Feature: Feature modeling Feature models are the top level element of the gherkin portion of the model tree. They expose several attributes of the feature that they represent, as well as containing models for any background, scenarios, or outlines that are present in that feature. Background: Given the following gherkin: """ @tag_1 @tag_2 Feature: Feature Foo Some feature description. Some more. And some more. Background: The background * some setup step Scenario: Scenario 1 * a step Scenario Outline: Outline 1 * a step Examples: | param | | value | Scenario: Scenario 2 * a step Scenario Outline: Outline 2 * a step Examples: | param | | value | """ And a feature model based on that gherkin """ @model = CukeModeler::Feature.new() """ Scenario: Modeling a feature's keyword When the feature's keyword is requested """ @model.keyword """ Then the model returns "Feature" Scenario: Modeling a feature's name When the feature's name is requested """ @model.name """ Then the model returns "Feature Foo" Scenario: Modeling a feature's description When the feature's description is requested """ @model.description """ Then the model returns """ Some feature description. Some more. And some more. """ Scenario: Modeling a feature's background When the feature's background is requested """ @model.background """ Then the model returns a model for the background "The background" Scenario: Modeling a feature's scenarios When the feature's scenarios are requested """ @model.scenarios """ Then the model returns models for the following scenarios: | Scenario 1 | | Scenario 2 | Scenario: Modeling a feature's outlines When the feature's outlines are requested """ @model.outlines """ Then the model returns models for the following outlines: | Outline 1 | | Outline 2 | Scenario: Modeling a feature's tags Note: Although a feature does not inherit tags from anything else, they can still be requested in the same manner as other models that have tags. When the feature's tags are requested """ @model.tags """ Then the model returns models for the following tags: | @tag_1 | | @tag_2 | Scenario: Modeling a feature's source line When the feature's source line is requested """ @model.source_line """ Then the model returns "2"