require 'dpl/error' require 'dpl/version' require 'fileutils' module DPL class Provider include FileUtils # map of DPL provider class name constants to their corresponding # file names. There is no simple rule to map them automatically # (camel-cases, snake-cases, call-caps, etc.), so we need an explicit # map. PROVIDERS = { 'Anynines' => 'anynines', 'Appfog' => 'appfog', 'Atlas' => 'atlas', 'AzureWebApps' => 'azure_webapps', 'Bintray' => 'bintray', 'BitBalloon' => 'bitballoon', 'BluemixCloudFoundry' => 'bluemix_cloud_foundry', 'Boxfuse' => 'boxfuse', 'Catalyze' => 'catalyze', 'ChefSupermarket' => 'chef_supermarket', 'Cloud66' => 'cloud66', 'CloudFiles' => 'cloud_files', 'CloudFoundry' => 'cloud_foundry', 'CodeDeploy' => 'code_deploy', 'Deis' => 'deis', 'Divshot' => 'divshot', 'ElasticBeanstalk' => 'elastic_beanstalk', 'EngineYard' => 'engine_yard', 'Firebase' => 'firebase', 'GAE' => 'gae', 'GCS' => 'gcs', 'Hackage' => 'hackage', 'Heroku' => 'heroku', 'Lambda' => 'lambda', 'Launchpad' => 'launchpad', 'Modulus' => 'modulus', 'Nodejitsu' => 'nodejitsu', 'NPM' => 'npm', 'Openshift' => 'openshift', 'OpsWorks' => 'ops_works', 'Packagecloud' => 'packagecloud', 'Pages' => 'pages', 'PuppetForge' => 'puppet_forge', 'PyPI' => 'pypi', 'Releases' => 'releases', 'RubyGems' => 'rubygems', 'S3' => 's3', 'Scalingo' => 'scalingo', 'Script' => 'script', 'Surge' => 'surge', 'TestFairy' => 'testfairy', 'Transifex' => 'transifex', } def, options) return super if self < Provider # when requiring the file corresponding to the provider name # given in the options, the general strategy is to normalize # the option to lower-case alphanumeric, then # use that key to find the file name using the PROVIDERS map. context.fold("Installing deploy dependencies") do begin opt_lower = super.option(:provider).to_s.downcase opt = opt_lower.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/, '') name = PROVIDERS.keys.detect { |p| p.to_s.downcase == opt } raise Error, "could not find provider %p" % opt unless name require "dpl/provider/#{PROVIDERS[name]}" provider = const_get(name).new(context, options) rescue NameError, LoadError => e if /uninitialized constant DPL::Provider::(?<provider_wanted>\S+)/ =~ e.message || provider_gem_name = PROVIDERS[provider_wanted] elsif %r(cannot load such file -- dpl/provider/(?<provider_file_name>\S+)) =~ e.message provider_gem_name = name else # don't know what to do with this error raise e end install_cmd = "gem install dpl-#{PROVIDERS[provider_gem_name] || opt} -v #{ENV['DPL_VERSION'] || DPL::VERSION}" if File.exist?(local_gem = File.join(Dir.pwd, "dpl-#{PROVIDERS[provider_gem_name] || opt_lower}-#{ENV['DPL_VERSION'] || DPL::VERSION}.gem")) install_cmd = "gem install #{local_gem}" end Gem.clear_paths require "dpl/provider/#{PROVIDERS[name]}" provider = const_get(name).new(context, options) rescue DPL::Error if opt_lower provider = const_get(opt.capitalize).new(context, options) else raise Error, 'missing provider' end end if options[:no_deploy] def provider.deploy; end else provider.install_deploy_dependencies if provider.respond_to? :install_deploy_dependencies end provider end end def self.experimental(name) puts "", "!!! #{name} support is experimental !!!", "" end def self.deprecated(*lines) puts '' lines.each do |line| puts "\e[31;1m#{line}\e[0m" end puts '' end def self.context self end def, options = {}) system(command) end def self.apt_get(name, command = name)"sudo apt-get -qq install #{name}", retry: true) if `which #{command}`.chop.empty? end def self.pip(name, command = name, version = nil) if version puts "pip install --user #{name}==#{version}""pip uninstall --user -y #{name}") unless `which #{command}`.chop.empty?"pip install --user #{name}==#{version}", retry: true) else puts "pip install --user #{name}""pip install --user #{name}", retry: true) if `which #{command}`.chop.empty? end"export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin") end def self.npm_g(name, command = name)"npm install -g #{name}", retry: true) if `which #{command}`.chop.empty? end attr_reader :context, :options def initialize(context, options) @context, @options = context, options context.env['GIT_HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = user_agent(git: `git --version`[/[\d\.]+/]) end def user_agent(*strings) strings.unshift "dpl/#{DPL::VERSION}" strings.unshift "travis/0.1.0" if context.env['TRAVIS'] strings = strings.flat_map { |e| Hash === e ? { |k,v| "#{k}/#{v}" } : e } strings.join(" ").gsub(/\s+/, " ").strip end def option(name, *alternatives) options.fetch(name) do alternatives.any? ? option(*alternatives) : raise(Error, "missing #{name}") end end def deploy setup_git_credentials rm_rf ".dpl" mkdir_p ".dpl" context.fold("Preparing deploy") do check_auth check_app if needs_key? create_key(".dpl/id_rsa") setup_key(".dpl/") setup_git_ssh(".dpl/git-ssh", ".dpl/id_rsa") end cleanup end context.fold("Deploying application") { push_app } Array(options[:run]).each do |command| if command == 'restart' context.fold("Restarting application") { restart } else context.fold("Running %p" % command) { run(command) } end end ensure if needs_key? remove_key rescue nil end uncleanup end def sha @sha ||= context.env['TRAVIS_COMMIT'] || `git rev-parse HEAD`.strip end def commit_msg @commit_msg ||= %x{git log #{sha} -n 1 --pretty=%B}.strip end def cleanup return if options[:skip_cleanup] "mv .dpl ~/dpl" log "Cleaning up git repository with `git stash --all`. " \ "If you need build artifacts for deployment, set `deploy.skip_cleanup: true`. " \ "See" "git stash --all" "mv ~/dpl .dpl" end def uncleanup return if options[:skip_cleanup] "git stash pop" end def needs_key? true end def check_app end def create_key(file) "ssh-keygen -t rsa -N \"\" -C #{option(:key_name)} -f #{file}" end def setup_git_credentials "git config >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config `whoami`@localhost" "git config >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || git config `whoami`@localhost" end def setup_git_ssh(path, key_path) key_path = File.expand_path(key_path) path = File.expand_path(path), 'w') do |file| file.write "#!/bin/sh\n" file.write "exec ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i #{key_path} -- \"$@\"\n" end chmod(0740, path) context.env['GIT_SSH'] = path end def detect_encoding? options[:detect_encoding] end def default_text_charset? options[:default_text_charset] end def default_text_charset options[:default_text_charset].downcase end def install_deploy_dependencies end def encoding_for(path) file_cmd_output = `file '#{path}'` case file_cmd_output when /gzip compressed/ 'gzip' when /compress'd/ 'compress' when /text/ 'text' when /data/ # Shrugs? end end def log(message) $stderr.puts(message) end def warn(message) log "\e[31;1m#{message}\e[0m" end def run(command) error "running commands not supported" end def error(message) raise Error, message end end end