require 'fileutils' describe "Fortitude widget-class-from-(file|source) support", :type => :system do def tempdir @tempdir ||= begin out = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))), 'tmp', 'spec', 'widget_class_from_spec') FileUtils.rm_rf(out) FileUtils.mkdir_p(out) out end end def splat!(filename, text) full_path = File.join(tempdir, filename) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(full_path)), 'w') { |f| f << text } full_path end def wcfs(*args) ::Fortitude::Widget.widget_class_from_source(*args) end def wcff(filename, *args) filename = File.join(tempdir, filename) ::Fortitude::Widget.widget_class_from_file(filename, *args) end context "with no hints" do it "should return a widget subclass that's already been evaluated" do text = "class WidgetFromClass1 < Fortitude::Widget; end" ::Object.class_eval(text) expect(wcfs(text)).to eq(::WidgetFromClass1) end it "should automatically evaluate the source, if needed" do text = "class WidgetFromClass2 < Fortitude::Widget; end" expect(wcfs(text)).to eq(::WidgetFromClass2) end it "should prefer the longest class name to a shorter name" do eval("module WidgetFromClass25; class Widget1 < Fortitude::Widget; end; end") text = "module WidgetFromClass25; module Foo; class Widget1 < Fortitude::Widget; end; end; end" eval(text) expect(wcfs(text)).to eq(::WidgetFromClass25::Foo::Widget1) end it "should fail if given source code it can't guess the class name from, returning any :class_names_to_try in the exception" do cdne = capture_exception(::Fortitude::Widget::Files::CannotDetermineWidgetClassNameError) do wcfs("cname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss3'; eval('class ' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end')", :class_names_to_try => [ 'WidgetFromClass3::Foo', 'WidgetFromClass3::Baz' ]) end expect(cdne.class_names_to_try).to eq([ 'WidgetFromClass3::Foo', 'WidgetFromClass3::Baz' ]) end it "should fail if the source code contains something that isn't a widget class" do cdne = capture_exception(::Fortitude::Widget::Files::CannotDetermineWidgetClassNameError) do wcfs("class WidgetFromClass11; end") end expect(cdne.tried_class_names).to be_include("WidgetFromClass11") end it "should fail, but return the object, if the source code contains an object of that class that just isn't a widget class" do cdne = capture_exception(::Fortitude::Widget::Files::CannotDetermineWidgetClassNameError) do wcfs("module WidgetFromClass24\nend") end expect(cdne.resulting_objects).to eq([ ::WidgetFromClass24 ]) end it "should work if given something that's a grandchild of Fortitude::Widget, not a direct child" do ::Object.class_eval("class WidgetFromClass12Parent < ::Fortitude::Widget; end") expect(wcfs("class WidgetFromClass12 < WidgetFromClass12Parent; end")).to eq(WidgetFromClass12) end it "should work if given a class name with a leading :: prefix" do expect(wcfs("class ::WidgetFromClassWithColons < Fortitude::Widget; end")).to eq(::WidgetFromClassWithColons) end it "should be able to guess the class name of a class namespaced in a module" do module ::Wcfs1; end expect(wcfs("class Wcfs1::WidgetFromClass6 < ::Fortitude::Widget; end")).to eq(Wcfs1::WidgetFromClass6) end it "should be able to guess the class name of a class nested in a module" do expect(wcfs("module Wcfs2; class WidgetFromClass7 < ::Fortitude::Widget; end; end")).to eq(Wcfs2::WidgetFromClass7) end it "should be able to guess the class name of a class nested in a module several levels deep" do expect(wcfs("module Wcfs3; module Wcfs4; class WidgetFromClass8 < ::Fortitude::Widget; end; end; end")).to eq(Wcfs3::Wcfs4::WidgetFromClass8) end it "should be able to guess the class name of a class nested in a module several levels deep, using newlines" do expect(wcfs(%{module Wcfs5 module Wcfs6 class WidgetFromClass9 < ::Fortitude::Widget end end end})).to eq(Wcfs5::Wcfs6::WidgetFromClass9) end it "should be able to guess the class name of a class with both nesting and namespacing" do ::Object.class_eval %{module Wcfs7; module Wcfs8; module Wcfs9; end; end; end} expect(wcfs(%{module Wcfs7 module Wcfs8 class Wcfs9::WidgetFromClass10 < ::Fortitude::Widget end end end})).to eq(Wcfs7::Wcfs8::Wcfs9::WidgetFromClass10) end end context "with an explicit class name provided" do it "should be able to get a widget class, even if it can't get it by parsing the source code" do result = wcfs("cname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss4'; eval('class ' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end')", :class_names_to_try => [ 'WidgetFromClass4' ]) expect(result).to eq(WidgetFromClass4) end it "should be able to get a widget class, even if it can't get it by parsing the source code, if passed in among a bunch of other crap" do result = wcfs("cname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss5'; eval('class ' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end')", :class_names_to_try => [ 'String', 'Integer', 'Foo::Bar::Baz', 'WidgetFromClass5', 'Baz::Quux' ]) expect(result).to eq(WidgetFromClass5) end end context "with a magic comment provided" do it "should be able to get a widget class, even if it can't get it by parsing the source code" do result = wcfs(%{#!fortitude_class: WidgetFromClass13 cname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss13'; eval('class ' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end')}) expect(result).to