# The keepass file header. # # From the KeePass doc: # # Database header: [DBHDR] # # [ 4 bytes] DWORD dwSignature1 = 0x9AA2D903 # [ 4 bytes] DWORD dwSignature2 = 0xB54BFB65 # [ 4 bytes] DWORD dwFlags # [ 4 bytes] DWORD dwVersion { Ve.Ve.Mj.Mj:Mn.Mn.Bl.Bl } # [16 bytes] BYTE{16} aMasterSeed # [16 bytes] BYTE{16} aEncryptionIV # [ 4 bytes] DWORD dwGroups Number of groups in database # [ 4 bytes] DWORD dwEntries Number of entries in database # [32 bytes] BYTE{32} aContentsHash SHA-256 hash value of the plain contents # [32 bytes] BYTE{32} aMasterSeed2 Used for the dwKeyEncRounds AES # master key transformations # [ 4 bytes] DWORD dwKeyEncRounds See above; number of transformations # # Notes: # # - dwFlags is a bitmap, which can include: # * PWM_FLAG_SHA2 (1) for SHA-2. # * PWM_FLAG_RIJNDAEL (2) for AES (Rijndael). # * PWM_FLAG_ARCFOUR (4) for ARC4. # * PWM_FLAG_TWOFISH (8) for Twofish. # - aMasterSeed is a salt that gets hashed with the transformed user master key # to form the final database data encryption/decryption key. # * FinalKey = SHA-256(aMasterSeed, TransformedUserMasterKey) # - aEncryptionIV is the initialization vector used by AES/Twofish for # encrypting/decrypting the database data. # - aContentsHash: "plain contents" refers to the database file, minus the # database header, decrypted by FinalKey. # * PlainContents = Decrypt_with_FinalKey(DatabaseFile - DatabaseHeader) module SetecAstronomy module KeePass class Header ENCRYPTION_FLAGS = [ [1 , 'SHA2' ], [2 , 'Rijndael'], [2 , 'AES' ], [4 , 'ArcFour' ], [8 , 'TwoFish' ] ] attr_reader :encryption_iv attr_reader :ngroups, :nentries def initialize(header_bytes) @signature1 = header_bytes[0..4].unpack('L*').first @signature2 = header_bytes[4..8].unpack('L*').first @flags = header_bytes[8..12].unpack('L*').first @version = header_bytes[12..16].unpack('L*').first @master_seed = header_bytes[16...32] @encryption_iv = header_bytes[32...48] @ngroups = header_bytes[48..52].unpack('L*').first @nentries = header_bytes[52..56].unpack('L*').first @contents_hash = header_bytes[56..88] @master_seed2 = header_bytes[88...120] @rounds = header_bytes[120..-1].unpack('L*').first end def valid? @signature1 == 0x9AA2D903 && @signature2 == 0xB54BFB65 end def encryption_type ENCRYPTION_FLAGS.each do |(flag_mask, encryption_type)| return encryption_type if @flags & flag_mask end 'Unknown' end def final_key(master_key) key = Digest::SHA2.new.update(master_key).digest aes = FastAES.new(@master_seed2) @rounds.times do |i| key = aes.encrypt(key) end key = Digest::SHA2.new.update(key).digest key = Digest::SHA2.new.update(@master_seed + key).digest key end end end end