var Proverb = require('./proverb'); describe('Proverb Test Suite', function() { it('tests a single consequence', function() { var proverb = new Proverb('nail', 'shoe'); expect(proverb.toString()).toEqual( "For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n" + "And all for the want of a nail."); }); it('tests a short chain of consequences', function() { var proverb = new Proverb('nail', 'shoe', 'horse'); expect(proverb.toString()).toEqual( "For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n" + "For want of a shoe the horse was lost.\n" + "And all for the want of a nail."); }); it('tests a longer chain of consequences', function() { var proverb = new Proverb('nail', 'shoe', 'horse', 'rider'); expect(proverb.toString()).toEqual( "For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n" + "For want of a shoe the horse was lost.\n" + "For want of a horse the rider was lost.\n" + "And all for the want of a nail."); }); it('tests Proverb class does not hard code the rhyme dictionary', function() { var proverb = new Proverb('key', 'value'); expect(proverb.toString()).toEqual( "For want of a key the value was lost.\n" + "And all for the want of a key."); }); it('tests the whole proveb', function() { var proverb = new Proverb('nail', 'shoe', 'horse', 'rider', 'message', 'battle', 'kingdom'); expect(proverb.toString()).toEqual( "For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n" + "For want of a shoe the horse was lost.\n" + "For want of a horse the rider was lost.\n" + "For want of a rider the message was lost.\n" + "For want of a message the battle was lost.\n" + "For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.\n" + "And all for the want of a nail."); }); it('tests the use of an optional qualifier in the final consequence', function() { var proverb = new Proverb('nail', 'shoe', 'horse', 'rider', 'message', 'battle', 'kingdom', { qualifier: 'horseshoe' }); expect(proverb.toString()).toEqual( "For want of a nail the shoe was lost.\n" + "For want of a shoe the horse was lost.\n" + "For want of a horse the rider was lost.\n" + "For want of a rider the message was lost.\n" + "For want of a message the battle was lost.\n" + "For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.\n" + "And all for the want of a horseshoe nail."); }); it('tests the proverb is the same each time', function(){ var proverb = new Proverb('nail', 'shoe'); expect(proverb.toString()).toEqual(proverb.toString()); }); });