#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'optparse' require File.join( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'markout') ) opts = {} def die(msg) STDERR.puts("\033[41;1mError!\033[0m\n" + msg) exit 1 end OptionParser.new do |o| o.banner = "USAGE: #{$0} [options] [path/to/file]" o.on("-f", "--format [FORMAT]", "Output format (html, pdf)") do |f| opts[:format] = f end o.on("-h", "--history", "Output document history based on Git repository info") do |h| opts[:history] = !h.nil? end o.on("-t", "--template [TEMPLATE]", "Output template") do |t| opts[:template] = t end o.on("-o", "--output [path/to/directory]", "Output directory (default: same as source file)") do |d| die('Output directory does not exist!') unless File.exist?(d) opts[:output] = d end o.on("--help", "Show help") do |h| puts o exit end end.parse! die("You need to provide path to a Markdown formatted text file! USAGE: #{$0} [options] [path/to/file] Type #{$0} --help for help") if ARGV.empty? begin time = Time.now o = Markout::Output.new( ARGV.first, opts ) puts "\033[0mConverting \033[1m#{ARGV[0]}\033[30;0m to \033[1m#{o.output_path}\033[0m" o.export(true) puts "\033[42mMarkout finished\033[0m in #{sprintf('%.2f', Time.now-time)} seconds\n" rescue Exception => e puts "\033[41;1mMarkout Failed!\033[0m\n" raise e end