# frozen_string_literal: true

# Copyright 2023 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Auto-generated by gapic-generator-ruby. DO NOT EDIT!

require "gapic/rest"
require "gapic/config"
require "gapic/config/method"

require "google/cloud/datastore/admin/v1/version"

require "google/cloud/datastore/admin/v1/datastore_admin/credentials"
require "google/cloud/datastore/admin/v1/datastore_admin/rest/operations"
require "google/cloud/datastore/admin/v1/datastore_admin/rest/client"

module Google
  module Cloud
    module Datastore
      module Admin
        module V1
          # Google Cloud Datastore Admin API
          # The Datastore Admin API provides several admin services for Cloud Datastore.
          # Concepts: Project, namespace, kind, and entity as defined in the Google Cloud
          # Datastore API.
          # Operation: An Operation represents work being performed in the background.
          # EntityFilter: Allows specifying a subset of entities in a project. This is
          # specified as a combination of kinds and namespaces (either or both of which
          # may be all).
          # Export/Import Service:
          # - The Export/Import service provides the ability to copy all or a subset of
          # entities to/from Google Cloud Storage.
          # - Exported data may be imported into Cloud Datastore for any Google Cloud
          # Platform project. It is not restricted to the export source project. It is
          # possible to export from one project and then import into another.
          # - Exported data can also be loaded into Google BigQuery for analysis.
          # - Exports and imports are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is
          # created for each export/import. The state (including any errors encountered)
          # of the export/import may be queried via the Operation resource.
          # Index Service:
          # - The index service manages Cloud Datastore composite indexes.
          # - Index creation and deletion are performed asynchronously.
          # An Operation resource is created for each such asynchronous operation.
          # The state of the operation (including any errors encountered)
          # may be queried via the Operation resource.
          # Operation Service:
          # - The Operations collection provides a record of actions performed for the
          # specified project (including any operations in progress). Operations are not
          # created directly but through calls on other collections or resources.
          # - An operation that is not yet done may be cancelled. The request to cancel
          # is asynchronous and the operation may continue to run for some time after the
          # request to cancel is made.
          # - An operation that is done may be deleted so that it is no longer listed as
          # part of the Operation collection.
          # - ListOperations returns all pending operations, but not completed
          # operations.
          # - Operations are created by service DatastoreAdmin, but are accessed via
          # service google.longrunning.Operations.
          # To load this service and instantiate a REST client:
          #     require "google/cloud/datastore/admin/v1/datastore_admin/rest"
          #     client = ::Google::Cloud::Datastore::Admin::V1::DatastoreAdmin::Rest::Client.new
          module DatastoreAdmin
            # Client for the REST transport
            module Rest

helper_path = ::File.join __dir__, "rest", "helpers.rb"
require "google/cloud/datastore/admin/v1/datastore_admin/rest/helpers" if ::File.file? helper_path