eq(WidgetFromClass13) end it "should be able to get a widget class, even if it can't get it by parsing the source code, using an alternate magic comment text" do result = wcfs(%{#!foo_bar_baz: WidgetFromClass14 cname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss14'; eval('class ' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end')}, :magic_comment_text => %w{bar_baz_quux foo_bar_baz foo_Bar}) expect(result).to eq(WidgetFromClass14) end it "should be able to get a widget class, even if it can't get it by parsing the source code, using a standard magic comment text, even if an alternate is provided" do result = wcfs(%{#!fortitude_class: WidgetFromClass20 cname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss20'; eval('class ' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end')}, :magic_comment_text => %w{bar_baz_quux foo_bar_baz foo_Bar}) expect(result).to eq(WidgetFromClass20) end it "should be able to get a widget class, even if it can't get it by parsing the source code, even at the end" do result = wcfs(%{ cname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss15'; eval('class ' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end') #!fortitude_class: WidgetFromClass15}) expect(result).to eq(WidgetFromClass15) end it "should not fail if it's wrong (something that doesn't exist)" do text = %{#!fortitude_class: Whatever class WidgetFromClass16 < Fortitude::Widget; end} expect(wcfs(text)).to eq(::WidgetFromClass16) end it "should not fail if it's wrong (something that isn't a widget class)" do text = %{#!fortitude_class: String class WidgetFromClass17 < Fortitude::Widget; end} expect(wcfs(text)).to eq(::WidgetFromClass17) end it "should tell you the magic comment texts it was looking for in the error if it can't find a class" do cdne = capture_exception(::Fortitude::Widget::Files::CannotDetermineWidgetClassNameError) do wcfs(%{class WidgetFromClass18; end}) end expect(cdne.magic_comment_texts).to eq(%w{fortitude_class}) end it "should tell you the magic comment texts it was looking for in the error if it can't find a class and custom magic texts were provided" do cdne = capture_exception(::Fortitude::Widget::Files::CannotDetermineWidgetClassNameError) do wcfs(%{class WidgetFromClass19; end}, :magic_comment_text => %w{foo_bar bar_baz}) end expect(cdne.magic_comment_texts).to be_include('fortitude_class') expect(cdne.magic_comment_texts).to be_include('foo_bar') expect(cdne.magic_comment_texts).to be_include('bar_baz') end end context "when given a file" do it "should still be able to guess the class name correctly" do splat!('widget_from_file_1.rb', %{class WidgetFromClass21 < Fortitude::Widget; end}) expect(wcff('widget_from_file_1.rb')).to eq(WidgetFromClass21) end it "should still be able to use magic comments" do splat!('widget_from_file_2.rb', %{#!fortitude_class: WidgetFromClass22\ncname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss22'; eval('class ' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end')}) expect(wcff('widget_from_file_2.rb')).to eq(WidgetFromClass22) end it "should be able to use a root directory to infer a class name" do ::Object.class_eval("module Wcfs10; module Wcfs11; end; end") splat!('wcfs10/wcfs_11/widget_from_class_23.rb', %{cname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss23'; eval('class Wcfs10::Wcfs11::' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end')}) expect(wcff('wcfs10/wcfs_11/widget_from_class_23.rb', :root_dirs => tempdir)).to eq(Wcfs10::Wcfs11::WidgetFromClass23) end it "should be able to use an array of root directories to infer a class name, and find the right one" do ::Object.class_eval("module Wcfs10; module Wcfs11; end; end") splat!('bar/wcfs10/wcfs_11/widget_from_class_23.rb', %{cname = 'WidgetFromCla' + 'ss23'; eval('class Wcfs10::Wcfs11::' + cname + ' < ::Fortitude::Widget; end')}) expect(wcff('bar/wcfs10/wcfs_11/widget_from_class_23.rb', :root_dirs => [ "#{tempdir}/foo", "#{tempdir}/bar" ])).to eq(Wcfs10::Wcfs11::WidgetFromClass23) end end it "should prioritize a magic comment above class names you told it to try or directory-based names or scanned source text" do splat!('widget_baz.rb', %{ #!fortitude_class: WidgetFoo eval('class WidgetB' + 'az < Fortitud' + 'e::Widget; end') eval('class WidgetB' + 'ar < Fortitud' + 'e::Widget; end') class WidgetQuux < Fortitude::Widget; end eval('class WidgetF' + 'oo < Fortitud' + 'e::Widget; end') }) expect(wcff('widget_baz.rb', :root_dirs => tempdir, :class_names_to_try => %w{WidgetBar})).to eq(WidgetFoo) end it "should prioritize class names you told it to try above directory-based names or scanned source text" do splat!('widget_baz.rb', %{ eval('class WidgetB' + 'az < Fortitud' + 'e::Widget; end') eval('class WidgetB' + 'ar < Fortitud' + 'e::Widget; end') class WidgetQuux < Fortitude::Widget; end eval('class WidgetF' + 'oo < Fortitud' + 'e::Widget; end') }) expect(wcff('widget_baz.rb', :root_dirs => tempdir, :class_names_to_try => %w{WidgetBar})).to eq(WidgetBar) end it "should prioritize directory-based names above scanned source text" do splat!('widget_baz.rb', %{ eval('class WidgetB' + 'az < Fortitud' + 'e::Widget; end') eval('class WidgetB' + 'ar < Fortitud' + 'e::Widget; end') class WidgetQuux < Fortitude::Widget; end eval('class WidgetF' + 'oo < Fortitud' + 'e::Widget; end') }) expect(wcff('widget_baz.rb', :root_dirs => tempdir)).to eq(WidgetBaz) end end