require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/deep_merge' module Chronicle module ETL class JobDefinition SKELETON_DEFINITION = { incremental: false, extractor: { name: 'stdin', options: {} }, transformer: { name: 'null', options: {} }, loader: { name: 'table', options: {} } }.freeze attr_reader :errors attr_accessor :definition def initialize() @definition = SKELETON_DEFINITION end def valid? validate @errors.empty? end def validate @errors = {} Chronicle::ETL::Registry::Connectors::PHASES.each do |phase| __send__("#{phase}_klass".to_sym) rescue Chronicle::ETL::PluginError => e @errors[:plugins] ||= [] @errors[:plugins] << e end end def plugins_missing? validate return false unless @errors[:plugins]&.any? @errors[:plugins] .filter { |e| e.instance_of?(Chronicle::ETL::PluginNotInstalledError) } .any? end def validate! raise(, "Job definition is invalid") unless valid? true end # Add config hash to this definition def add_config(config = {}) @definition = @definition.deep_merge(config) load_credentials end # For each connector in this job, mix in secrets into the options def apply_default_secrets Chronicle::ETL::Registry::Connectors::PHASES.each do |phase| # If the option have a `secrets` key, we look up those secrets and # mix them in. If not, use the connector's plugin name and look up # secrets with the same namespace if @definition[phase][:options][:secrets] namespace = @definition[phase][:options][:secrets] else # We don't want to do this lookup for built-in connectors next if __send__("#{phase}_klass".to_sym).connector_registration.built_in? # infer plugin name from connector name and use it for secrets # namesepace namespace = @definition[phase][:name].split(":").first end # Reverse merge secrets into connector's options (we want to preserve # options that came from job file or CLI options) secrets = @definition[phase][:options] = secrets.merge(@definition[phase][:options]) end end # Is this job continuing from a previous run? def incremental? @definition[:incremental] end def dry_run? @definition[:dry_run] end def extractor_klass load_klass(:extractor, @definition[:extractor][:name]) end def transformer_klass load_klass(:transformer, @definition[:transformer][:name]) end def loader_klass load_klass(:loader, @definition[:loader][:name]) end def extractor_options @definition[:extractor][:options] end def transformer_options @definition[:transformer][:options] end def loader_options @definition[:loader][:options] end private def load_klass(phase, identifier) Chronicle::ETL::Registry::Connectors.find_by_phase_and_identifier(phase, identifier).klass end def load_credentials Chronicle::ETL::Registry::Connectors::PHASES.each do |phase| credentials_name = @definition[phase].dig(:options, :credentials) if credentials_name credentials = Chronicle::ETL::Config.load_credentials(credentials_name) @definition[phase][:options].deep_merge(credentials) end end end end end end