#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = TimeSheets.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # class TaskJuggler # This class holds the work related bits of a time sheet that are specific # to a single Task. This can be an existing Task or a new one identified by # it's ID String. For effort based task, it stores the remaining effort, for # other task the expected end date. For all tasks it stores the completed # work during the reporting time frame. class TimeSheetRecord attr_reader :task, :work attr_accessor :sourceFileInfo, :remaining, :expectedEnd, :status, :priority, :name def initialize(timeSheet, task) # This is a reference to a Task object for existing tasks or an ID as # String for new tasks. @task = task # Add the new TimeSheetRecord to the TimeSheet it belongs to. (@timeSheet = timeSheet) << self # Work done will be measured in time slots. @work = nil # Remaining work will be measured in time slots. @remaining = nil @expectedEnd = nil # For new task, we also need to store the name. @name = nil # Reference to the JournalEntry object that holds the status for this # record. @status = nil @priority = 0 @sourceFileInfo = nil end # Store the number of worked time slots. If the value is a Fixnum, it can # be directly assigned. A Float is interpreted as percentage and must be # in the rage of 0.0 to 1.0. def work=(value) if value.is_a?(Fixnum) @work = value else # Must be percent value @work = @timeSheet.percentToSlots(value) end end # Perform all kinds of consistency checks. def check scIdx = @timeSheet.scenarioIdx taskId = @task.is_a?(Task) ? @task.fullId : @task # All TimeSheetRecords must have a 'work' attribute. if @work.nil? error('ts_no_work', "The time sheet record for task #{taskId} must " + "have a 'work' attribute to specify how much was done " + "for this task during the reported period.") end if @task.is_a?(Task) # This is already known tasks. if @task['effort', scIdx] > 0 unless @remaining error('ts_no_remaining', "The time sheet record for task #{taskId} must " + "have a 'remaining' attribute to specify how much " + "effort is left for this task.") end else unless @expectedEnd error('ts_no_expected_end', "The time sheet record for task #{taskId} must " + "have an 'end' attribute to specify the expected end " + "of this task.") end end else # This is for new tasks. if @remaining.nil? && @expectedEnd.nil? error('ts_no_rem_or_end', "New task #{taskId} requires either a 'remaining' or a " + "'end' attribute.") end end if @work >= @timeSheet.daysToSlots(1) && @status.nil? error('ts_no_status_work', "You must specify a status for task #{taskId}. It was worked " + "on for a day or more.") end if @status if @status.headline.empty? error('ts_no_headline', "You must provide a headline for the status of " + "task #{taskId}") end if @status.summary && @status.summary.richText.inputText == "A summary text\n" error('ts_default_summary', "You must change the default summary text of the status " + "for task #{taskId}.") end if @status.alertLevel > 0 && @status.summary.nil? && @status.details.nil? error('ts_alert1_more_details', "Task #{taskId} has an elevated alert level and must " + "have a summary or details section.") end if @status.alertLevel > 1 && @status.details.nil? error('ts_alert2_more_details', "Task #{taskId} has a high alert level and must have " + "a details section.") end end end def warnOnDelta(startIdx, endIdx) # Ignore personal entries. return unless @task resource = @timeSheet.resource if @task.is_a?(String) # A resource has requested a new Task to be created. warning('ts_res_new_task', "#{resource.name} is requesting a new task:\n" + " ID: #{@task}\n" + " Name: #{@name}\n" + " Work: #{@timeSheet.slotsToDays(@work)}d " + (@remaining ? "Remaining: #{@timeSheet.slotsToDays(@remaining)}d" : "End: #{@end.to_s}")) return end scenarioIdx = @timeSheet.scenarioIdx project = resource.project plannedWork = @task.getEffectiveWork(scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx, resource) # Convert the @work slots into a daily load. work = project.convertToDailyLoad(@work * project['scheduleGranularity']) if work != plannedWork warning('ts_res_work_delta', "#{resource.name} worked " + "#{work < plannedWork ? 'less' : 'more'} " + "on #{@task.fullId}\n" + "#{work}d instead of #{plannedWork}d") end if @task['effort', scenarioIdx] > 0 startIdx = endIdx endIdx = project.dateToIdx(@task['end', scenarioIdx]) remainingWork = @task.getEffectiveWork(scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx, resource) # Convert the @remaining slots into a daily load. remaining = project.convertToDailyLoad(@remaining * project['scheduleGranularity']) if remaining != remainingWork warning('ts_res_remain_delta', "#{resource.name} requests " + "#{remaining < remainingWork ? 'less' : 'more'} " + "remaining effort for task #{@task.fullId}\n" + "#{remaining}d instead of #{remainingWork}d") end else if @expectedEnd != @task['end', scenarioIdx] warning('ts_res_end_delta', "#{resource.name} requests " + "#{@expectedEnd < @task['end', scenarioIdx] ? 'earlier' : 'later'} end (#{@expectedEnd}) for task " + "#{@task.fullId}. Planned end is " + "#{@task['end', scenarioIdx]}.") end end end def taskId @task.is_a?