describe MotionPrime::Screen do before do @screen = @screen.will_appear end it "should render screen on appear" do @screen.was_rendered.should == true end it "should set default title" do @screen.title.should == "Base" end it "should have navigation enabled by default" do @screen.wrap_in_navigation?.should == true end it "#modal? should be false by default" do @screen.modal?.should == false end describe "UIViewController" do it "viewDidLoad" do @screen.mock!(:view_did_load) { true } @screen.viewDidLoad.should == true end it "viewWillAppear" do @screen.mock!(:view_will_appear) { |animated| animated.should == true } @screen.viewWillAppear(true) end it "viewDidAppear" do @screen.mock!(:view_did_appear) { |animated| animated.should == true } @screen.viewDidAppear(true) end it "viewWillDisappear" do @screen.mock!(:view_will_disappear) { |animated| animated.should == true } @screen.viewWillDisappear(true) end it "viewDidDisappear" do @screen.mock!(:view_did_disappear) { |animated| animated.should == true } @screen.viewDidDisappear(true) end it "shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation" do @screen.mock!(:should_rotate) { |o| o.should == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait } @screen.shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait) end it "shouldAutorotate" do @screen.mock!(:should_autorotate) { true } @screen.shouldAutorotate.should == true end it "willRotateToInterfaceOrientation" do @screen.mock! :will_rotate do |orientation, duration| orientation.should == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait duration.should == 0.5 end @screen.willRotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait, duration: 0.5) end it "didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation" do @screen.mock!(:on_rotate) { true } @screen.didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait).should == true end end describe "navigation" do it "should not have navigation by default" do @screen.has_navigation?.should == false end end end