# frozen_string_literal: true def ensure_log_goes_to_stdout old_logger = Webpacker.logger Webpacker.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT) yield ensure Webpacker.logger = old_logger end namespace :renalware do desc "Install package.json dependencies with yarn for the renalware-core engine - "\ "without this /renalware-core/node_modules is not populated "\ "and assets:precompile in the host app will not work." task :yarn_install do puts "Installing renalware-core/package.json dependencies with yarn" Dir.chdir(File.join(__dir__, "../..")) do system "yarn install --no-progress --production" end end desc "Cleans the Webpack output folder (public/renalware-core-packs)" task :clean_webpack_output_folder do puts "Destroying packs output folder ..." Dir.chdir(File.join(__dir__, "..", "..")) do # TODO : Load packs output from config/webpacker.yml system "rm -rf public/renalware-core-packs" end end # I have found that it is necessary to force remove public/renalware-core-packs with the # clean_webpack_output_folder task above before compiling, otherwise webpack does not # always find changes in js/controllers/*.js. I think this is safe to do in a capistrano deploy # because the symlink to public is only applied after a successful execution of (among other # things) assets:precompile. desc "Compile JavaScript packs using webpack for production with digests" task webpacker_compile: %i(clean_webpack_output_folder yarn_install environment) do puts "Compiling renalware-core packs with webpack.." if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? compile_webpacker_output else temporarily_point_webpacker_config_public_root_path_to_rails_app_root do compile_webpacker_output end end end end def compile_webpacker_output Webpacker.with_node_env("production") do ensure_log_goes_to_stdout do if Renalware.webpacker.commands.compile # Successful compilation! else # Failed compilation exit! end end end end # This is something of a hack to get webpacker to compile the renalware-core-packs in the # host Rails app's public folder. We change out config/webpacker.yml to point to the host app's # public path, do the compile, then revert out change. # The downside of this approach is that if running staging or production env locally without # nginx to find and serve public/renalware-core-packs, the pack files will not be found by the host # because the Rack::Static middleware we setup in engine.rb will not find them. # An alternative is for us to do the compile inside the engine and then cp -R or rsync (better # if we are symlinking renawlare-core-packs to shared in deploy.rb) the # folder into the host's public app where it can be served by nginx (if configured). # This has the advantage that the same files are available in the engine's public folder (so they # can be servered by Rack::Static - see engine.rb) and also in the host apps public folder # where nginx can server them if we are in a real 'environment' def temporarily_point_webpacker_config_public_root_path_to_rails_app_root engine_config_folder = Renalware::Engine.root.join("config") find = "public_root_path: .*$" replace = "public_root_path: #{Rails.root.join('public')}" # This changes the contents of file, creating a backup in webpacker.yml.bak `ruby -pi.bak -e "gsub(/#{find}/, '#{replace}')" #{engine_config_folder}/webpacker.yml` yield if block_given? ensure # Ensure that we always restore the backup webpacker.yml FileUtils.mv( engine_config_folder.join("webpacker.yml.bak"), engine_config_folder.join("webpacker.yml") ) end def enhance_assets_precompile_with_renalware_webpacker_compile # Becuase of an issue deploying BLT (not affecting KCH for some reason) I am temporarily # removing the engine webpacker_precompile and insterad just doing yarn_install. # The utter mess of webpacker in an engine means I think that I will need to publish a # @renalware/core npm package at gem publish time and reference that from the host app. # Rake::Task["assets:precompile"].enhance(["renalware:webpacker_compile"]) Rake::Task["assets:precompile"].enhance(["renalware:yarn_install"]) end # When a host app runs rake assets:precompile, hook into this and enhance the # task so it runs webpacker install for (and relative to) the engine, wherever it is installed. # Without that, assets:precompile will fail because the engine references various js and css files # in ./node_modules, and these are not included in the source, but need to be installed with yarn # at deploy time. # # Note that when runnning in the engine in development, we need to set the ENV # var WEBPACKER_PRECOMPILE=no (e.g. in ./.env) otherwise wepacker will enhance the # 'assets:precompile' task with 'webpacker:compile' task, and the latter task does not exist # in out context (for us its called app:webpacker:compile). # A possible downside of this is that webpacker compilation in the dummy app, if ever required, may # not work, I'm not sure. if Rake::Task.task_defined?("assets:precompile") enhance_assets_precompile_with_renalware_webpacker_compile else Rake::Task.define_task("assets:precompile" => "renalware:webpacker:compile") end