(Task) ? @task.fullId : task end # The reported work in % (0.0 - 100.0) of the average working time. def actualWorkPercent (@work.to_f / @timeSheet.totalGrossWorkingSlots) * 100.0 end # The planned work in % (0.0 - 100.0) of the average working time. def planWorkPercent resource = @timeSheet.resource project = resource.project scenarioIdx = @timeSheet.scenarioIdx startIdx = project.dateToIdx(@timeSheet.interval.start) endIdx = project.dateToIdx(@timeSheet.interval.end) (@timeSheet.resource.getAllocatedSlots(scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx, @task).to_f / @timeSheet.totalGrossWorkingSlots) * 100.0 end # The reporting remaining effort in days. def actualRemaining project = @timeSheet.resource.project project.convertToDailyLoad(@remaining * project['scheduleGranularity']) end # The remaining effort according to the plan. def planRemaining resource = @timeSheet.resource project = resource.project scenarioIdx = @timeSheet.scenarioIdx startIdx = project.dateToIdx(project['now']) endIdx = project.dateToIdx(@task['end', scenarioIdx]) @task.getEffectiveWork(scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx, resource) end # The reported expected end of the task. def actualEnd @expectedEnd end # The planned end of the task. def planEnd @task['end', @timeSheet.scenarioIdx] end private def error(id, text) @timeSheet.error(id, text, @sourceFileInfo) end def warning(id, text) @timeSheet.warning(id, text, @sourceFileInfo) end end # The TimeSheet class stores the work related bits of a time sheet. For each # task it holds a TimeSheetRecord object. A time sheet is always bound to an # existing Resource. class TimeSheet attr_accessor :sourceFileInfo attr_reader :resource, :interval, :scenarioIdx def initialize(resource, interval, scenarioIdx) raise "Illegal resource" unless resource.is_a?(Resource) @resource = resource raise "Interval undefined" if interval.nil? @interval = interval raise "Sceneario index undefined" if scenarioIdx.nil? @scenarioIdx = scenarioIdx @sourceFileInfo = nil # This flag is set to true if at least one record was reported as # percentage. @percentageUsed = false # The TimeSheetRecord list. @records = [] end # Add a new TimeSheetRecord to the list. def<<(record) @records.each do |r| if r.task == record.task error('ts_duplicate_task', "Duplicate records for task #{r.taskId}") end end @records << record end # Perform all kinds of consitency checks. def check totalSlots = 0 @records.each do |record| record.check totalSlots += record.work end unless (scenarioIdx = @resource.project['trackingScenarioIdx']) error('ts_no_tracking_scenario', 'No trackingscenario has been defined.') end if @resource['efficiency', scenarioIdx] > 0.0 targetSlots = totalNetWorkingSlots # This is acceptable rounding error when checking the total reported # work. delta = 1 if totalSlots < (targetSlots - delta) error('ts_work_too_low', "The total work to be reported for this time sheet " + "is #{workWithUnit(targetSlots)} but only " + "#{workWithUnit(totalSlots)} were reported.") end if totalSlots > (targetSlots + delta) error('ts_work_too_high', "The total work to be reported for this time sheet " + "is #{workWithUnit(targetSlots)} but " + "#{workWithUnit(totalSlots)} were reported.") end else if totalSlots > 0 error('ts_work_not_null', "The reported work for non-working resources must be 0.") end end end def warnOnDelta project = @resource.project startIdx = project.dateToIdx(@interval.start) endIdx = project.dateToIdx(@interval.end) @records.each do |record| record.warnOnDelta(startIdx, endIdx) end end # Compute the total number of potential working time slots during the # report period. This value is not resource specific. def totalGrossWorkingSlots project = @resource.project # Calculate the average working days per week (usually 5) weeklyWorkingDays = project['yearlyworkingdays'] / 52.1428 # Calculate the number of weeks in the report weeksToReport = (@interval.end - @interval.start) / (60 * 60 * 24 * 7) daysToSlots(weeklyWorkingDays * weeksToReport) end # Compute the total number of actual working time slots of the # Resource. This is the sum of allocated, free time slots. def totalNetWorkingSlots project = @resource.project startIdx = project.dateToIdx(@interval.start) endIdx = project.dateToIdx(@interval.end) @resource.getAllocatedSlots(@scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx, nil) + @resource.getFreeSlots(@scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx) end # Converts allocation percentage into time slots. def percentToSlots(value) @percentageUsed = true (totalGrossWorkingSlots * value).to_i end # Computes how many percent the _slots_ are of the total working slots in # the report time frame. def slotsToPercent(slots) slots.to_f / totalGrossWorkingSlots end def slotsToDays(slots) slots * @resource.project['scheduleGranularity'] / (60 * 60 * @resource.project.dailyWorkingHours) end def daysToSlots(days) ((days * 60 * 60 * @resource.project.dailyWorkingHours) / @resource.project['scheduleGranularity']).to_i end def error(id, text, sourceFileInfo = nil) @resource.project.messageHandler.error( id, text, sourceFileInfo || @sourceFileInfo, nil, @resource) end def warning(id, text, sourceFileInfo = nil) @resource.project.messageHandler.warning(id, text, sourceFileInfo, nil, @resource) end private def workWithUnit(slots) if @percentageUsed "#{(slotsToPercent(slots) * 100.0).to_i}%" else "#{slotsToDays(slots)} days" end end end # A class to hold all time sheets of a project. class TimeSheets < Array def initialize super end def check each { |s| s.check } end def warnOnDelta each { |s| s.warnOnDelta } end end end