/* * Mentions Input * Version 1.0.2 * Written by: Kenneth Auchenberg (Podio) * * Using underscore.js * * License: MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ (function ($, _, undefined) { // Settings var KEY = { BACKSPACE : 8, TAB : 9, RETURN : 13, ESC : 27, LEFT : 37, UP : 38, RIGHT : 39, DOWN : 40, COMMA : 188, SPACE : 32, HOME : 36, END : 35 }; // Keys "enum" //Default settings var defaultSettings = { triggerChar : '@', //Char that respond to event onDataRequest : $.noop, //Function where we can search the data minChars : 2, //Minimum chars to fire the event allowRepeat : false, //Allow repeat mentions showAvatars : true, //Show the avatars elastic : true, //Grow the textarea automatically defaultValue : '', onCaret : false, classes : { autoCompleteItemActive : "active" //Classes to apply in each item }, templates : { wrapper : _.template('
'), autocompleteList : _.template('
'), autocompleteListItem : _.template('
  • <%= content %>
  • '), autocompleteListItemAvatar : _.template(''), autocompleteListItemIcon : _.template('
    '), mentionsOverlay : _.template('
    '), mentionItemSyntax : _.template('@[<%= value %>](<%= type %>:<%= id %>)'), mentionItemHighlight : _.template('<%= value %>') } }; //Class util var utils = { //Encodes the character with _.escape function (undersocre) htmlEncode : function (str) { return _.escape(str); }, //Encodes the character to be used with RegExp regexpEncode : function (str) { return str.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"); }, highlightTerm : function (value, term) { if (!term && !term.length) { return value; } return value.replace(new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + term + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"), "$1"); }, //Sets the caret in a valid position setCaratPosition : function (domNode, caretPos) { if (domNode.createTextRange) { var range = domNode.createTextRange(); range.move('character', caretPos); range.select(); } else { if (domNode.selectionStart) { domNode.focus(); domNode.setSelectionRange(caretPos, caretPos); } else { domNode.focus(); } } }, //Deletes the white spaces rtrim: function(string) { return string.replace(/\s+$/,""); } }; //Main class of MentionsInput plugin var MentionsInput = function (settings) { var domInput, elmInputBox, elmInputWrapper, elmAutocompleteList, elmWrapperBox, elmMentionsOverlay, elmActiveAutoCompleteItem, mentionsCollection = [], autocompleteItemCollection = {}, inputBuffer = [], currentDataQuery = ''; //Mix the default setting with the users settings settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaultSettings, settings ); //Initializes the text area target function initTextarea() { elmInputBox = $(domInput); //Get the text area target //If the text area is already configured, return if (elmInputBox.attr('data-mentions-input') === 'true') { return; } elmInputWrapper = elmInputBox.parent(); //Get the DOM element parent elmWrapperBox = $(settings.templates.wrapper()); elmInputBox.wrapAll(elmWrapperBox); //Wrap all the text area into the div elmWrapperBox elmWrapperBox = elmInputWrapper.find('> div.mentions-input-box'); //Obtains the div elmWrapperBox that now contains the text area elmInputBox.attr('data-mentions-input', 'true'); //Sets the attribute data-mentions-input to true -> Defines if the text area is already configured elmInputBox.bind('keydown', onInputBoxKeyDown); //Bind the keydown event to the text area elmInputBox.bind('keypress', onInputBoxKeyPress); //Bind the keypress event to the text area elmInputBox.bind('click', onInputBoxClick); //Bind the click event to the text area elmInputBox.bind('blur', onInputBoxBlur); //Bind the blur event to the text area if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8") > -1) { elmInputBox.bind('propertychange', onInputBoxInput); //IE8 won't fire the input event, so let's bind to the propertychange } else { elmInputBox.bind('input', onInputBoxInput); //Bind the input event to the text area } // Elastic textareas, grow automatically if( settings.elastic ) { elmInputBox.elastic(); } } //Initializes the autocomplete list, append to elmWrapperBox and delegate the mousedown event to li elements function initAutocomplete() { elmAutocompleteList = $(settings.templates.autocompleteList()); //Get the HTML code for the list elmAutocompleteList.appendTo(elmWrapperBox); //Append to elmWrapperBox element elmAutocompleteList.delegate('li', 'mousedown', onAutoCompleteItemClick); //Delegate the event } //Initializes the mentions' overlay function initMentionsOverlay() { elmMentionsOverlay = $(settings.templates.mentionsOverlay()); //Get the HTML code of the mentions' overlay elmMentionsOverlay.prependTo(elmWrapperBox); //Insert into elmWrapperBox the mentions overlay } //Updates the values of the main variables function updateValues() { var syntaxMessage = getInputBoxValue(); //Get the actual value