(mac and args ; returns last arg if all 'args evaluate to non-nil ; nil otherwise (if args (if (cdr args) `(if ,(car args) (and ,@(cdr args))) (car args)) 't)) (def orf args ; evaluates each arg in 'args, returns the ; first non-nil value, or nil if they are ; all nil (cond args (cond (car args) (car args) (apply orf (cdr args))))) (def caris (obj things) ; returns true if 'things is a list and the first item of the ; list is the given object (and (isa 'pair things) (eq? (car things) obj))) (mac unless (arg . body) ; evaluate 'body if 'arg is nil `(if (no ,arg) (do ,@body))) (def expand-colon-syntax (names) (if (no (cdr names)) `(apply ,(car names) args) `(,(car names) ,(expand-colon-syntax (cdr names))))) (def default-colon-syntax (names) `(fn args ,(expand-colon-syntax names))) (assign colon-syntax-overrides (hash)) (mac def-colon-syntax (name var . body) `(hash-set colon-syntax-overrides ',name (fn (,var) ,@body))) (def-colon-syntax || names (error "Irregular ': syntax: got ~(inspect names) : not prefix-syntax : in ~(joinstr ":" names)")) (mac colon-syntax names ; handle syntax of the form a:b, which the parser expands to ; (colon-syntax a b). By default, this complains if colon is used ; as a prefix (ie it disallows ":foo"), otherwise creates a new ; function which is the composition of the functions named in its ; arguments. For example, ; (count:parts spaceship) is the same as (count (parts spaceship)) ((orf (hash-get colon-syntax-overrides (car names)) default-colon-syntax) names)) (mac bang-syntax (pfx . rest) ; handle syntax of the form !x, which the parser expands to ; (bang-syntax || x). By default, this complains if there is ; a non-empty prefix (ie it disallows x!y), otherwise it creates ; a new function which is the negation of the given named function. ; For example, ; (!eq? a 10) is the same as (no:eq? a 10), which is the same as (no (eq? a 10)) (if (no (eq? pfx '||)) (error "Irregular '! syntax: got prefix ~(inspect pfx) in ~(joinstr "!" (cons pfx rest))")) (if (cdr rest) (error "Irregular '! syntax: got suffix ~(inspect (cdr rest)) in ~(joinstr "!" (cons pfx rest))") (if (caris 'colon-syntax (car rest)) `(colon-syntax no ,@(cdar rest)) `(colon-syntax no ,(car rest))))) (mac when (condition . body) `(cond ,condition (do ,@body))) (def pairs (things) (if (no things) nil (no (cdr things)) (list (list (car things))) (cons (list (car things) (cadr things)) (pairs (cddr things))))) (mac with (parms . body) `((fn ,(map car (pairs parms)) ,@body) ,@(map cadr (pairs parms)))) (mac let (var val . body) `(with (,var ,val) ,@body)) (mac rfn (name parms . body) ; creates a named, locally-scoped function ; with the given parameter names. It is possible ; to reference the function by its name from within ; the function (to pass as an argument or for ; recursive invocation) `(let ,name nil (assign ,name (fn ,parms ,@body)))) (mac afn (parms . body) ; same as 'rfn, but using the name 'self `(rfn self ,parms ,@body)) (mac rfnwith (name params . body) ; a mix of rfn and with; creates a locally-scoped named function with ; the given parameter names, and invokes it with the given parameter ; values. It is possible to reference the function by its name from ; within the function (to pass as an argument or for recursive ; invocation) (let ppairs (pairs params) `(let ,name nil (assign ,name (fn ,(map car ppairs) ,@body)) (,name ,@(map cadr ppairs))))) (let uniq-counter 0 (def uniq (prefix) (sym (joinstr "-" (list prefix (assign uniq-counter (+ uniq-counter 1)))))) (def reset-uniq-counter () (assign uniq-counter 0))) (mac w/uniq (vars . body) ; creates a lexical scope with a unique symbol assigned to ; each variable in 'vars ; executes the 'body. (if (pair? vars) `(with ,(apply + (map (fn (n) (list n '(uniq ',n))) vars)) ,@body) `(let ,vars (uniq ',vars) ,@body))) (mac or args ; lazy-evaluates each argument, returns the first ; non-nil result, or nil if all evaluate to nil. (cond args (w/uniq ora `(let ,ora ,(car args) (cond ,ora ,ora (or ,@(cdr args))))))) (mac pop (xs) (w/uniq gp `(let ,gp (car ,xs) (assign ,xs (cdr ,xs)) ,gp))) (def build-keyword-args (pairs) (map (fn (ab) `(list (quote ,(car ab)) ,@(cdr ab))) pairs)) (def build-hash-get-key (name) (if (pair? name) (if (caris 'unquote name) (cadr name) name) (list 'quote name))) (def build-hash-getters (names acc) ;; (build-hash-getters '(a b c)) => (hash-get (hash-get a 'b) 'c) (if (no acc) (build-hash-getters (cdr names) (car names)) names (build-hash-getters (cdr names) `(hash-get ,acc ,(build-hash-get-key (car names)))) acc)) (def build-hash-lookup-from (root names) (build-hash-getters (cons root names) nil)) (mac hash-lookup (names) (build-hash-getters names nil)) (mac dot-syntax names `(hash-lookup ,names)) (mac dollar-syntax (_ name) `(,name)) (def dot-syntax-assignment (names value-expr) (let rnames (rev names) `(hash-set ,(build-hash-getters (rev (cdr rnames)) nil) ,(build-hash-get-key:car rnames) ,value-expr))) (def hash-get-assignment (lookup value) `(hash-set ,@lookup ,value)) (mac = (name value) (if (isa 'symbol name) `(assign ,name ,value) (caris 'dot-syntax name) (dot-syntax-assignment (cdr name) value) (caris 'hash-get name) (hash-get-assignment (cdr name) value))) (mac def-assign args `(= ,@args)) (def brace-list-hash-key (k) (if (isa 'symbol k) `(quote ,k) (caris 'unquote k) (cadr k) k)) (def brace-list-build-hash (args) (w/uniq hash (let mappings (pairs args) `(let ,hash (hash) ,@(map (fn (m) `(hash-set ,hash ,(brace-list-hash-key (car m)) ,(cadr m))) mappings) ,hash)))) (def build-ampersand-syntax (arg) (if (caris 'dot-syntax arg) `(fn (obj) ,(build-hash-lookup-from 'obj (cdr arg))) `(fn (obj) ,(build-hash-lookup-from 'obj (list arg))))) (mac ampersand-syntax (pfx . rest) (if (no (eq? pfx '||)) (error "Irregular '& syntax: got prefix ~(inspect pfx) in ~(joinstr "&" (cons pfx rest))")) (if (cdr rest) (error "Irregular '& syntax: got suffix ~(inspect (cdr rest)) in ~(joinstr "&" (cons pfx rest))") (build-ampersand-syntax (car rest)))) (mac brace-list-mono (arg) arg) (mac brace-list-empty () '(hash)) (mac brace-list args (if (no args) `(brace-list-empty) (no (cdr args)) `(brace-list-mono ,(car args)) (brace-list-build-hash args))) (mac returnlet (var val . body) ; stores ,val in ,var, executes ,@body, returns ,var `(let ,var ,val ,@body ,var)) (mac returning (val . body) ; stores ,val, executes ,@body, and returns ,val. (w/uniq retval `(returnlet ,retval ,val ,@body)))