module Test module Unit module ExceptionHandler @@exception_handlers = [] class << self def exception_handlers @@exception_handlers end def included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) observer = do |test_case, _, _, value, method_name| if value @@exception_handlers.unshift(method_name) else @@exception_handlers.delete(method_name) end end base.register_attribute_observer(:exception_handler, &observer) end end module ClassMethods def exception_handlers ExceptionHandler.exception_handlers end # @overload exception_handler(method_name) # Add an exception handler method. # # @param method_name [Symbol] # The method name that handles exception raised in tests. # @return [void] # # @overload exception_handler(&callback) # Add an exception handler. # # @yield [test, exception] # Gives the test and the exception. # @yieldparam test [Test::Unit::TestCase] # The test where the exception is raised. # @yieldparam exception [Exception] # The exception that is raised in running the test. # @yieldreturn [Boolean] # Whether the handler handles the exception or not. # The handler must return _true_ if the handler handles # test exception, _false_ otherwise. # @return [void] # # This is a public API for developers who extend test-unit. def exception_handler(*method_name_or_handlers, &block) if block_given? exception_handlers.unshift(block) else method_name_or_handlers.each do |method_name_or_handler| if method_name_or_handler.respond_to?(:call) handler = method_name_or_handler exception_handlers.unshift(handler) else method_name = method_name_or_handler attribute(:exception_handler, true, {}, method_name) end end end end def unregister_exception_handler(*method_name_or_handlers) method_name_or_handlers.each do |method_name_or_handler| if method_name_or_handler.respond_to?(:call) handler = method_name_or_handler exception_handlers.delete(handler) else method_name = method_name_or_handler attribute(:exception_handler, false, {}, method_name) end end end end end end end