#ifndef BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_TABLE_H #define BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_TABLE_H /* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2000-2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include "nsTable.h" #include <vector> #include <stdio.h> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> namespace bzs { namespace db { struct blobHeader; struct blob; namespace protocol { namespace tdap { namespace client { /** @cond INTERNAL */ class database; class queryBase; class fields; #define null_str _T("") #pragma warning(disable : 4251) static const int mra_nojoin = 0; static const int mra_first = 0; static const int mra_nextrows = 1; static const int mra_innerjoin = 2; static const int mra_outerjoin = 4; static const int mra_current_block = -1; class multiRecordAlocator { public: virtual ~multiRecordAlocator() {} virtual void init(size_t recordCount, size_t recordLen, int addType, const class table* tb) = 0; virtual unsigned char* allocBlobBlock(size_t size) = 0; virtual unsigned char* ptr(size_t row, int stat) = 0; virtual void setJoinType(int v) = 0; virtual void setInvalidRecord(size_t row, bool v) = 0; virtual void setJoinRowMap( const std::vector<std::vector<int> >* v /*, size_t size*/) = 0; virtual const std::vector<std::vector<int> >* joinRowMap() const = 0; virtual void duplicateRow(int row, int count) = 0; virtual void removeLastMemBlock(int row) = 0; }; class filter; typedef boost::shared_ptr<filter> pq_handle; /** @endcond */ class DLLLIB table : public nstable { static void* __STDCALL DDBA(client::table* tb, uint_td size); friend class recordCache; friend class database; friend class filter; friend class fields; friend struct logic; struct tbimpl* m_impl; class fielddefs* m_fddefs; tabledef** m_tableDef; uchar_td charset() const; bool checkIndex(short index) const; void getKeySpec(keySpec* ks, bool SpecifyKeyNum = false); const bzs::db::blobHeader* getBlobHeader(); unsigned char* setBlobFieldPointer(char* ptr, const ::bzs::db::blobHeader* p, unsigned char* to=NULL); void addSendBlob(const bzs::db::blob* blob); void addBlobEndRow(); void resetSendBlob(); void btrvGetExtend(ushort_td op); void getRecords(ushort_td op); uint_td doGetWriteImageLen(); // orverride void doUpdate(bool ncc = false); // orverride ushort_td doCommitBulkInsert(bool autoCommit = false); // orverride void doAbortBulkInsert(); // orverride void doCreateIndex(bool SpecifyKeyNum = false); // orverride uint_td doRecordCount(bool estimate, bool fromCurrent); // orverride short_td doBtrvErr(HWND hWnd, _TCHAR* retbuf = NULL); // orverride void doFind(ushort_td op, bool notIncCurrent); bool setSeekValueField(int row); void btrvSeekMulti(); bool doSeekMultiAfter(int row); void* doDdba(uint_td size); bool isReadContinue(ushort_td& op); protected: explicit table(nsdatabase* pbe); // Inheritance is impossible virtual ~table(); void* dataBak() const; void* reallocDataBuffer(uint_td v); int dataBufferLen() const; void setBookMarks(int StartId, void* Data, ushort_td Count); uint_td unPack(char* ptr, size_t size); uint_td pack(char* ptr, size_t size); keylen_td writeKeyData(); // orverride keylen_td writeKeyDataTo(uchar_td* to, int keySize); void writeRecordData(){}; void onReadAfter(); // orverride bool onUpdateCheck(eUpdateType type); // orverride int onUpdateBefore() { return 0; }; // orverride void onUpdateAfter(int beforeResult); // orverride bool onDeleteCheck(bool inkey); // orverride int onInsertBefore() { return 0; }; // orverride void onInsertAfter(int beforeResult); // orverride bool isUniqeKey(char_td keynum); // orverride void init(tabledef** def, short filenum, bool regularDir); void* attachBuffer(void* newPtr, bool unpack = false, size_t size = 0); void dettachBuffer(); bool doPrepare(); virtual void doInit(tabledef** def, short filenum, bool regularDir); virtual void onRecordCounting(size_t count, bool& complate){}; virtual void setNoUpdateTimeStamp(bool v){}; public: using nstable::eFindType; inline const tabledef* tableDef() const { return *m_tableDef; }; inline const tabledef** tableDefPtr() const { return const_cast<const tabledef**>(m_tableDef); } inline bool valiableFormatType() const { return (*m_tableDef)->optionFlags.bitA; } inline bool blobFieldUsed() const { return (*m_tableDef)->optionFlags.bitB; } bool logicalToString() const; void setLogicalToString(bool v); void* optionalData() const; void setOptionalData(void* v); bool myDateTimeValueByBtrv() const; int bookMarksCount() const; void moveBookmarksId(long Id); void clearBuffer(); unsigned int getRecordHash(); void smartUpdate(); void setMra(multiRecordAlocator* p); multiRecordAlocator* mra() const; void find(eFindType type = findForword); void findFirst(); void findLast(); void findNext(bool notIncCurrent = true); void findPrev(bool notIncCurrent = true); short statReasonOfFind() const ; eFindType lastFindDirection() const; bookmark_td bookmarkFindCurrent() const; pq_handle setQuery(const queryBase* query, bool serverPrepare=false); pq_handle prepare(const queryBase* query, bool serverPrepare=false) { return setQuery(query, serverPrepare); } void setPrepare(const pq_handle stmt); void setFilter(const _TCHAR* str, ushort_td rejectCount, ushort_td cacheCount, bool autoEscape = true); short fieldNumByName(const _TCHAR* name); unsigned char getFVbyt(short index); short getFVsht(short index); int getFVint(short index); int getFVlng(short index); __int64 getFV64(short index); float getFVflt(short index); double getFVdbl(short index); const char* getFVAstr(short index); void* getFVbin(short index, uint_td& size); unsigned char getFVbyt(const _TCHAR* fieldName); short getFVsht(const _TCHAR* fieldName); int getFVint(const _TCHAR* fieldName); int getFVlng(const _TCHAR* fieldName); __int64 getFV64(const _TCHAR* fieldName); float getFVflt(const _TCHAR* fieldName); double getFVdbl(const _TCHAR* fieldName); const char* getFVAstr(const _TCHAR* fieldName); void* getFVbin(const _TCHAR* fieldName, uint_td& size); void setFV(short index, double data); void setFV(short index, float data); void setFV(short index, unsigned char data); void setFV(short index, short data); void setFVA(short index, const char* data); void setFV(short index, int data); void setFV(short index, const void* data, uint_td size); void setFV(const _TCHAR* fieldName, int data); void setFVA(const _TCHAR* fieldName, const char* data); #ifdef _WIN32 const wchar_t* getFVWstr(const _TCHAR* fieldName); const wchar_t* getFVWstr(short index); void setFVW(short index, const wchar_t* data); void setFVW(const _TCHAR* fieldName, const wchar_t* data); #endif #ifdef _UNICODE inline const wchar_t* getFVstr(short index) { return getFVWstr(index); }; inline const wchar_t* getFVstr(const wchar_t* fieldName) { return getFVWstr(fieldName); }; #else inline const char* getFVstr(short index) { return getFVAstr(index); }; inline const char* getFVstr(const char* fieldName) { return getFVAstr(fieldName); }; #endif inline void setFV(short index, const char* data) { setFVA(index, data); }; inline void setFV(const _TCHAR* fieldName, const char* data) { setFVA(fieldName, data); }; #ifdef _WIN32 inline void setFV(short index, const wchar_t* data) { setFVW(index, data); }; inline void setFV(const _TCHAR* fieldName, const wchar_t* data) { setFVW(fieldName, data); }; #endif void setFV(const _TCHAR* fieldName, double data); void setFV(const _TCHAR* fieldName, float data); void setFV(const _TCHAR* fieldName, unsigned char data); void setFV(const _TCHAR* fieldName, short data); void setFV(const _TCHAR* fieldName, const void* data, uint_td size); void setFV(short index, __int64 data); void setFV(const _TCHAR* fieldName, __int64 data); void* fieldPtr(short index) const; void keyValueDescription(_TCHAR* buf, int bufsize); short getCurProcFieldCount() const; short getCurProcFieldIndex(short index) const; client::fields& fields(); }; #define KEYVALUE_PTR 0 #define KEYVALUE_STR 1 #define KEYVALUE_NEED_COPY 2 #define KEYVALUE_STR_NEED_COPY 3 /** @cond INTERNAL */ struct DLLLIB keyValuePtr { const void* ptr; ushort_td len; short type; keyValuePtr(const void* p, ushort_td l, short typeStr); ~keyValuePtr(); }; /** @endcond */ class DLLLIB queryBase { friend class filter; struct impl* m_impl; protected: const std::vector<std::_tstring>& getSelects() const; const std::vector<std::_tstring>& getWheres() const; const std::vector<std::_tstring>& getSeekKeyValues() const; const std::vector<keyValuePtr>& getSeekValuesPtr() const; public: enum eOptimize { none = 0, joinHasOneOrHasMany = 1, combineCondition = 2 }; queryBase(); queryBase(const queryBase& r); queryBase& operator=(const