module RunbyPace class PaceTime attr_reader :time_s, :minutes_part, :seconds_part def initialize(time) if time.is_a?(String) || time.is_a?(Symbol) init_from_string(time) elsif time.is_a?(PaceTime) init_from_clone(time) end end # @param [numeric] total_seconds def self.from_seconds(total_seconds) minutes = total_seconds.abs.to_i / 60 seconds = total_seconds.abs.to_i % 60"#{'%02d' % minutes}:#{'%02d' % seconds}") end # @param [numeric] total_minutes def self.from_minutes(total_minutes) self.from_seconds(total_minutes * 60.0) end def to_s @time_s end def total_seconds @minutes_part * 60 + @seconds_part end def total_minutes @minutes_part + (@seconds_part / 60.0) end # @param [PaceTime] value def -(value) if value.is_a?(PaceTime) PaceTime.from_seconds(total_seconds - value.total_seconds) end end # @param [PaceTime] value def +(value) if value.is_a?(PaceTime) PaceTime.from_seconds(total_seconds + value.total_seconds) end end def ==(value) if value.is_a?(PaceTime) total_seconds == value.total_seconds elsif value.is_a?(String) @time_s == value end end def almost_equals?(other_time, tolerance_time = '00:01') if other_time.is_a?(String) other_time = end tolerance = self >= (other_time - tolerance) && self <= (other_time + tolerance) end def >(value) if value.is_a?(PaceTime) total_seconds > value.total_seconds end end def >=(value) if value.is_a?(PaceTime) total_seconds >= value.total_seconds end end def <(value) if value.is_a?(PaceTime) total_seconds < value.total_seconds end end def <=(value) if value.is_a?(PaceTime) total_seconds <= value.total_seconds end end private def init_from_string(time) time = time.to_s.strip.chomp is_negative = false if time[0] == '-' is_negative = true time = time[1..-1] end if time.match(/^\d?\d:\d\d$/) parts = time.split(':') @minutes_part = parts[0].to_i @seconds_part = parts[1].to_i elsif time.match(/^\d+$/) @minutes_part = time.to_i @seconds_part = 0 elsif time.match(/^\d+[,\. ]\d+$/) parts = time.split(/[,\. ]/) @minutes_part = parts[0].to_i @seconds_part = (parts[1].to_i / 10.0 * 60).to_i else raise 'Invalid time format' end raise 'Minutes must be less than 100' if @minutes_part > 99 raise 'Seconds must be less than 60' if @seconds_part > 59 if is_negative @minutes_part *= -1 @seconds_part *= -1 end @time_s = "#{@minutes_part.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{@seconds_part.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}" end # @param [PaceTime] time def init_from_clone(time) @time_s = time.time_s @minutes_part = time.minutes_part @seconds_part = time.seconds_part end end end