module BubbleWrap SETTINGS = {} # The HTTP module provides a simple interface to make HTTP requests. # # TODO: preflight support, easier/better cookie support, better error handling module HTTP # Make a GET request and process the response asynchronously via a block. # # @examples # # Simple GET request printing the body # BubbleWrap::HTTP.get("") do |response| # p response.body.to_str # end # # # GET request with basic auth credentials # BubbleWrap::HTTP.get("", {credentials: {username: 'matt', password: 'aimonetti'}}) do |response| # p response.body.to_str # prints the response's body # end # def self.get(url, options={}, &block) delegator = block_given? ? block : options.delete(:action) url, :get, options.merge({:action => delegator}) ) end # Make a POST request def, options={}, &block) delegator = block_given? ? block : options.delete(:action) url, :post, options.merge({:action => delegator}) ) end # Make a PUT request def self.put(url, options={}, &block) delegator = block_given? ? block : options.delete(:action) url, :put, options.merge({:action => delegator}) ) end # Make a DELETE request def self.delete(url, options={}, &block) delegator = block_given? ? block : options.delete(:action) url, :delete, options.merge({:action => delegator}) ) end # Make a HEAD request def self.head(url, options={}, &block) delegator = block_given? ? block : options.delete(:action) url, :head, options.merge({:action => delegator}) ) end # Make a PATCH request def self.patch(url, options={}, &block) delegator = block_given? ? block : options.delete(:action) url, :patch, options.merge({:action => delegator}) ) end # Response class wrapping the results of a Query's response class Response attr_reader :body attr_reader :headers attr_accessor :status_code, :error_message attr_reader :url def initialize(values={}) self.update(values) end def update(values) values.each do |k,v| self.instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) end end def ok? status_code == 200 end end # Class wrapping NSConnection and often used indirectly by the BubbleWrap::HTTP module methods. class Query attr_accessor :request attr_accessor :connection attr_accessor :credentials # username & password has a hash attr_accessor :proxy_credential # credential supplied to proxy servers attr_accessor :post_data attr_reader :method attr_reader :response attr_reader :status_code attr_reader :response_headers attr_reader :response_size attr_reader :options # ==== Parameters # url:: url of the resource to download # http_method:: Value representing the HTTP method to use # options:: optional options used for the query # # ==== Options # :payload - data to pass to a POST, PUT, DELETE query. # :delegator - Proc, class or object to call when the file is downloaded. # a proc will receive a Response object while the passed object # will receive the handle_query_response method # :headers - headers send with the request # Anything else will be available via the options attribute reader. # def initialize(url, http_method = :get, options={}) @method = http_method.upcase.to_s @delegator = options.delete(:action) || self @payload = options.delete(:payload) @credentials = options.delete(:credentials) || {} @credentials = {:username => '', :password => ''}.merge(@credentials) @timeout = options.delete(:timeout) || 30.0 headers = options.delete(:headers) if headers @headers = {} headers.each{|k,v| @headers[k] = v.gsub("\n", '\\n') } # escaping LFs end @options = options @response = initiate_request(url) connection.start connection end def generate_get_params(payload, prefix=nil) list = [] payload.each do |k,v| if v.is_a?(Hash) new_prefix = prefix ? "#{prefix}[#{k.to_s}]" : k.to_s param = generate_get_params(v, new_prefix) else param = prefix ? "#{prefix}[#{k}]=#{v}" : "#{k}=#{v}" end list << param end return list.flatten end def initiate_request(url_string) # # NSConnectionReplyMode unless @payload.nil? if @payload.is_a?(Hash) params = generate_get_params(@payload) @payload = params.join("&") end url_string = "#{url_string}?#{@payload}" if @method == "GET" end p "HTTP building a NSRequest for #{url_string}"# if SETTINGS[:debug] @url = NSURL.URLWithString(url_string) @request = NSMutableURLRequest.requestWithURL(@url, cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval:@timeout) @request.setHTTPMethod @method @request.setAllHTTPHeaderFields(@headers) if @headers # @payload needs to be converted to data unless @method == "GET" || @payload.nil? @payload = @payload.to_s.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) @request.setHTTPBody @payload end # NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage @connection = NSURLConnection.connectionWithRequest(request, delegate:self) @request.instance_variable_set("@done_loading", false) def @request.done_loading; @done_loading; end def @request.done_loading!; @done_loading = true; end end def connection(connection, didReceiveResponse:response) @status_code = response.statusCode @response_headers = response.allHeaderFields @response_size = response.expectedContentLength.to_f # p "HTTP status code: #{@status_code}, content length: #{@response_size}, headers: #{@response_headers}" if SETTINGS[:debug] end # This delegate method get called every time a chunk of data is being received def connection(connection, didReceiveData:received_data) @received_data ||= @received_data.appendData(received_data) end def connection(connection, willSendRequest:request, redirectResponse:redirect_response) puts "HTTP redirected #{request.description}" #if SETTINGS[:debug] new_request = request.mutableCopy # new_request.setValue(@credentials.inspect, forHTTPHeaderField:'Authorization') # disabled while we figure this one out new_request.setAllHTTPHeaderFields(@headers) if @headers @connection.cancel @connection = NSURLConnection.connectionWithRequest(new_request, delegate:self) new_request end def connection(connection, didFailWithError: error) @request.done_loading! p "HTTP Connection failed #{error.localizedDescription}" @response.error_message = error.localizedDescription if @delegator.respond_to?(:call) @response, self ) end end # The transfer is done and everything went well def connectionDidFinishLoading(connection) @request.done_loading! # copy the data in a local var that we will attach to the response object response_body = NSData.dataWithData(@received_data) if @received_data @response.update(status_code: status_code, body: response_body, headers: response_headers, url: @url) # Don't reset the received data since this method can be called multiple times if the headers can report the wrong length. # @received_data = nil if @delegator.respond_to?(:call) @response, self ) end end def connection(connection, didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:challenge) # p "HTTP auth required" if SETTINGS[:debug] if (challenge.previousFailureCount == 0) # by default we are keeping the credential for the entire session # Eventually, it would be good to let the user pick one of the 3 possible credential persistence options: # NSURLCredentialPersistenceNone, # NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession, # NSURLCredentialPersistencePermanent p "auth challenged, answered with credentials: #{credentials.inspect}" new_credential = NSURLCredential.credentialWithUser(credentials[:username], password:credentials[:password], persistence:NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession) challenge.sender.useCredential(new_credential, forAuthenticationChallenge:challenge) else challenge.sender.cancelAuthenticationChallenge(challenge) p 'Auth Failed :(' end end end end end