# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe "Proposals", type: :feature do include_context "feature" let(:manifest_name) { "proposals" } let!(:category) { create :category, participatory_process: participatory_process } let!(:scope) { create :scope, organization: organization } let!(:user) { create :user, :confirmed, organization: organization } let(:address) { "Carrer Pare Llaurador 113, baixos, 08224 Terrassa" } let(:latitude) { 40.1234 } let(:longitude) { 2.1234 } before do Geocoder::Lookup::Test.add_stub( address, [{ "latitude" => latitude, "longitude" => longitude }] ) end context "creating a new proposal" do context "when the user is logged in" do before do login_as user, scope: :user end context "with creation enabled" do let!(:feature) do create(:proposal_feature, :with_creation_enabled, manifest: manifest, participatory_process: participatory_process) end context "when process is not related to any scope" do before do participatory_process.update_attributes(scope: nil) end it "can be related to a scope" do visit_feature click_link "New proposal" within "form.new_proposal" do expect(page).to have_content(/Scope/i) end end end context "when process is related to any scope" do before do participatory_process.update_attributes(scope: scope) end it "cannot be related to a scope" do visit_feature click_link "New proposal" within "form.new_proposal" do expect(page).not_to have_content("Scope") end end end it "creates a new proposal" do visit_feature click_link "New proposal" within ".new_proposal" do fill_in :proposal_title, with: "Oriol for president" fill_in :proposal_body, with: "He will solve everything" select category.name["en"], from: :proposal_category_id select scope.name, from: :proposal_scope_id find("*[type=submit]").click end expect(page).to have_content("successfully") expect(page).to have_content("Oriol for president") expect(page).to have_content("He will solve everything") expect(page).to have_content(category.name["en"]) expect(page).to have_content(scope.name) expect(page).to have_content(user.name) end context "when geocoding is enabled", :serves_map do let!(:feature) do create(:proposal_feature, :with_creation_enabled, :with_geocoding_enabled, manifest: manifest, participatory_process: participatory_process) end it "creates a new proposal" do visit_feature click_link "New proposal" within ".new_proposal" do fill_in :proposal_title, with: "Oriol for president" fill_in :proposal_body, with: "He will solve everything" check :proposal_has_address fill_in :proposal_address, with: address select category.name["en"], from: :proposal_category_id select scope.name, from: :proposal_scope_id find("*[type=submit]").click end expect(page).to have_content("successfully") expect(page).to have_content("Oriol for president") expect(page).to have_content("He will solve everything") expect(page).to have_content(address) expect(page).to have_content(category.name["en"]) expect(page).to have_content(scope.name) expect(page).to have_content(user.name) end end context "when the user has verified organizations" do let(:user_group) { create(:user_group, :verified) } before do create(:user_group_membership, user: user, user_group: user_group) end it "creates a new proposal as a user group" do visit_feature click_link "New proposal" within ".new_proposal" do fill_in :proposal_title, with: "Oriol for president" fill_in :proposal_body, with: "He will solve everything" select category.name["en"], from: :proposal_category_id select scope.name, from: :proposal_scope_id select user_group.name, from: :proposal_user_group_id find("*[type=submit]").click end expect(page).to have_content("successfully") expect(page).to have_content("Oriol for president") expect(page).to have_content("He will solve everything") expect(page).to have_content(category.name["en"]) expect(page).to have_content(scope.name) expect(page).to have_content(user_group.name) end context "when geocoding is enabled", :serves_map do let!