Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |at| %w[ .git log script tasks LICENSE README.rdoc ].each do |exception| at.add_exception(exception) end at.clear_mappings spec_folders = /(?:semi)?public/ # when a file is updated, make sure it's dependent public and semipublic specs pass at.add_mapping %r{\Alib/dm\-core/(.+)\.rb\z} do |_,match| at.files_matching %r{\Aspec/#{spec_folders}/#{match[1]}_spec\.rb\z} end # when the spec configuration changes make sure all specs pass at.add_mapping %r{\Aspec/spec_helper\.rb\z} do at.files_matching %r{\Aspec/.+_spec\.rb\z} end # when a spec is updated, make sure it passes at.add_mapping %r{\Aspec/#{spec_folders}/(.+)_spec\.rb\z} do |filename,_| filename end # when the collection shared spec is update, make sure all dependent specs pass at.add_mapping %r{\Aspec/lib/collection_shared_spec\.rb\z} do at.files_matching %r{\Aspec/#{spec_folders}/collection_spec\.rb\z} end end