require 'spec_helper' class Contact attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :addresses, :id end describe SchemaTools::Hash do context 'from_schema' do let(:contact){} before :each do contact.first_name = 'Peter' contact.last_name = 'Paul' = 'SomeID' end after :each do SchemaTools::Reader.registry_reset end it 'should return hash' do hash = SchemaTools::Hash.from_schema(contact) hash['contact']['last_name'].should == 'Paul' end it 'should use custom schema path' do custom_path = File.expand_path('../../fixtures', __FILE__) hash = SchemaTools::Hash.from_schema(contact, path: custom_path) hash['contact']['last_name'].should == 'Paul' end it 'should use custom schema' do hash = SchemaTools::Hash.from_schema(contact, class_name: :contact) hash['contact']['last_name'].should == 'Paul' end it 'should use only give fields' do hash = SchemaTools::Hash.from_schema(contact, fields: ['id', 'last_name']) hash['contact'].keys.length.should == 2 hash['contact']['last_name'].should == contact.last_name hash['contact']['id'].should == hash['contact']['first_name'].should be_nil end end context 'with nested object values' do class Client attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :addresses, :id end class Address attr_accessor :city, :zip end let(:client){} it 'should have empty nested array values' do hash = SchemaTools::Hash.from_schema(client) hash['client']['addresses'].should == [] end it 'should have nested array values' do a1 = = 'Cologne' = 50733 client.addresses = [a1] hash = SchemaTools::Hash.from_schema(client) hash['client']['addresses'].should == [{"address"=>{"city"=>"Cologne", "zip"=>50733}}] end end context 'with plain nested values' do class Lead < Contact attr_accessor :links_clicked, :conversion end class Conversion attr_accessor :from, :to end let(:lead){} before :each do lead.links_clicked = ['2012-12-12', '2012-12-15', '2012-12-16'] conversion = conversion.from = 'whatever' = 'whatever' lead.conversion = conversion @hash = SchemaTools::Hash.from_schema(lead) end after :each do SchemaTools::Reader.registry_reset end it 'should create array with values' do @hash['lead']['links_clicked'].should == lead.links_clicked end it 'should create object with values' do @hash['lead']['conversion']['from'].should == lead.conversion.from @hash['lead']['conversion']['to'].should == end end end