default_order.blank? options.except :order else options.merge(:order => "#{table_name}.#{default_order}") end end result = super(*args + [options]) result.member_class = self if result.is_a?(Array) result end def all(options={}) find(:all, options.reverse_merge(:order => :default)) end def creator_type reflections[creator_attribute]._?.klass end def search_columns cols = columns.*.name{|c| } end # FIXME: This should really be a method on AssociationReflection def reverse_reflection(association_name) refl = reflections[association_name] return nil if refl.options[:conditions] || refl.options[:polymorphic] reverse_macro = if refl.macro == :has_many :belongs_to elsif refl.macro == :belongs_to :has_many end refl.klass.reflections.values.find do |r| r.macro == reverse_macro && r.klass == self && !r.options[:conditions] && r.primary_key_name == refl.primary_key_name end end def has_inheritance_column? columns_hash.include?(inheritance_column) end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) name = name.to_s if name =~ /\./ # FIXME: Do we need this now? call_method_chain(name, args, &block) elsif create_automatic_scope(name) send(name, *args, &block) else super(name.to_sym, *args, &block) end end def call_method_chain(chain, args, &block) parts = chain.split(".") s = parts[0..-2].inject(self) { |m, scope| m.send(scope) } s.send(parts.last, *args) end def to_url_path "#{name.underscore.pluralize}" end def typed_id HoboFields.to_name(self) || name.underscore.gsub("/", "__") end def manage_join_records(association) method = "manage_join_records_for_#{association}" after_save method class_eval %{ def #{method} assigned = #{association}.dup current = #{association}.reload through = #{association}.proxy_reflection.through_reflection source = #{association}.proxy_reflection.source_reflection to_delete = current - assigned to_add = assigned - current through.klass.delete_all(["\#{through.primary_key_name} = ? and \#{source.primary_key_name} in (?)",, to_delete.*.id]) if to_delete.any? to_add.each { |record| #{association} << record } end } end def has_many_with_join_record_management(name, options={}, &b) manage = options.delete(:managed) returning (has_many_without_join_record_management(name, options, &b)) do manage_join_records(name) if manage end end end # --- of ClassMethods --- # include Scopes def to_url_path "#{self.class.to_url_path}/#{to_param}" unless new_record? end def user_changes(user, changes={}) if new_record? self.attributes = changes set_creator(user) Hobo.can_create?(user, self) else original = duplicate # 'duplicate' can cause these to be set, but they can conflict # with the changes so we clear them clear_aggregation_cache clear_association_cache self.attributes = changes Hobo.can_update?(user, original, self) end end def user_changes!(user, changes={}) user_changes(user, changes) or raise PermissionDeniedError end def user_can_create?(user, attributes={}) raise ArgumentError, "Called #user_can_create? on existing record" unless new_record? user_changes(user, attributes) end def user_save_changes(user, changes={}) user_changes!(user, changes) save end def user_view(user, field=nil) raise PermissionDeniedError, self.inspect unless Hobo.can_view?(user, self, field) end def user_destroy(user) raise PermissionDeniedError unless Hobo.can_delete?(user, self) destroy end def dependent_on { |assoc| send(assoc) } end def attributes_with_hobo_type_conversion=(attributes, guard_protected_attributes=true) converted = attributes.map_hash { |k, v| convert_type_for_mass_assignment(self.class.attr_type(k), v) } send(:attributes_without_hobo_type_conversion=, converted, guard_protected_attributes) end def set_creator(user) set_creator!(user) unless get_creator end def set_creator!(user) attr = self.class.creator_attribute return unless attr # Is creator a string field or an association? if self.class.reflections[attr] # It's an association self.send("#{attr}=", user) if (t = self.class.creator_type) && user.is_a?(t) else # Assume it's a string field -- set it to the name of the current user self.send("#{attr}=", user.to_s) unless user.guest? end end # We deliberately give this method an unconventional name to avoid # polluting the application namespace too badly def get_creator self.class.creator_attribute && send(self.class.creator_attribute) end def duplicate copy = copy.copy_instance_variables_from(self, ["@attributes_cache"]) copy.instance_variable_set("@attributes", @attributes.dup) copy.instance_variable_set("@new_record", nil) unless new_record? # Shallow copy of belongs_to associations for refl in self.class.reflections.values if refl.macro == :belongs_to and (target = self.send( bta =, refl) bta.replace(target) copy.instance_variable_set("@#{}", bta) end end copy end def same_fields?(other, *fields) return true if other.nil? fields = fields.flatten fields.all?{|f| self.send(f) == other.send(f)} end def only_changed_fields?(other, *changed_fields) return true if other.nil? changed_fields = changed_fields.flatten.*.to_s all_cols = self.class.columns.*.name - [] all_cols.all?{|c| || self.send(c) == other.send(c) } end def compose_with(object, use=nil) CompositeModel.new_for([self, object]) end def typed_id "#{}_#{}" if id end def to_s if self.class.name_attribute send self.class.name_attribute else "#{} #{id}" end end private def parse_datetime(s) defined?(Chronic) ? Chronic.parse(s) : Time.parse(s) end def convert_type_for_mass_assignment(field_type, value) if field_type.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection) convert_associated_records_for_mass_assignment(field_type, value) elsif !field_type.is_a?(Class) value elsif field_type <= Date if value.is_a? Hash*(%w{year month day}.map{|s| value[s].to_i})) elsif value.is_a? String dt = parse_datetime(value) dt && dt.to_date else value end elsif field_type <= Time if value.is_a? Hash Time.local(*(%w{year month day hour minute}.map{|s| value[s].to_i})) elsif value.is_a? String parse_datetime(value) else value end elsif field_type <= Hobo::Boolean (value.is_a?(String) &&['0', 'false']) || value.blank?) ? false : true else # primitive field value end end def convert_associated_records_for_mass_assignment(reflection, value) if[:belongs_to, :has_one]) if value.is_a?(String) if value.starts_with?('@') # TODO: This @foo_1 feature is rarely (never?) used - get rid of it Hobo.object_from_dom_id(value[1..-1]) else reflection.klass.named(value) end else value end elsif reflection.macro == :has_many if reflection.klass.try.name_attribute do |x| if x.is_a?(String) reflection.klass.named(x) unless x.blank? else x end end.compact else value end else # unknown kind of accociation - no conversion value end end end end class ActiveRecord::Base alias_method :has_hobo_method?, :respond_to_without_attributes? end