require 'spec_helper' require 'adhearsion/voip/asterisk/config_manager' module ConfigurationManagerTestHelper def mock_config_manager mock_config_manager_for sample_standard_config end def mock_config_manager_for(config_string) new_config_manager_with("bogus filename").tap do |manager| flexmock(File).should_receive(:open).and_return config_string end end def new_config_manager_with(filename) end def sample_standard_config <<-CONFIG [jicksta] foo=bar qaz=qwerty baz=zxcvb [picard] type=friend insecure=very host=dynamic secret=blargh CONFIG end end describe "The configuration file parser behavior" do include ConfigurationManagerTestHelper it "should expose a sections array" do manager = mock_config_manager == ["jicksta", "picard"] end it "should ignore comments" do context_names = %w(monkey data) tested_key_name, tested_key_value_before_comment = "bar", "baz" manager = mock_config_manager_for <<-CONFIG [monkey] #{tested_key_name}=#{tested_key_value_before_comment};thiscommentshouldnotbehere asdf=fdsa ;[data] ;ignored=asdf CONFIG == [context_names.first] manager[context_names.first].size.should be 2 manager[context_names.first][tested_key_name].should == tested_key_value_before_comment end it "should match context names with dashes and underscores" do context_names = %w"foo-bar qaz_b-a-z" definition_string = <<-CONFIG [#{context_names.first}] platypus=no zebra=no crappyconfig=yes [#{context_names.last}] callerid="Jay Phillips" <133> CONFIG mock_config_manager_for(definition_string) == context_names end it "should strip whitespace around keys and values" do section_name = "hey-there-hot-momma" tested_key_name, tested_key_value_before_comment = "bar", "i heart white space. SIKE!" config_manager = mock_config_manager_for <<-CONFIG \t[#{section_name}] thereis = a lot of whitespace after these #{tested_key_name} = \t\t\t #{tested_key_value_before_comment} CONFIG config_manager[section_name][tested_key_name].should == tested_key_value_before_comment end it "should return a Hash of properties when searching for an existing section" do result = mock_config_manager["jicksta"] result.should be_a_kind_of Hash result.size.should be 3 end it "should return nil when searching for a non-existant section" do mock_config_manager["i-so-dont-exist-dude"].should be nil end end describe "The configuration file writer" do include ConfigurationManagerTestHelper attr_reader :config_manager before(:each) do @config_manager = mock_config_manager end it "should remove an old section when replacing it" do config_manager.delete_section "picard" == ["jicksta"] end it "should add a new section to the end" do section_name = "wittynamehere" config_manager.new_section(section_name, :type => "friend", :witty => "yes", :shaken => "yes", :stirred => "no") new_section = config_manager.sections.last new_section.first.should be section_name new_section.last.size.should be 4 end end describe "The configuration file generator" do end