Autoscale QueueClassic workers on Heroku ================== Add to a Rails 3.x project to auto scale QueueClassic workers on heroku. Usage ----- Install as gem gem install heroku-qc-autoscale Add to Gemfile gem "heroku-qc-autoscale" Create config/initializers/qc_autoscale.rb Heroku::QC::Autoscale.config do |c| c.api_key = ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY'] = ENV['HEROKU_APP'] c.scale = [1, 15, 30, 40, 50] = Rails.env.production? end Queue jobs as normal with QueueClassic. Based on your scale table, it will recalculate the workers required after each QC#enqueue, and QC#delete. QC.enqueue("") Meta ---- Released under the [MIT license](