(:feature) do create(:proposal_feature, :with_creation_enabled, :with_geocoding_enabled, manifest: manifest, participatory_process: participatory_process) end it "creates a new proposal as a user group" do visit_feature click_link "New proposal" within ".new_proposal" do fill_in :proposal_title, with: "Oriol for president" fill_in :proposal_body, with: "He will solve everything" check :proposal_has_address fill_in :proposal_address, with: address select category.name["en"], from: :proposal_category_id select scope.name, from: :proposal_scope_id select user_group.name, from: :proposal_user_group_id find("*[type=submit]").click end expect(page).to have_content("successfully") expect(page).to have_content("Oriol for president") expect(page).to have_content("He will solve everything") expect(page).to have_content(address) expect(page).to have_content(category.name["en"]) expect(page).to have_content(scope.name) expect(page).to have_content(user_group.name) end end end context "when the user isn't authorized" do before do feature.update_attribute(:permissions, create: { authorization_handler_name: "decidim/dummy_authorization_handler" }) end it "should show a modal dialog" do visit_feature click_link "New proposal" expect(page).to have_content("Authorization required") end end end context "when creation is not enabled" do it "does not show the creation button" do visit_feature expect(page).to have_no_link("New proposal") end end end end context "viewing a single proposal" do let!(:feature) do create(:proposal_feature, manifest: manifest, participatory_process: participatory_process) end let!(:proposals) { create_list(:proposal, 3, feature: feature) } it "allows viewing a single proposal" do proposal = proposals.first visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).to have_content(proposal.title) expect(page).to have_content(proposal.body) expect(page).to have_content(proposal.author.name) expect(page).to have_content(proposal.reference) end context "when process is not related to any scope" do let!(:proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature, scope: scope) } before do participatory_process.update_attributes(scope: nil) end it "can be filtered by scope" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).to have_content(scope.name) end end context "when process is related to a scope" do let!(:proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature, scope: scope) } before do participatory_process.update_attributes(scope: scope) end it "does not show the scope name" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).not_to have_content(scope.name) end end context "when it is an official proposal" do let!(:official_proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature, author: nil) } it "shows the author as official" do visit_feature click_link official_proposal.title expect(page).to have_content("Official proposal") end end context "when a proposal has comments" do let(:proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature) } let(:author) { create(:user, :confirmed, organization: feature.organization) } let!(:comments) { create_list(:comment, 3, commentable: proposal) } it "shows the comments" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title comments.each do |comment| expect(page).to have_content(comment.body) end end end context "when a proposal has been linked in a meeting" do let(:proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature) } let(:meeting_feature) do create(:feature, manifest_name: :meetings, participatory_process: proposal.feature.participatory_process) end let(:meeting) { create(:meeting, feature: meeting_feature) } before do meeting.link_resources([proposal], "proposals_from_meeting") end it "shows related meetings" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).to have_i18n_content(meeting.title) end end context "when a proposal has been linked in a result" do let(:proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature) } let(:result_feature) do create(:feature, manifest_name: :results, participatory_process: proposal.feature.participatory_process) end let(:result) { create(:result, feature: result_feature) } before do result.link_resources([proposal], "included_proposals") end it "shows related results" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).to have_i18n_content(result.title) end end context "when a proposal has been accepted" do let!(:proposal) { create(:proposal, :accepted, feature: feature) } it "shows a badge" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).to have_content("Accepted") expect(page).to have_i18n_content(proposal.answer) end end context "when a proposal has been rejected" do let!(:proposal) { create(:proposal, :rejected, feature: feature) } it "shows the rejection reason" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).to have_content("Rejected") expect(page).to have_i18n_content(proposal.answer) end end context "when a proposal has been accepted" do let!