begin require "elasticsearch" rescue LoadError raise LoadError, 'Gem elasticsearch is required for logging to Elasticsearch. Please add the gem "elasticsearch" to your Gemfile.' end require "date" # Forward all log messages to Elasticsearch. # # Example: # # SemanticLogger.add_appender( # appender: :elasticsearch, # url: 'http://localhost:9200' # ) module SemanticLogger module Appender class Elasticsearch < SemanticLogger::Subscriber attr_accessor :url, :index, :date_pattern, :type, :client, :flush_interval, :timeout_interval, :batch_size, :elasticsearch_args # Create Elasticsearch appender over persistent HTTP(S) # # Parameters: # index: [String] # Prefix of the index to store the logs in Elasticsearch. # The final index appends the date so that indexes are used per day. # I.e. The final index will look like 'semantic_logger-YYYY.MM.DD' # Default: 'semantic_logger' # # date_pattern: [String] # The time format used to generate the full index name. Useful # if you want monthly indexes ('%Y.%m') or weekly ('%Y.%W'). # Default: '%Y.%m.%d' # # type: [String] # Document type to associate with logs when they are written. # Deprecated in Elasticsearch 7.0.0. # Default: 'log' # # level: [:trace | :debug | :info | :warn | :error | :fatal] # Override the log level for this appender. # Default: SemanticLogger.default_level # # formatter: [Object|Proc|Symbol|Hash] # An instance of a class that implements #call, or a Proc to be used to format # the output from this appender # Default: :raw_json (See: #call) # # filter: [Regexp|Proc] # RegExp: Only include log messages where the class name matches the supplied. # regular expression. All other messages will be ignored. # Proc: Only include log messages where the supplied Proc returns true # The Proc must return true or false. # # host: [String] # Name of this host to appear in log messages. # Default: # # application: [String] # Name of this application to appear in log messages. # Default: SemanticLogger.application # # Elasticsearch Parameters: # url: [String] # Fully qualified address to the Elasticsearch service. # Default: 'http://localhost:9200' # # hosts: [String|Hash|Array] # Single host passed as a String or Hash, or multiple hosts # passed as an Array; `host` or `url` keys are also valid. # Note: # :url above is ignored when supplying this option. # # resurrect_after [Float] # After how many seconds a dead connection should be tried again. # # reload_connections [true|false|Integer] # Reload connections after X requests. # Default: false # # randomize_hosts [true|false] # Shuffle connections on initialization and reload. # Default: false # # sniffer_timeout [Integer] # Timeout for reloading connections in seconds. # Default: 1 # # retry_on_failure [true|false|Integer] # Retry X times when request fails before raising and exception. # Default: false # # retry_on_status [Array] # Retry when specific status codes are returned. # # reload_on_failure [true|false] # Reload connections after failure. # Default: false # # request_timeout [Integer] # The request timeout to be passed to transport in options. # # adapter [Symbol] # A specific adapter for Faraday (e.g. `:patron`) # # transport_options [Hash] # Options to be passed to the `Faraday::Connection` constructor. # # transport_class [Constant] # A specific transport class to use, will be initialized by # the client and passed hosts and all arguments. # # transport [Object] # A specific transport instance. # # serializer_class [Constant] # A specific serializer class to use, will be initialized by # the transport and passed the transport instance. # # selector [Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Selector::Base] # An instance of selector strategy derived from `Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Selector::Base`. # # send_get_body_as [String] # Specify the HTTP method to use for GET requests with a body. # Default: 'GET' def initialize(url: "http://localhost:9200", index: "semantic_logger", date_pattern: "%Y.%m.%d", type: "log", level: nil, formatter: nil, filter: nil, application: nil, environment: nil, host: nil, data_stream: false, **elasticsearch_args, &block) @url = url @index = index @date_pattern = date_pattern @type = type @elasticsearch_args = elasticsearch_args.dup @elasticsearch_args[:url] = url if url && !elasticsearch_args[:hosts] @elasticsearch_args[:logger] = logger @data_stream = data_stream super(level: level, formatter: formatter, filter: filter, application: application, environment: environment, host: host, metrics: false, &block) reopen end def reopen @client = end # Log to the index for today def log(log) bulk_payload =, self) write_to_elasticsearch([bulk_index(log), bulk_payload]) true end def batch(logs) messages = [] logs.each do |log| messages << bulk_index(log) <<, self) end write_to_elasticsearch(messages) true end private def write_to_elasticsearch(messages) bulk_result = if @data_stream @client.bulk(index: index, body: messages) else @client.bulk(body: messages) end return unless bulk_result["errors"] failed = bulk_result["items"].reject { |x| x["status"] == 201 } logger.error("ElasticSearch: Write failed. Messages discarded. : #{failed}") end def bulk_index(log) expanded_index_name = log.time.strftime("#{index}-#{date_pattern}") return {"create" => {}} if @data_stream bulk_index = {"index" => {"_index" => expanded_index_name}} bulk_index["index"].merge!({"_type" => type}) if version_supports_type? bulk_index end def default_formatter time_key = @data_stream ? "@timestamp" : :timestamp :iso_8601, time_key: time_key) end def version_supports_type? < end end end end