describe("GOVUK.GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTracker", function() { function addGoogleAnalyticsSpy() { = function() {}; spyOn(window, 'ga'); } var universal; var setupArguments; beforeEach(function() { addGoogleAnalyticsSpy(); universal = new GOVUK.GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTracker('id', { cookieDomain: '', siteSpeedSampleRate: 100 }); }); it('can load the libraries needed to run universal Google Analytics', function() { delete; $('[src=""]').remove(); GOVUK.GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTracker.load(); expect($('script[async][src=""]').length).toBe(1); expect(typeof'function');'send message'); expect([0]).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object)); }); describe('when created', function() { beforeEach(function() { setupArguments =; }); it('configures a Google tracker using the provided profile ID and config', function() { expect(setupArguments[0]).toEqual(['create', 'id', {cookieDomain: '', siteSpeedSampleRate: 100}]); }); it('anonymises the IP', function() { expect(setupArguments[1]).toEqual(['set', 'anonymizeIp', true]); }); }); describe('when created (with legacy non-object syntax)', function() { beforeEach(function() { addGoogleAnalyticsSpy(); universal = new GOVUK.GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTracker('id', ''); setupArguments =; }); it('configures a Google tracker using the provided profile ID and cookie domain', function() { expect(setupArguments[0]).toEqual(['create', 'id', {cookieDomain: ''}]); }); }); describe('when pageviews are tracked', function() { it('sends them to Google Analytics', function() { universal.trackPageview(); expect(['send', 'pageview']); }); it('can track a virtual pageview', function() { universal.trackPageview('/nicholas-page'); expect(['send', 'pageview', {page: '/nicholas-page'}]); }); it('can track a virtual pageview with a custom title', function() { universal.trackPageview('/nicholas-page', 'Nicholas Page'); expect(['send', 'pageview', {page: '/nicholas-page', title: 'Nicholas Page'}]); }); it('can set the transport method on a pageview', function() { universal.trackPageview('/t', 'T', {transport: 'beacon'}); expect(['send', 'pageview', {page: '/t', title: 'T', transport: 'beacon'}]); }); }); describe('when events are tracked', function() { function eventObjectFromSpy() { return[1]; } it('sends them to Google Analytics', function() { universal.trackEvent('category', 'action', {label: 'label'}); expect( ['send', {hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'category', eventAction: 'action', eventLabel: 'label'}] ); }); it('the label is optional', function() { universal.trackEvent('category', 'action'); expect( ['send', {hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'category', eventAction: 'action'}] ); }); it('only sends values if they are parseable as numbers', function() { universal.trackEvent('category', 'action', {label: 'label', value: '10'}); expect(eventObjectFromSpy()['eventValue']).toEqual(10); universal.trackEvent('category', 'action', {label: 'label', value: 10}); expect(eventObjectFromSpy()['eventValue']).toEqual(10); universal.trackEvent('category', 'action', {label: 'label', value: 'not a number'}); expect(eventObjectFromSpy()['eventValue']).toEqual(undefined); }); it('can mark an event as non interactive', function() { universal.trackEvent('category', 'action', {label: 'label', value: 0, nonInteraction: true}); expect( ['send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'category', eventAction: 'action', eventLabel: 'label', eventValue: 0, nonInteraction: 1 }] ); }); it('sends the page if supplied', function() { universal.trackEvent('category', 'action', {page: '/path/to/page'}); expect( ['send', {hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'category', eventAction: 'action', page: '/path/to/page'}] ); }); it('can set the transport method on an event', function() { universal.trackEvent('category', 'action', {transport: 'beacon'}); expect( ['send', {hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'category', eventAction: 'action', transport: 'beacon'}] ); }); }); describe('when social events are tracked', function() { it('sends them to Google Analytics', function() { universal.trackSocial('network', 'action', 'target'); expect(['send', { 'hitType': 'social', 'socialNetwork': 'network', 'socialAction': 'action', 'socialTarget': 'target' }]); }); }); describe('when setting a custom dimension', function() { it('sends the dimension to Google Analytics with the specified index and value', function() { universal.setDimension(1, 'value'); expect(['set', 'dimension1', 'value']); }); it('coerces the value to a string', function() { universal.setDimension(1, 10); expect(['set', 'dimension1', '10']); }); }); });