///  Project mixins
///  @group utilities

///  Shorthand border creation mixin.
///  Allows for single line, variable border width,
///  @parameter {string} $border-width - Accepts 1-4 unit values dictating border-widths.
///  @parameter {string} $border-style [solid] - Set border style.
///  @parameter {string} $border-color [$color-border-base] - Set border color.
///  @example scss
///  .well {
///    @include border(2px 1px 5px, dashed, #666);
///  }
///  @example css
///  .well {
///    border-style: dashed;
///    border-color: #666;
///    border-width: 2px 1px 5px;
///  }
///  @todo Allow multiple border style and color declarations.
@mixin border($border-width, $border-style: solid, $border-color: $color-border-base) {
  // If more than 4 widths submitted, display error
  @if (length($border-width) > 4) {
    @error 'Border-width accepts a maximum of 4 width parameters;  #{length($border-width)} found.';

  // New border width list
  $new-width: ();

  // Populate it
  @for $i from 1 through length($border-width) {

    // If border is unitless, append unit
    @if unitless(nth($border-width, $i)) {
      $new-width: append($new-width, nth($border-width, $i) * 1px);
    } @else {
      $new-width: append($new-width, nth($border-width, $i));

  border-style: $border-style;
  border-color: $border-color;
  border-width: $new-width;

///  Shorthand centering of elements.
///  If width and height are undefined, centering will be done via `translate`.
///  If width and height are defined, centering will be done via `margin`.
///  If width is defined and height is undefined, centering will be done via `margin-left` and `translateY`.
///  If width is undefined and height is defined, centering will be done via `translateX` and `margin-top`.
///  Centering via flexbox is included as a separate mixin.
///  @see {mixin} center-children
///  @parameter {string} $width [null] - Width of the element to be centered (can be 'null').
///  @parameter {string} $height [null] - Height of the element to be centered (can be 'null').
///  @example scss
///  .action {
///    @include center(400px null);
///  }
///  @example css
///  .action {
///    position: absolute;
///    top: 50%;
///    left: 50%;
///    width: 400px;
///    margin-left: -200px;
///    transform: translateY(-50%);
///  }
@mixin center($width: null, $height: null) {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;

  @if not $width and not $height {
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  } @else if $width and $height {
    width: $width;
    height: $height;
    margin: -($width / 2) #{0 0} -($height / 2);
  } @else if not $height {
    width: $width;
    margin-left: -($width / 2);
    transform: translateY(-50%);
  } @else {
    height: $height;
    margin-top: -($height / 2);
    transform: translateX(-50%);

///  Shorthand centering of elements via flex.
///  Should be applied to a container whose child elements you want centered (horizontally and vertically).
///  @example scss
///  .callout {
///    @include center-children;
///  }
///  @example css
///  .callout {
///    display: flex;
///    justify-content: center;
///    align-items: center;
///  }
@mixin center-children {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;

///  Quick clearfix mixin for clearing container content.
///  Proper use-case is when a container's children are floated. If the
///  container itself is floated and needs to be cleared, this will not
///  function the same as a `clear: left/right/both;`.
///  @example scss
///  .container {
///    @include clearfix;
///  }
///  @example css
///  .container::after {
///    content: '';
///    display: table;
///    clear: both;
///  }
@mixin clearfix {
  &::after {
    content: '';
    display: table;
    clear: both;

///  Quick text replacement mixin for hiding text outside of an element.
///  Primarily used to hide text when a background-image replaces it.
///  @example scss
///  .hero {
///    @include hide-text;
///  }
///  @example css
///  .hero {
///    text-indent: 101%;
///    overflow: hidden;
///    white-space: nowrap;
///  }
@mixin hide-text {
  text-indent: 101%;
  overflow: hidden;
  white-space: nowrap;

///  Shorthand element positioning mixin.
///  @parameter {string} $pos-type [relative] - Accepts all valid position strings (static, relative, absolute, fixed).
///  @parameter {string} $pos-vals [0 0 0 0] - Position values in typical order (top, right, bottom, left). If a value is not required, inset a unitless 0.
///  @example scss
///  .call-to-action {
///    @include position(absolute, 15px 50px 0 0);
///  }
///  @example css
///  .call-to-action {
///    position: absolute;
///    top: 15px;
///    right: 50px;
///  }
///  @todo Allow for unitless usage (i.e., `left: 0; right: 0;`) due to it being valid content.
@mixin position($pos-type: relative, $pos-vals: 0 0 0 0) {

  // If no position type designated, default to 'relative'
  @if type-of($pos-type) == list{
    $pos-vals: $pos-type;
    $pos-type: relative;

  // Separate values into top, right, bottom, left
  $top: nth($pos-vals, 1);
  $right: nth($pos-vals, 2);
  $bottom: nth($pos-vals, 3);
  $left: nth($pos-vals, 4);

  // Return position
  position: $pos-type;

  // Return values
  // If value is a number and has a unit type, print value
  // otherwise ignore
  @if (type-of($top) == number and not unitless($top)){
    top: $top;

  @if (type-of($right) == number and not unitless($right)){
    right: $right;

  @if (type-of($bottom) == number and not unitless($bottom)){
    bottom: $bottom;

  @if (type-of($left) == number and not unitless($left)){
    left: $left;

///  Shorthand element sizing.
///  Accepts auto or unit values. If only one value is provided, it will use that value for both width and height.
///  Otherwise the first value is width and the second value is height.
///  @parameter {string} - Accepts 1 or 2 values.
///  @example scss
///  .bucket {
///    @include size(auto 150px);
///  }
///  @example css
///  .bucket {
///    width: auto;
///    height: 150px;
///  }
@mixin size($size) {

  // If only one value is present
  @if length($size) == 1 {

    @if $size == auto{
      width: auto;
      height: auto;
    } @else if unitless($size) {
      width: $size * 1px;
      height: $size * 1px;
    } @else if not(unitless($size)) {
      width: $size;
      height: $size;

  // If both values are present
  @if length($size) == 2 {

    $width: nth($size, 1);
    $height: nth($size, 2);

    @if $width == auto {
      width: $width;
    } @else if unitless($width){
      width: $width * 1px;
    } @else if not(unitless($width)) {
      width: $width;

    @if $height == auto{
      height: $height;
    } @else if unitless($height) {
      height: $height * 1px;
    } @else if not(unitless($height)) {
      height: $height;

  // If more than 2 values, display error
  @if length($size) > 2 {
    @error 'Too many values detected. Size mixin only accepts 1-2 values.';

///  Shorthand for single-line text truncation based on width.
///  @parameter {string} $truncate-width [100%] - Width the element will be truncated at.
///  @example scss
///  .short-title {
///    @include truncate(250px);
///  }
///  @example css
///  .short-title {
///    display: inline-block;
///    max-width: 250px;
///    overflow: hidden;
///    text-overflow: ellipsis;
///    white-space: nowrap;
///    word-wrap: normal;
///  }
@mixin truncate($truncate-width: 100%) {
  display: inline-block;
  max-width: $truncate-width;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  white-space: nowrap;
  word-wrap: normal;