queryBase& r); virtual ~queryBase(); void reset(); void clearSeekKeyValues(); void clearSelectFields(); void addField(const _TCHAR* name); void addLogic(const _TCHAR* name, const _TCHAR* logic, const _TCHAR* value); void addLogic(const _TCHAR* combine, const _TCHAR* name, const _TCHAR* logic, const _TCHAR* value); void addSeekKeyValue(const _TCHAR* value, bool reset = false); void addSeekKeyValuePtr(const void* value, ushort_td len, short typeStr, bool reset = false); void reserveSeekKeyValueSize(size_t v); void reserveSeekKeyValuePtrSize(size_t v); queryBase& queryString(const _TCHAR* str, bool autoEscape = false); queryBase& reject(int v); queryBase& limit(int v); queryBase& direction(table::eFindType v); queryBase& all(); queryBase& optimize(eOptimize v); queryBase& bookmarkAlso(bool v); queryBase& joinKeySize(int v); queryBase& stopAtLimit(bool v); const _TCHAR* toString() const; table::eFindType getDirection() const; int getReject() const; int getLimit() const; bool isAll() const; int getJoinKeySize() const; eOptimize getOptimize() const; bool isStopAtLimit() const; bool isBookmarkAlso() const; short selectCount() const; const _TCHAR* getSelect(short index) const; short whereTokens() const; const _TCHAR* getWhereToken(short index) const; void setWhereToken(short index, const _TCHAR* v); void reverseAliasName(const _TCHAR* alias, const _TCHAR* src); void release(); // don't virtual static queryBase* create(); }; /** @cond INTERNAL */ inline std::_tstring lexical_cast(__int64 v) { _TCHAR tmp[256]; _i64tot_s(v, tmp, 256, 10); return std::_tstring(tmp); } inline std::_tstring lexical_cast(int v) { _TCHAR tmp[256]; _ltot_s(v, tmp, 256, 10); return std::_tstring(tmp); } inline std::_tstring lexical_cast(short v) { _TCHAR tmp[256]; _ltot_s((int)v, tmp, 256, 10); return std::_tstring(tmp); } inline std::_tstring lexical_cast(char v) { _TCHAR tmp[256]; _ltot_s((int)v, tmp, 256, 10); return std::_tstring(tmp); } inline std::_tstring lexical_cast(double v) { _TCHAR tmp[256]; _stprintf_s(tmp, 256, _T("%.*f"), 15, v); return std::_tstring(tmp); } inline std::_tstring lexical_cast(float v) { _TCHAR tmp[256]; _stprintf_s(tmp, 256, _T("%.*f"), 15, v); return std::_tstring(tmp); } inline std::_tstring lexical_cast(const _TCHAR* v) { if (v) return std::_tstring(v); return std::_tstring(_T("")); } class qlogic { std::_tstring m_name; std::_tstring m_value; std::_tstring m_type; combineType m_next; public: template <class T> qlogic(const _TCHAR* name, const _TCHAR* type, T value, combineType next) : m_name(name), m_type(type), m_next(next) { m_value = lexical_cast(value); } }; /** @endcond */ class DLLLIB query : public queryBase { public: query() : queryBase() {} query(const query& r) : queryBase(r) {} virtual ~query() {} query& reset() { queryBase::reset(); return *this; } query& select(const _TCHAR* name, const _TCHAR* name1 = NULL, const _TCHAR* name2 = NULL, const _TCHAR* name3 = NULL, const _TCHAR* name4 = NULL, const _TCHAR* name5 = NULL, const _TCHAR* name6 = NULL, const _TCHAR* name7 = NULL, const _TCHAR* name8 = NULL, const _TCHAR* name9 = NULL, const _TCHAR* name10 = NULL) { if (_tcscmp(name, _T("*")) == 0) { clearSelectFields(); return *this; } addField(name); if (name1) addField(name1); if (name2) addField(name2); if (name3) addField(name3); if (name4) addField(name4); if (name5) addField(name5); if (name6) addField(name6); if (name7) addField(name7); if (name8) addField(name8); if (name9) addField(name9); if (name10) addField(name10); return *this; } template <class T> query& where(const _TCHAR* name, const _TCHAR* qlogic, T value) { addLogic(name, qlogic, lexical_cast(value).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T> query& and_(const _TCHAR* name, const _TCHAR* qlogic, T value) { if (whereTokens() == 0) THROW_BZS_ERROR_WITH_CODEMSG(STATUS_FILTERSTRING_ERROR, _T("Invalid function call.")); addLogic(_T("and"), name, qlogic, lexical_cast(value).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T> query& or_(const _TCHAR* name, const _TCHAR* qlogic, T value) { if (whereTokens() == 0) THROW_BZS_ERROR_WITH_CODEMSG(STATUS_FILTERSTRING_ERROR, _T("Invalid function call.")); addLogic(_T("or"), name, qlogic, lexical_cast(value).