#encoding: utf-8 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../spec_helpers') describe BuildrIzPack::IzPackTask do def writeJavaMain(filename) Buildr::write(filename, "public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) {}}") end def define_project(project_name='foo') myPath = "src/main/java/Main.java" writeJavaMain(myPath) @project = define(project_name, :version => "") do x = path_to(:sources, :main, :java)+'/**/*.java' package(:jar) package(:izpack).include(package(:jar)) end end def writeSimpleInstaller(filename) content = %( demo app 7.6.5 Our demo app. ) puts "writeSimpleInstaller wrote #{File.expand_path(filename)}" Buildr::write(filename, content) end it "must add correctly a single file" do @project = define('nofile', :version => "1.0.2") do pack = BuildrIzPack::Pack.new('myPackName', 'myPack description') myInstXml = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'singleFileInstaller.xml') pack.addFile(myInstXml) xm = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>File.open(myInstXml, 'w+'), :indent => 2) xm.instruct! xm.installation('version'=>'1.0') { xm.tag!('info') { xm.appversion(project.version); xm.appname(project.name) } xm.guiprefs('width' => '400', 'height' => '400', 'resizable' => 'no') xm.panels { |x| xm.panel('classname' => 'InstallPanel') } xm.locale { |x| xm.langpack('iso3'=>'eng') } xm.packs { pack.emitIzPackXML(xm) } } xm.target!().close package(:izpack).input = myInstXml package(:izpack) end @project.package(:izpack).invoke @instPath = File.join(@project.path_to(:target, :main), "#{@project.name}-#{@project.version}.izpack.jar") inhalt = IO.readlines(File.join(Dir.pwd, 'singleFileInstaller.xml')).join('') File.exists?(@instPath).should be_true (inhalt.index('') > 0).should be_true (inhalt.index('myPack description') > 0).should be_true (inhalt.index('singleFileInstaller.xml" target="$INSTALL_PATH/plugins/singleFileInstaller.xml"/>') > 0).should be_true end it "should generate an installer jar" do define_project @project.package(:izpack).invoke @path = @project.package(:jar).to_s File.exists?(@path).should be_true @path.to_s.should include(".jar") Zip::ZipFile.open(@path) do |zip| zip.find_entry("Main.class").should_not be_nil zip.find_entry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF").should_not be_nil end File.exists?(@path).should be_true @instPath = File.join(@project.path_to(:target, :main), "#{@project.name}-#{@project.version}.izpack.jar") File.exists?(@instPath).should be_true end it "should use the provided install.xml" do define_project('withXml') xmlPath = File.join(@project.path_to(:target), "install.xml") writeSimpleInstaller(xmlPath) @project.package(:izpack).input = xmlPath @project.package(:izpack).invoke @instPath = File.join(@project.path_to(:target, :main), "#{@project.name}-#{@project.version}.izpack.jar") File.exists?(@instPath).should be_true end it "must include at least one file" do @project = define('nofile', :version => "1.0.2") do package(:izpack) end lambda { project("nofile").package(:izpack).invoke }.should raise_error(/You must include at least one file to create an izPack installer/) end it "should be possible to add several files to several packs" do define_project('severalPacks') @project.package(:izpack).locales = ['eng', 'fra', 'deu'] Buildr.write(@project.path_to(:target)+"/1_5.txt", "This is file 1_5.txt") Buildr.write(@project.path_to(:target)+"/3_7.txt", "This is file 3_7.txt") s = '' xm = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>s) xm.packs { xm.pack('name' => 'pack_3', 'required' => 'yes') { xm.description("Niklaus ist am Testen") xm.file('src'=> @project.path_to(:target)+"/1_5.txt", 'targetdir' =>'1/5') xm.file('src'=> @project.path_to(:target)+"/3_7.txt", 'targetdir' =>'3/7') } } @project.package(:izpack).packs = s s = '' xm = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>s) xm.native('type'=>'izpack', 'name'=>'ShellLink.dll') @project.package(:izpack).native = s @project.package(:izpack).invoke File.exists?(@project.package(:izpack).input).should be_true content = IO.readlines(@project.package(:izpack).input) content.join.should match('pack_3') content.join.should match('1_5.txt') content.join.should match('3/7') content.join.should match('