#!/usr/bin/env rake require 'asciidoctor' require 'asciidoctor/doctest' require 'colorize' require 'tilt' CONVERTER_FILE = 'lib/asciidoctor-revealjs/converter.rb' JS_FILE = 'build/asciidoctor-reveal.js' DIST_FILE = 'dist/main.js' TEMPLATES_DIR = 'templates' file CONVERTER_FILE => FileList["#{TEMPLATES_DIR}/*"] do build_converter :fast end namespace :build do desc 'Compile Slim templates and generate converter.rb' task :converter => 'clean' do # NOTE: using mode :fast by default due to a bug in ruby-beautify under Ruby 2.5 # https://github.com/erniebrodeur/ruby-beautify/issues/45 build_converter :fast end desc 'Compile Slim templates and generate converter.rb for Opal' task 'converter:opal' => 'clean' do build_converter :opal end desc "Transcompile to JavaScript and generate #{JS_FILE}" task :js => 'converter:opal' do require 'opal' builder = Opal::Builder.new(compiler_options: { dynamic_require_severity: :error, }) builder.append_paths 'lib' builder.build 'asciidoctor-revealjs' mkdir_p [File.dirname(JS_FILE), File.dirname(DIST_FILE)] File.open(JS_FILE, 'w') do |file| template = File.read('src/asciidoctor-revealjs.tmpl.js') file << template.sub('//OPAL-GENERATED-CODE//', builder.to_s) end File.binwrite "#{JS_FILE}.map", builder.source_map cp JS_FILE, DIST_FILE, :verbose => true end end task :build => 'build:converter' task :clean do rm_rf CONVERTER_FILE end def build_converter(mode = :pretty) #require 'asciidoctor-templates-compiler' require_relative 'lib/asciidoctor-templates-compiler' require 'slim-htag' generator = if mode == :opal Temple::Generators::ArrayBuffer.new(freeze_static: false) else Temple::Generators::StringBuffer end File.open(CONVERTER_FILE, 'w') do |file| puts "Generating #{file.path} (mode: #{mode})." Asciidoctor::TemplatesCompiler::RevealjsSlim.compile_converter( templates_dir: TEMPLATES_DIR, class_name: 'Asciidoctor::Revealjs::Converter', register_for: ['revealjs'], backend_info: { basebackend: 'html', outfilesuffix: '.html', filetype: 'html', }, delegate_backend: 'html5', engine_opts: { generator: generator, }, pretty: (mode == :pretty), output: file ) end end DocTest::RakeTasks.new do |t| t.output_examples :html, path: 'test/doctest' t.input_examples :asciidoc, path: [ *DocTest.examples_path, 'examples' ] t.converter = DocTest::HTML::Converter t.converter_opts = { backend_name: 'revealjs' } end task 'prepare-converter' do # Run as an external process to ensure that it will not affect tests # environment with extra loaded modules (especially slim). `bundle exec rake #{CONVERTER_FILE}` require_relative 'lib/asciidoctor-revealjs' end namespace :examples do desc 'Converts all the test slides into fully working examples that you can look in a browser' # converted slides will be put in examples/ directory task :convert do require 'slim-htag' Dir.glob('examples/*.adoc') do |_file| print "Converting file #{_file}... " out = Asciidoctor.convert_file _file, :safe => 'safe', :backend => 'revealjs', :base_dir => 'examples', :template_dir => 'templates' if out.instance_of? Asciidoctor::Document puts "✔️".green else puts "✖️".red end end end task :serve do puts "View rendered examples at:" puts "Exit with Ctrl-C" Dir.chdir('examples') do `ruby -run -e httpd . -p 5000 -b` end end end task 'doctest:test' => 'prepare-converter' task 'doctest:generate' => 'prepare-converter' # When no task specified, run test. task :default => :doctest