= Acts as Markup by Brian Landau of Viget Labs GitHub Project: http://github.com/vigetlabs/acts_as_markup RDoc: http://viget.rubyforge.org/acts_as_markup == DESCRIPTION: Allows you to specify columns of an ActiveRecord model that contain Markdown, Textile, Wiki text and RDoc. You may then use +to_s+ to get the original markup text or +to_html+ to get the formated HTML. Additionally you can have a model that contains a column that has a column with markup text, and another that defines what language to process it as. If the field is listed as "markdown" "textile", "wikitext" or "rdoc" (case insensitive) it will treat it as such, any other value for markup language will have the value pass through as a normal string. This AR extension can use 3 different types of Markdown processing backends: BlueCloth, RDiscount, Ruby PEG or Maruku. You specify which one you want to use by setting a config value in your environment.rb file: ActsAsMarkup.markdown_library = :bluecloth By default RDiscount will be used. == EXAMPLES: ==== Using +acts_as_markdown+: class Post < ActiveRecrod acts_as_markdown :body end @post = Post.find(:first) @post.body.to_s #=> "## Markdown Headline" @post.body.to_html #=> "

Markdown Headline

" ==== Using +acts_as_textile+: class Post < ActiveRecrod acts_as_textile :body end @post = Post.find(:first) @post.body.to_s #=> "h2. Textile Headline" @post.body.to_html #=> "

Textile Headline

" ==== Using +acts_as_wikitext+: class Post < ActiveRecrod acts_as_wikitext :body end @post = Post.find(:first) @post.body.to_s #=> "== Wikitext Headline ==" @post.body.to_html #=> "

Wikitext Headline

" ==== Using +acts_as_rdoc+: class Post < ActiveRecrod acts_as_rdoc :body end @post = Post.find(:first) @post.body.to_s #=> "== RDoc Headline" @post.body.to_html #=> "

RDoc Headline

" ==== Using +acts_as_markup+: class Post < ActiveRecrod acts_as_markup :language => :markdown, :columns => [:body] end @post = Post.find(:first) @post.body.to_s #=> "## Markdown Headline" @post.body.to_html #=> "

Markdown Headline

" ==== Using +acts_as_markup+ with :variable language: class Post < ActiveRecrod acts_as_markup :language => :variable, :columns => [:body] end @post = Post.find(:first) @post.markup_language # => "markdown" @post.body.to_s # => "## Markdown Headline" @post.body.to_html # => "

Markdown Headline

" == REQUIREMENTS: You will need the RedCloth[http://whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/redcloth/] library for processing the Textile text, and the Wikitext[http://wikitext.rubyforge.org/] library for processing wikitext. You will also need to install some type of Markdown processor. The three options currently supported are: * BlueCloth * RDiscount[http://github.com/rtomayko/rdiscount] * {Ruby PEG}[http://github.com/rtomayko/rpeg-markdown/tree/master] * Maruku[http://maruku.rubyforge.org/] == INSTALL: sudo gem install acts_as_markup Add "+acts_as_markup+" to your environment.rb: config.gem "acts_as_markup" == CONTRIBUTING: Make a fork on GitHub, make your changes and do a pull request. Good places to start are adding new Markdown libraries or new markup languages, here's instructions for both: === Instructions for how to add a new Markdown Library: 1. Add another item to the ActsAsMarkup::MARKDOWN_LIBS hash in the form of: :bluecloth => {:class_name => "BlueCloth", :lib_name => "bluecloth"} :lib_name should be the name needed to require the library, while :class_name should be the class that we are making an instance of. 2. If you need to modify the object in anyway (e.g. to add a to_s or to_html method), add a file to the "lib/acts_as_markup/exts/" directory. 3. Add appropriate tests (see current tests). === Instructions for how to add a new Markup Language: 1. Add a "when" statement to the "case" statement in acts_as_markup. The "when" statement should match with a symbol that represents the language name in some way (e.g. ":markdown"). 2. In the "when" block you need to set the "klass" local variable and require the library and the extension file if you need one (use the special require_extensions method to require extensions). 3. Add the same lines you added to the previous "when" statement to the ":variable" "when" statement. But replace "klass" with "language_klass" (e.g. "markdown_klass"). 4. Add a relevant "when" statement to the class_eval block for the ":variable" language option. This should look something like: when /markdown/i @#{col.to_s} = #{markdown_klass}.new(self['#{col.to_s}'].to_s) 5. Add a convenience method (e.g. "acts_as_markdown") 6. Add an extension file to the "lib/acts_as_markup/exts/" directory if you need to modify the object in anyway. 7. Add appropriate tests (see current tests).