of the text area _.each(mentionsCollection, function (mention) { var textSyntax = settings.templates.mentionItemSyntax(mention); syntaxMessage = syntaxMessage.replace(new RegExp(utils.regexpEncode(mention.value), 'g'), textSyntax); }); var mentionText = utils.htmlEncode(syntaxMessage); //Encode the syntaxMessage _.each(mentionsCollection, function (mention) { var formattedMention = _.extend({}, mention, {value: utils.htmlEncode(mention.value)}); var textSyntax = settings.templates.mentionItemSyntax(formattedMention); var textHighlight = settings.templates.mentionItemHighlight(formattedMention); mentionText = mentionText.replace(new RegExp(utils.regexpEncode(textSyntax), 'g'), textHighlight); }); mentionText = mentionText.replace(/\n/g, '
    '); //Replace the escape character for
    mentionText = mentionText.replace(/ {2}/g, '  '); //Replace the 2 preceding token to   elmInputBox.data('messageText', syntaxMessage); //Save the messageText to elmInputBox elmInputBox.trigger('updated'); elmMentionsOverlay.find('div').html(mentionText); //Insert into a div of the elmMentionsOverlay the mention text } //Cleans the buffer function resetBuffer() { inputBuffer = []; } //Updates the mentions collection function updateMentionsCollection() { var inputText = getInputBoxValue(); //Get the actual value of text area //Returns the values that doesn't match the condition mentionsCollection = _.reject(mentionsCollection, function (mention, index) { return !mention.value || inputText.indexOf(mention.value) == -1; }); mentionsCollection = _.compact(mentionsCollection); //Delete all the falsy values of the array and return the new array } //Adds mention to mentions collections function addMention(mention) { var currentMessage = getInputBoxValue(); //Get the actual value of the text area // Using a regex to figure out positions var regex = new RegExp("\\" + settings.triggerChar + currentDataQuery, "gi"); regex.exec(currentMessage); //Executes a search for a match in a specified string. Returns a result array, or null var startCaretPosition = regex.lastIndex - currentDataQuery.length - 1; //Set the star caret position var currentCaretPosition = regex.lastIndex; //Set the current caret position var start = currentMessage.substr(0, startCaretPosition); var end = currentMessage.substr(currentCaretPosition, currentMessage.length); var startEndIndex = (start + mention.value).length + 1; // See if there's the same mention in the list if( !_.find(mentionsCollection, function (object) { return object.id == mention.id; }) ) { mentionsCollection.push(mention);//Add the mention to mentionsColletions } // Cleaning before inserting the value, otherwise auto-complete would be triggered with "old" inputbuffer resetBuffer(); currentDataQuery = ''; hideAutoComplete(); // Mentions and syntax message var updatedMessageText = start + mention.value + ' ' + end; elmInputBox.val(updatedMessageText); //Set the value to the txt area elmInputBox.trigger('mention'); updateValues(); // Set correct focus and selection elmInputBox.focus(); utils.setCaratPosition(elmInputBox[0], startEndIndex); } //Gets the actual value of the text area without white spaces from the beginning and end of the value function getInputBoxValue() { return $.trim(elmInputBox.val()); } // This is taken straight from live (as of Sep 2012) GitHub code. The // technique is known around the web. Just google it. Github's is quite // succint though. NOTE: relies on selectionEnd, which as far as IE is concerned, // it'll only work on 9+. Good news is nothing will happen if the browser // doesn't support it. function textareaSelectionPosition($el) { var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k; if (!(i = $el[0])) return; if (!$(i).is("textarea")) return; if (i.selectionEnd == null) return; g = { position: "absolute", overflow: "auto", whiteSpace: "pre-wrap", wordWrap: "break-word", boxSizing: "content-box", top: 0, left: -9999 }, h = ["boxSizing", "fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "fontVariant", "fontWeight", "height", "letterSpacing", "lineHeight", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight", "paddingTop", "textDecoration", "textIndent", "textTransform", "width", "word-spacing"]; for (j = 0, k = h.length; j < k; j++) e = h[j], g[e] = $(i).css(e); return c = document.createElement("div"), $(c).css(g), $(i).after(c), b = document.createTextNode(i.value.substring(0, i.selectionEnd)), a = document.createTextNode(i.value.substring(i.selectionEnd)), d = document.createElement("span"), d.innerHTML = " ", c.appendChild(b), c.appendChild(d), c.appendChild(a), c.scrollTop = i.scrollTop, f = $(d).position(), $(c).remove(), f } //Scrolls back to the input after autocomplete if the window has scrolled past the input function scrollToInput() { var elmDistanceFromTop = $(elmInputBox).offset().top; //input offset var bodyDistanceFromTop = $('body').offset().top; //body offset var distanceScrolled = $(window).scrollTop(); //distance scrolled if (distanceScrolled > elmDistanceFromTop) { //subtracts body distance to handle fixed headers $(window).scrollTop(elmDistanceFromTop - bodyDistanceFromTop); } } //Takes the click event when the user select a item of the dropdown function onAutoCompleteItemClick(e) { var elmTarget = $(this); //Get the item selected var mention = autocompleteItemCollection[elmTarget.attr('data-uid')]; //Obtains the mention addMention(mention); scrollToInput(); return false; } //Takes the click event on text area function onInputBoxClick(e) { resetBuffer(); } //Takes the blur event on text area function onInputBoxBlur(e) { hideAutoComplete(); } //Takes the input event when users write or delete something function onInputBoxInput(e) { updateValues(); updateMentionsCollection(); var triggerCharIndex = _.lastIndexOf(inputBuffer, settings.triggerChar); //Returns the last match of the triggerChar in the inputBuffer if (triggerCharIndex > -1) { //If the triggerChar is present in the inputBuffer array currentDataQuery = inputBuffer.slice(triggerCharIndex + 1).join(''); //Gets the currentDataQuery currentDataQuery = utils.rtrim(currentDataQuery); //Deletes the whitespaces _.defer(_.bind(doSearch, this, currentDataQuery)); //Invoking the function doSearch ( Bind the function to this) } } //Takes the keypress event function onInputBoxKeyPress(e) { if(e.keyCode !== KEY.BACKSPACE) { //If the key pressed is not the backspace var typedValue = String.fromCharCode(e.which || e.keyCode); //Takes the string that represent this CharCode inputBuffer.push(typedValue); //Push the value pressed into inputBuffer } } //Takes the keydown event function onInputBoxKeyDown(e) { // This also matches HOME/END on OSX which is CMD+LEFT, CMD+RIGHT if (e.keyCode === KEY.LEFT || e.keyCode === KEY.RIGHT || e.keyCode === KEY.HOME || e.keyCode === KEY.END) { // Defer execution to ensure carat pos has changed after HOME/END keys then call the resetBuffer function _.defer(resetBuffer); // IE9 doesn't fire the oninput event when backspace or delete is pressed. This causes the highlighting // to stay on the screen whenever backspace is pressed after a highlighed word. This is simply a hack // to force updateValues() to fire when backspace/delete is pressed in IE9. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 9") > -1) { _.defer(updateValues); //Call the updateValues function } return; } //If the key pressed was the backspace if (e.keyCode === KEY.BACKSPACE) { inputBuffer = inputBuffer.slice(0, -1 + inputBuffer.length); // Can't use splice, not available in IE return; } //If the elmAutocompleteList is hidden if (!elmAutocompleteList.is(':visible')) { return true; } switch (e.keyCode) { case KEY.UP: //If the key pressed was UP or DOWN case KEY.DOWN: var elmCurrentAutoCompleteItem = null; if (e.keyCode === KEY.DOWN) { //If the key pressed was DOWN if (elmActiveAutoCompleteItem && elmActiveAutoCompleteItem.length) { //If elmActiveAutoCompleteItem exits elmCurrentAutoCompleteItem = elmActiveAutoCompleteItem.next(); //Gets the next li element in the list } else { elmCurrentAutoCompleteItem = elmAutocompleteList.find('li').first(); //Gets the first li element found } } else { elmCurrentAutoCompleteItem = $(elmActiveAutoCompleteItem).prev(); //The key pressed was UP and gets the previous li element } if (elmCurrentAutoCompleteItem.length) { selectAutoCompleteItem(elmCurrentAutoCompleteItem); } return false; case KEY.RETURN: //If the key pressed was RETURN or TAB case KEY.TAB: if (elmActiveAutoCompleteItem && elmActiveAutoCompleteItem.length) { //If the elmActiveAutoCompleteItem exists elmActiveAutoCompleteItem.trigger('mousedown'); //Calls the mousedown event return false; } break; } return true; } //Hides the autoomplete function hideAutoComplete() { elmActiveAutoCompleteItem = null; elmAutocompleteList.empty().hide(); } //Selects the item in the autocomplete list function selectAutoCompleteItem(elmItem) { elmItem.addClass(settings.classes.autoCompleteItemActive); //Add the class active to item elmItem.siblings().removeClass(settings.classes.autoCompleteItemActive); //Gets all li elements in autocomplete list and remove the class active elmActiveAutoCompleteItem = elmItem; //Sets the item to elmActiveAutoCompleteItem } //Populates dropdown function populateDropdown(query, results) { elmAutocompleteList.show(); //Shows the autocomplete list if(!settings.allowRepeat) { // Filter items that has already been mentioned var mentionValues = _.pluck(mentionsCollection, 'value'); results = _.reject(results, function (item) { return _.include(mentionValues, item.name); }); } if (!results.length) { //If there are not elements hide the autocomplete list hideAutoComplete(); return; } elmAutocompleteList.empty(); //Remove all li elements in autocomplete list var elmDropDownList = $("