ArithmeticDemo(INTEGER A,INTEGER B) := FUNCTION ADDit := A + B; SUBTRACTit := A - B; MULTIPLYit := A * B; INTDIVIDEit := A DIV B; //INTEGER DIVISION DIVIDEit := A / B; //standard division Remainder := A % B; EXPit := POWER(A,B); DS := DATASET([{A,B,'A PLUS B is:',ADDit}, {A,B,'A MINUS B is:',SUBTRACTit}, {A,B,'A TIMES B is:',MULTIPLYit}, {A,B,'A INT DIVIDE BY B is:',INTDIVIDEit}, {A,B,'REMAINDER is:',Remainder}, {A,B,'A DIVIDE BY B is:',DIVIDEit}, {A,B,'A RAISED TO B:',EXPit}], {INTEGER AVal,INTEGER BVal,STRING18 valuetype,STRING val}); RETURN DS; END; ArithmeticDemo(1,1); ArithmeticDemo(2,2); ArithmeticDemo(50,5); ArithmeticDemo(10,3); ArithmeticDemo(-1,2); /* NOTE:Division by zero defaults to generating a zero result (0), rather than reporting a “divide by zero” error. This avoids invalid or unexpected data aborting a long job. This default behavior can be changed */