# Nixenvironment Nixenvironment installs, updates and manages inner NIX environment stuff to make build and deploy for NIX projects, etc. ## Installation $ [sudo] gem install nixenvironment ## Usage COMMANDS: build # Build project for selected configuration and make signed/resigned ipa clean # Remove temp files and clean all targets for xcode project clean_working_copy # Make working copy clean code_coverage # Generate xctest unit tests code coverage report code_duplication_report # Generate code duplication report deploy # Deploy built artifacts to given server help # Display global or [command] help documentation svn_tag_from_jenkins # Make tag by finding the first credential in local credential storage tag # Make SVN/git/mercurial tag, SCM_USERNAME and SCM_PASSWORD must be defined on calling this target test # Build xctest unit tests and run them in simulator update # Install or update ninbas and other environment stuff GLOBAL OPTIONS: -h, --help Display help documentation -v, --version Display version information -t, --trace Display backtrace when an error occurs # Options to override default Config --project_to_build VALUE --project_target_to_build VALUE --project_target_to_test VALUE --workspace_to_build VALUE --workspace_scheme_to_build VALUE --workspace_scheme_to_test VALUE --sdk VALUE --sdk_for_tests VALUE --exclude_pattern_for_code_coverage VALUE --exclude_pattern_for_code_duplication VALUE --deploy_host VALUE --deploy_path VALUE --deploy_username VALUE --deploy_password VALUE --icons_path VALUE --xctest_destination_device VALUE --configuration_files_path VALUE --code_coverage_configuration VALUE --code_coverage_output_directory VALUE --env_var_prefix VALUE --infoplist_path VALUE EXAMPLES: nixenvironment -h nixenvironment update # Update all environment stuff from last tags nixenvironment update --ninbas feature/nixenv nixenvironment build # Make Debug build and create .ipa file from last built app product by default nixenvironment build --config Release --ipa resigned_ipa_for_device nixenvironment deploy ... ## TODO: 1. Move project adjuster to this gem. 2. Implement bunch ipa making and deployment. 3. Rewrite XcodeIconTagger/tagIcons.sh and use it in prebuild method. 4. Rewrite README for ninbas!