(:proposal) { create(:proposal, :accepted, feature: feature) } it "shows the acceptance reason" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).to have_content("Accepted") expect(page).to have_i18n_content(proposal.answer) end end context "when the proposals'a author account has been deleted" do let(:proposal) { proposals.first } before do Decidim::DestroyAccount.call(proposal.author, Decidim::DeleteAccountForm.from_params({})) end it "the user is displayed as a deleted user" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).to have_content("Deleted user") end end end context "when a proposal has been linked in a project" do let(:feature) do create(:proposal_feature, manifest: manifest, participatory_process: participatory_process) end let(:proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature) } let(:budget_feature) do create(:feature, manifest_name: :budgets, participatory_process: proposal.feature.participatory_process) end let(:project) { create(:project, feature: budget_feature) } before do project.link_resources([proposal], "included_proposals") end it "shows related projects" do visit_feature click_link proposal.title expect(page).to have_i18n_content(project.title) end end context "listing proposals in a participatory process" do shared_examples_for "a random proposal ordering" do let!(:lucky_proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature) } let!(:unlucky_proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature) } it "lists the proposals ordered randomly by default" do visit_feature expect(page).to have_selector("a", text: "Random") expect(page).to have_selector(".card--proposal", count: 2) expect(page).to have_selector(".card--proposal", text: lucky_proposal.title) expect(page).to have_selector(".card--proposal", text: unlucky_proposal.title) end end it "lists all the proposals" do create(:proposal_feature, manifest: manifest, participatory_process: participatory_process) create_list(:proposal, 3, feature: feature) visit_feature expect(page).to have_css(".card--proposal", count: 3) end describe "default ordering" do it_behaves_like "a random proposal ordering" end context "when voting phase is over" do let!(:feature) do create(:proposal_feature, :with_votes_blocked, manifest: manifest, participatory_process: participatory_process) end let!(:most_voted_proposal) do proposal = create(:proposal, feature: feature) create_list(:proposal_vote, 3, proposal: proposal) proposal end let!(:less_voted_proposal) { create(:proposal, feature: feature) } before { visit_feature } it "lists the proposals ordered by votes by default" do expect(page).to have_selector("a", text: "Most voted") expect(page).to have_selector("#proposals .card-grid .column:first-child", text: most_voted_proposal.title) expect(page).to have_selector("#proposals .card-grid .column:last-child", text: less_voted_proposal.title) end it "shows a disabled vote button for each proposal, but no links to full proposals" do expect(page).to have_button("Voting disabled", disabled: true, count: 2) expect(page).to have_no_link("View proposal") end end context "when voting is disabled" do let!(:feature) do create(:proposal_feature, :with_votes_disabled, manifest: manifest, participatory_process: participatory_process) end describe "order" do it_behaves_like "a random proposal ordering" end it "shows only links to full proposals" do create_list(:proposal, 2, feature: feature) visit_feature expect(page).to have_no_button("Voting disabled", disabled: true) expect(page).to have_no_button("Vote") expect(page).to have_link("View proposal", count: 2) end end context "when there are a lot of proposals" do before do create_list(:proposal, Decidim::Paginable::OPTIONS.first + 5, feature: feature) end it "paginates them" do visit_feature expect(page).to have_css(".card--proposal", count: Decidim::Paginable::OPTIONS.first) click_link "Next" expect(page).to have_selector(".pagination .current", text: "2") expect(page).to have_css(".card--proposal", count: 5) end end context "when filtering" do context "when official_proposals setting is enabled" do before do feature.update_attributes(settings: { official_proposals_enabled: true }) end it "can be filtered by origin" do visit_feature within "form.new_filter" do expect(page).to have_content(/Origin/i) end end context "by origin 'official'" do it "lists the filtered proposals" do create_list(:proposal, 2, :official, feature: feature, scope: scope) create(:proposal, feature: feature, scope: scope) visit_feature within ".filters" do choose "Official" end expect(page).to have_css(".card--proposal", count: 2) expect(page).to have_content("2 PROPOSALS") end end context "by origin 'citizenship'" do it "lists the filtered proposals" do create_list(:proposal, 2, feature: feature, scope: scope) create(:proposal, :official, feature: feature, scope: scope) visit_feature within ".filters" do choose "Citizenship" end expect(page).to have_css(".card--proposal", count: 2) expect(page).to have_content("2 PROPOSALS") end end end context "when