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6, class T7> query& in(const T0 kv0, const T1 kv1, const T2 kv2, const T3 kv3, const T4 kv4, const T5 kv5, const T6 kv6, const T7 kv7) { addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv0).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv1).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv2).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv3).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv4).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv5).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv6).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv7).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6> query& in(const T0 kv0, const T1 kv1, const T2 kv2, const T3 kv3, const T4 kv4, const T5 kv5, const T6 kv6) { addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv0).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv1).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv2).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv3).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv4).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv5).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv6).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5> query& in(const T0 kv0, const T1 kv1, const T2 kv2, const T3 kv3, const T4 kv4, const T5 kv5) { addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv0).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv1).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv2).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv3).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv4).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv5).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4> query& in(const T0 kv0, const T1 kv1, const T2 kv2, const T3 kv3, const T4 kv4) { addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv0).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv1).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv2).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv3).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv4).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3> query& in(const T0 kv0, const T1 kv1, const T2 kv2, const T3 kv3) { addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv0).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv1).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv2).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv3).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T0, class T1, class T2> query& in(const T0 kv0, const T1 kv1, const T2 kv2) { addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv0).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv1).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv2).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T0, class T1> query& in(const T0 kv0, const T1 kv1) { addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv0).c_str()); addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv1).c_str()); return *this; } template <class T0> query& in(const T0 kv0) { addSeekKeyValue(lexical_cast(kv0).c_str()); return *this; } static query* create(); // implemet int activeTable.cpp }; /** @cond INTERNAL */ int DLLLIB makeSupplyValues(/*in out*/const _TCHAR* values[], int size, const _TCHAR* value, const _TCHAR* value1 = NULL, const _TCHAR* value2 = NULL, const _TCHAR* value3 = NULL, const _TCHAR* value4 = NULL, const _TCHAR* value5 = NULL, const _TCHAR* value6 = NULL, const _TCHAR* value7 = NULL, const _TCHAR* value8 = NULL, const _TCHAR* value9 = NULL, const _TCHAR* value10 = NULL); /** @endcond */ bool DLLLIB supplyValues(pq_handle& filter, const _TCHAR* values[], int size); bool DLLLIB supplyValue(pq_handle& filter, int index, const _TCHAR* v); bool DLLLIB supplyValue(pq_handle& filter, int index, short v); bool DLLLIB supplyValue(pq_handle& filter, int index, int v); bool DLLLIB supplyValue(pq_handle& filter, int index, __int64 v); bool DLLLIB supplyValue(pq_handle& filter, int index, float v); bool DLLLIB supplyValue(pq_handle& filter, int index, double v); //bool DLLLIB supplyInValues(pq_handle& filter, const _TCHAR* values[], size_t size, int segments); #pragma warning(default : 4251) } // namespace client } // namespace tdap } // namespace protocol } // namespace db } // namespace bzs #endif // BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_TABLE_H