require 'restclient' require 'nokogiri' require 'tempfile' require 'yaml' module NexusCli class ProRemote < OSSRemote def get_artifact_custom_info(artifact) parse_n3(get_artifact_custom_info_n3(artifact)) end def get_artifact_custom_info_n3(artifact) group_id, artifact_id, version, extension = parse_artifact_string(artifact) file_name = "#{artifact_id}-#{version}.#{extension}.n3" get_string = "content/repositories/#{configuration['repository']}/.meta/#{group_id.gsub(".", "/")}/#{artifact_id.gsub(".", "/")}/#{version}/#{file_name}" begin nexus[get_string].get rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound => e raise ArtifactNotFoundException end end def update_artifact_custom_info(artifact, file, insecure) # Check if artifact exists before posting custom metadata. get_artifact_info(artifact) # Update the custom metadata using the n3 file. group_id, artifact_id, version, extension = parse_artifact_string(artifact) file_name = "#{artifact_id}-#{version}.#{extension}.n3" post_string = "content/repositories/#{configuration['repository']}/.meta/#{group_id.gsub(".", "/")}/#{artifact_id.gsub(".", "/")}/#{version}/#{file_name}" # Read in nexus n3 file. If this is a newly-added artifact, there will be no n3 file so escape the exception. begin nexus_n3 = get_artifact_custom_info_n3(artifact, overrides) rescue ArtifactNotFoundException nexus_n3 = "" end # Read in local n3 file. local_n3 = n3_user_urns = { "head" => "<urn:maven/artifact##{group_id}:#{artifact_id}:#{version}::#{extension}> a <urn:maven#artifact>" } # Get all the urn:nexus/user# keys and consolidate. # First, get the nexus keys. nexus_n3.each_line { |line| if line.match(/urn:nexus\/user#/) tag, value = parse_n3_line(line) n3_user_urns[tag] = "\t<urn:nexus/user##{tag}> \"#{value}\"" unless tag.empty? || value.empty? end } # Next, get the local keys and update the nexus keys. local_n3.each_line { |line| if line.match(/urn:nexus\/user#/) tag, value = parse_n3_line(line) # Delete the nexus key if the local key has no value. if n3_user_urns.has_key?(tag) && value.empty? n3_user_urns.delete(tag) else n3_user_urns[tag] = "\t<urn:nexus/user##{tag}> \"#{value}\"" unless tag.empty? || value.empty? end end } n3_data = n3_user_urns.values.join(" ;\n") + " ." n3_temp ="nexus_n3") begin n3_temp.write(n3_data) n3_temp.rewind Kernel.quietly {`curl -T #{n3_temp.path} #{File.join(configuration['url'], post_string)} -u #{configuration['username']}:#{configuration['password']}`} ensure n3_temp.close n3_temp.unlink end end def search_artifacts(key, type, value) if key.empty? || type.empty? || value.empty? raise SearchParameterMalformedException end begin nexus['service/local/search/m2/freeform'].get ({params: {p: key, t: type, v: value}}) do |response, request, result, &block| raise BadSearchRequestException if response.code == 400 doc = Nokogiri::XML(response.body).xpath("/search-results") return doc.xpath("count")[0].text.to_i > 0 ? doc.to_s : "No search results." end rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound => e raise ArtifactNotFoundException end end private def parse_n3(data) builder = do |xml| xml.send("artifact-resolution") { { data.each_line { |line| tag, value = parse_n3_line(line) xml.send(tag, value) unless tag.empty? || value.empty? } } } end return builder.doc.root.to_s end def parse_n3_line(line) tag = line.match(/#(\w*)>/) ? "#{$1}" : "" value = line.match(/"([^"]*)"/) ? "#{$1}" : "" return tag, value end end end