official_proposals setting is not enabled" do before do feature.update_attributes(settings: { official_proposals_enabled: false }) end it "cannot be filtered by origin" do visit_feature within "form.new_filter" do expect(page).not_to have_content(/Origin/i) end end end context "when scoped_proposals setting is enabled" do before do feature.update_attributes(settings: { scoped_proposals_enabled: true }) end it "cannot be filtered by scope" do visit_feature within "form.new_filter" do expect(page).to have_content(/Scopes/i) end end end context "when process is related to a scope" do before do participatory_process.update_attributes(scope: scope) end it "cannot be filtered by scope" do visit_feature within "form.new_filter" do expect(page).not_to have_content(/Scopes/i) end end end context "when proposal_answering feature setting is enabled" do before do feature.update_attributes(settings: { proposal_answering_enabled: true }) end context "when proposal_answering step setting is enabled" do before do feature.update_attributes( step_settings: { feature.participatory_process.active_step.id => { proposal_answering_enabled: true } } ) end it "can be filtered by state" do visit_feature within "form.new_filter" do expect(page).to have_content(/State/i) end end context "by accepted" do it "lists the filtered proposals" do create(:proposal, :accepted, feature: feature, scope: scope) visit_feature within ".filters" do choose "Accepted" end expect(page).to have_css(".card--proposal", count: 1) expect(page).to have_content("1 PROPOSAL") within ".card--proposal" do expect(page).to have_content("Accepted") end end end context "by rejected" do it "lists the filtered proposals" do create(:proposal, :rejected, feature: feature, scope: scope) visit_feature within ".filters" do choose "Rejected" end expect(page).to have_css(".card--proposal", count: 1) expect(page).to have_content("1 PROPOSAL") within ".card--proposal" do expect(page).to have_content("Rejected") end end end end context "when proposal_answering step setting is disabled" do before do feature.update_attributes( step_settings: { feature.participatory_process.active_step.id => { proposal_answering_enabled: false } } ) end it "cannot be filtered by state" do visit_feature within "form.new_filter" do expect(page).not_to have_content(/State/i) end end end end context "when proposal_answering feature setting is not enabled" do before do feature.update_attributes(settings: { proposal_answering_enabled: false }) end it "cannot be filtered by state" do visit_feature within "form.new_filter" do expect(page).not_to have_content(/State/i) end end end context "when the user is logged in" do before do login_as user, scope: :user end it "can be filtered by category" do create_list(:proposal, 3, feature: feature) create(:proposal, feature: feature, category: category) visit_feature within "form.new_filter" do select category.name[I18n.locale.to_s], from: "filter_category_id" end expect(page).to have_css(".card--proposal", count: 1) end end end context "when ordering" do context "by 'most_voted'" do let!(:feature) do create(:proposal_feature, :with_votes_enabled, manifest: manifest, participatory_process: participatory_process) end it "lists the proposals ordered by votes" do most_voted_proposal = create(:proposal, feature: feature) create_list(:proposal_vote, 3, proposal: most_voted_proposal) less_voted_proposal = create(:proposal, feature: feature) visit_feature within ".order-by" do expect(page).to have_selector("ul[data-dropdown-menu$=dropdown-menu]", text: "Random") page.find("a", text: "Random").click click_link "Most voted" end expect(page).to have_selector("#proposals .card-grid .column:first-child", text: most_voted_proposal.title) expect(page).to have_selector("#proposals .card-grid .column:last-child", text: less_voted_proposal.title) end end context "by 'recent'" do it "lists the proposals ordered by created at" do older_proposal = create(:proposal, feature: feature, created_at: 1.month.ago) recent_proposal = create(:proposal, feature: feature) visit_feature within ".order-by" do expect(page).to have_selector("ul[data-dropdown-menu$=dropdown-menu]", text: "Random") page.find("a", text: "Random").click click_link "Recent" end expect(page).to have_selector("#proposals .card-grid .column:first-child", text: recent_proposal.title) expect(page).to have_selector("#proposals .card-grid .column:last-child", text: older_proposal.title) end end end context "when paginating" do let!(:collection) { create_list :proposal, collection_size, feature: feature } let!(:resource_selector) { ".card--proposal" } it_behaves_like "a paginated resource" end end end