require 'puppet/face' require 'puppet/parser' Puppet::Face.define(:parser, '0.0.1') do copyright "Puppet Inc.", 2014 license _("Apache 2 license; see COPYING") summary _("Interact directly with the parser.") action :validate do summary _("Validate the syntax of one or more Puppet manifests.") arguments _("[] [ ...]") returns _("Nothing, or the first syntax error encountered.") description <<-'EOT' This action validates Puppet DSL syntax without compiling a catalog or syncing any resources. If no manifest files are provided, it will validate the default site manifest. When validating multiple issues per file are reported up to the settings of max_error, and max_warnings. The processing stops after having reported issues for the first encountered file with errors. EOT examples <<-'EOT' Validate the default site manifest at /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp: $ puppet parser validate Validate two arbitrary manifest files: $ puppet parser validate init.pp vhost.pp Validate from STDIN: $ cat init.pp | puppet parser validate EOT when_invoked do |*args| args.pop files = args if files.empty? if not STDIN.tty? Puppet[:code] = validate_manifest else manifest = Puppet.lookup(:current_environment).manifest files << manifest Puppet.notice _("No manifest specified. Validating the default manifest %{manifest}") % { manifest: manifest } end end missing_files = [] files.each do |file| if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file) validate_manifest(file) else missing_files << file end end unless missing_files.empty? raise Puppet::Error, _("One or more file(s) specified did not exist:\n%{files}") % { files: missing_files.collect {|f| " " * 3 + f + "\n"} } end nil end end action (:dump) do summary _("Outputs a dump of the internal parse tree for debugging") arguments "-e " + _("| [ ...] ") returns _("A dump of the resulting AST model unless there are syntax or validation errors.") description <<-'EOT' This action parses and validates the Puppet DSL syntax without compiling a catalog or syncing any resources. The command accepts one or more manifests (.pp) files, or an -e followed by the puppet source text. If no arguments are given, the stdin is read (unless it is attached to a terminal) The output format of the dumped tree is intended for debugging purposes and is not API, it may change from time to time. EOT option "--e " + _("") do default_to { nil } summary _("dump one source expression given on the command line.") end option("--[no-]validate") do summary _("Whether or not to validate the parsed result, if no-validate only syntax errors are reported") end when_invoked do |*args| require 'puppet/pops' options = args.pop if options[:e] dump_parse(options[:e], 'command-line-string', options, false) elsif args.empty? if ! STDIN.tty? dump_parse(, 'stdin', options, false) else raise Puppet::Error, _("No input to parse given on command line or stdin") end else missing_files = [] files = args available_files = do |file| Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file) end missing_files = files - available_files dumps = available_files.collect do |file| dump_parse(, :encoding => 'utf-8'), file, options) end.join("") if missing_files.empty? dumps else dumps + _("One or more file(s) specified did not exist:\n") + missing_files.collect { |f| " #{f}" }.join("\n") end end end end def dump_parse(source, filename, options, show_filename = true) output = "" dumper = evaluating_parser = begin if options[:validate] parse_result = evaluating_parser.parse_string(source, filename) else # side step the assert_and_report step parse_result = evaluating_parser.parser.parse_string(source) end if show_filename output << "--- #{filename}" end output << dumper.dump(parse_result) << "\n" rescue Puppet::ParseError => detail if show_filename Puppet.err("--- #{filename}") end Puppet.err(detail.message) "" end end # @api private def validate_manifest(manifest = nil) env = Puppet.lookup(:current_environment) loaders = Puppet.override( {:loaders => loaders } , _('For puppet parser validate')) do begin validation_environment = manifest ? env.override_with(:manifest => manifest) : env validation_environment.check_for_reparse validation_environment.known_resource_types.clear rescue => detail Puppet.log_exception(detail) exit(1) end end end end