Install correct version!


Parallels Virtualization SDK Programmer's Guide.PDF

Error -> Import not found
Solution -> Download SDK ->

dlopen(/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/prlsdkapi/, 2): no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/prlsdkapi/ mach-o, but wrong architecture

Error -> Wrong architecture
Solution -> right python version
patrick@falcon-pdb:ruby-1.9.2-p136@veewee ~/dev/veewee/lib/veewee/provider/parallels/box (parallels) $ export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes
patrick@falcon-pdb:ruby-1.9.2-p136@veewee ~/dev/veewee/lib/veewee/provider/parallels/box (parallels) $ export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_64_BIT=no
patrick@falcon-pdb:ruby-1.9.2-p136@veewee ~/dev/veewee/lib/veewee/provider/parallels/box (parallels) $ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 13, in <module>
        File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/prlsdkapi/", line 555, in wait
            sdk_check_result(self.get_ret_code(), err_obj)
              File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/prlsdkapi/", line 67, in sdk_check_result
                  raise PrlSDKError, (result, conv_error(result), err_obj)
                  prlsdkapi.PrlSDKError: SDK error: 0x80000249: Unable to connect to Parallels Service. Make sure that the prl_disp_service process is active and it is not blocked by F
                  irewall. If the problem persists, contact the Parallels support team for assistance.

sudo launchctl start com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon  
sudo launchctl list | grep com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon
Creating a basic application - python

prlctl version 7.0.15052.710728

Usage: prlctl ACTION <ID | NAME> [OPTIONS] [-l user[[:passwd]@server[:port]]
Supported actions are:
  capture <ID | NAME> --file <name>
  clone <ID | NAME> --name <NEW_NAME> [--template]] [--dst path] [--changesid] [--linked] [--detach-external-hdd <yes|no>]
  convert <PATH> [--dst <path>] [--force]
  create <NAME> {--ostemplate <name> | --distribution <name|list>} [--dst <path>] [--changesid] [--no-hdd]
  delete <ID | NAME>
  enter <ID | NAME>
  exec <ID | NAME> <command> [arg ...]
  list [-a,--all] [-t,--template] [--vmtype ct|vm|all] [-o,--output name[,name...]] [-s,--sort name]
  list -i,--info [-f,--full] [<ID | NAME>]
  pause <ID | NAME>
  register <PATH>
  reset <ID | NAME>
  resume <ID | NAME>
  start <ID | NAME>
  change-sid <ID | NAME>
  stop <ID | NAME> [--kill | --noforce]
  snapshot <ID | NAME> [-n,--name <name>] [-d,--description <desc>]
  snapshot-delete <ID | NAME> -i,--id <snapid>
  snapshot-list <ID | NAME> [-t,--tree] [-i,--id <snapid>]
  snapshot-switch <ID | NAME> -i,--id <snapid>
  suspend <ID | NAME>
  unregister <ID | NAME>
  reset-uptime <ID | NAME>
  encrypt <ID | NAME> [--dry-run]
  decrypt <ID | NAME> [--dry-run]
  change-passwd <ID | NAME>
  problem-report <ID | NAME> [--send [--proxy [user[:password]@proxyhost[:port]]] [--no-proxy] [--name <your name>] [--email <your E-mail>] [--description <problem description>]]
  set <ID | NAME> [--cpus <N>] [--memsize <N>] [--videosize <n>]
    [--memquota <auto|min:max[:priority[:maxballoon]]] [--mem-hotplug <on|off>]
    [--description <desc>] [--autostart <on|off|auto>] [--autostart-delay <n>]
    [--autostop <stop|suspend>] [--applyconfig <conf>] [--name <name>]
    [--start-as-user <administrator|owner|user:passwd>]
    [--vnc-mode <auto | manual | off>] [--vnc-port <port>] [--vnc-passwd <passwd>]
    [--cpu-hotplug <on|off>]
    [--userpasswd <user:passwd>]
    [--usedefanswers <on | off>]
    [--sync-host-printers <on | off>] [--sync-default-printer <on | off>]
    [Device management options] [Shared folder options]
Device management options are:
	--device-connect <name>
	--device-disconnect <name>
	--device-del <name>
	--device-set <name> <Set options>
		[Set options] [--enable|--disable] [--connect|--disconnect]
	--device-add <hdd | cdrom | net | fdd | serial | parallel | sound | usb>
		[Device options] [--enable|--disable] [--connect|--disconnect]
	--device-add hdd [--image <image>]
		[--type <expand | plain>] [--size <n>] [--split]
		[--iface <ide|scsi|sata>] [--position <n>]
	--device-add hdd --device <real_name>
		[--iface <ide|scsi|sata>] [--passthr] [--position <n>]
	--device-add cdrom {--device <name> | --image <image>}
		[--iface <ide|scsi|sata>] [--passthr] [--position <n>]
	--device-add net --type <shared | bridged | host-only>
		[--mac <addr|auto>]
		[--ipadd <addr[/mask]> | --ipdel <addr[/mask]> |
		--dhcp <yes|no> | --dhcp6 <yes|no>] [--gw <gw>] [--gw6 <gw>]
		[--nameserver <addr>] [--searchdomain <addr>] [--configure <yes|no>]
		[--ipfilter <yes|no>] [--macfilter <yes|no>]
		[--preventpromisc <yes|no>]
		[--adapter-type <e1000|rtl>]
	--device-add fdd [--device <real_name>]
	--device-add fdd --image <image> [--recreate]
	--device-add serial {--device <name> | --output <file> |--socket <name>}
	--device-add parallel {--device <name> | --output <file}
	--device-add sound --output <name> --input <name>
	--device-bootorder <name1 name2 ...>
Shared folder options are:
	--shf-host <on | off>
	--shf-host-add <name> --path <path> [--mode <ro|rw>]
		[--shf-description <txt>] [--enable|--disable]
	--shf-host-del <name>
	--shf-host-set <name> [--mode <ro|rw>] [--path <path>]
		[--shf-description <txt>] [--enable|--disable]