Given /^I have a Hudson server running$/ do unless @hudson_port port = 3010 begin res = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", port) { |http| http.get('/api/json') } Hudson::Api.base_uri "http://localhost:#{port}" rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise Exception, "To run tests, launch hudson in test mode: 'rake hudson:server:test'" end @hudson_port = port.to_s @hudson_host = 'localhost' end end Given /^the Hudson server has no current jobs$/ do if port = @hudson_port Hudson::Api.summary['jobs'].each do |job| Hudson::Api.delete_job(job['name']) end Hudson::Api.summary['jobs'].should == [] else puts "WARNING: Run 'I have a Hudson server running' step first." end end Given /^the Hudson server has no slaves$/ do if port = @hudson_port Hudson::Api.summary['jobs'].each do |job| Hudson::Api.delete_job(job['name']) end Hudson::Api.summary['jobs'].should == [] Hudson::Api.nodes['computer'].each do |node| name = node['displayName'] Hudson::Api.delete_node(name) unless name == "master" end Hudson::Api.nodes['computer'].size.should == 1 else puts "WARNING: Run 'I have a Hudson server running' step first." end end Given /^there is nothing listening on port (\d+)$/ do |port| lambda {"localhost", port) {} }.should raise_error end Given /^I cleanup any hudson processes with control port (\d+)$/ do |port| @hudson_cleanup << port end def try(times, interval = 1) begin times -= 1 return yield rescue Exception => e if times >= 0 sleep(interval) retry end raise e end end When /^I run hudson server with arguments "(.*)"/ do |arguments| @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out")) executable = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../bin","hudson")) in_project_folder do system "ruby #{executable.inspect} server #{arguments} > #{@stdout.inspect} 2> #{@stdout.inspect}" end end Then /^I should see a hudson server on port (\d+)$/ do |port| require 'json' try(15, 2) do Hudson::Api.base_uri "http://localhost:#{port}" Hudson::Api.summary['nodeDescription'].should == "the master Hudson node" end end When /^I (re|)create a job$/ do |override| override = override.blank? ? "" : " --override" steps <<-CUCUMBER When the project uses "git" scm When I run local executable "hudson" with arguments "create . --host localhost --port 3010#{override}" CUCUMBER end Then /^the job "([^"]*)" config "([^"]*)" should be:$/ do |job_name, xpath, string| raise "Cannot yet fetch XML config from non-localhost Hudson" unless Hudson::Api.base_uri =~ /localhost/ require "hpricot" config = Hpricot.XML("#{test_hudson_path}/jobs/#{job_name}/config.xml")) == string end Then /^the Hudson config "([^"]*)" should be:$/ do |xpath, string| raise "Cannot yet fetch XML config from non-localhost Hudson" unless Hudson::Api.base_uri =~ /localhost/ require "hpricot" config = Hpricot.XML("#{test_hudson_path}/config.xml")) == string end