Story: Producing and Consuming As a RosettaQueue user I want to publish and consume point-to-point using various messaging protocols So that I can reliably integrate my systems with a message broker Background: Given consumer logs have been cleared Scenario Outline: Point-to-Point Given RosettaQueue is configured for '<Adapter>' And a destination is set with queue '<Queue>' and queue address '<QueueAddress>' And a consumer is listening to queue '<Queue>' When a message is published to '<Queue>' Then the message should be consumed from '<Queue>' Examples: | Adapter | Queue | QueueAddress | | amqp_synch | foo | | | amqp_evented | bar | | | stomp | baz | /queue/baz | #| beanstalk | baz | baz | Scenario Outline: Delete queue Given RosettaQueue is configured for '<Adapter>' And a destination is set with queue '<Queue>' and queue address '<QueueAddress>' When a message is published to '<Queue>' And the queue '<Queue>' is deleted Then the queue '<Queue>' should no longer exist Examples: | Adapter | Queue | QueueAddress | | amqp_synch | foo | | @unreliable Scenario Outline: Publish-Subscribe Given RosettaQueue is configured for '<Adapter>' And a destination is set with queue '<Queue>' and queue address '<QueueAddress>' And multiple consumers are listening to queue '<Queue>' When a message is published to '<Queue>' Then multiple messages should be consumed from '<Queue>' Examples: | Adapter | QueueAddress | Queue | | amqp_synch | fanout.baz | baz | | amqp_evented | | foo | | stomp | /topic/foo | bar |