module NxtSchema module Node class Base def initialize(name:, type:, parent_node:, **options, &block) resolve_name(name) @parent_node = parent_node @options = options @is_root_node = parent_node.nil? @root_node = parent_node.nil? ? self : parent_node.root_node @path = resolve_path @on_evaluators = [] @maybe_evaluators = [] @validations = [] @configuration = block resolve_key_transformer resolve_context resolve_optional_option resolve_omnipresent_option resolve_type_system resolve_type(type) resolve_additional_keys_strategy application_class # memoize configure(&block) if block_given? end attr_accessor :name, :parent_node, :options, :type, :root_node, :additional_keys_strategy attr_reader :type_system, :path, :context, :meta, :on_evaluators, :maybe_evaluators, :validations, :configuration, :key_transformer def apply(input:, context: self.context, parent: nil, error_key: nil) build_application(input: input, context: context, parent: parent, error_key: error_key).call end def apply!(input:, context: self.context, parent: nil, error_key: nil) result = build_application(input: input, context: context, parent: parent, error_key: error_key).call return result if parent || result.errors.empty? raise end def build_application(input:, context: self.context, parent: nil, error_key: nil) node: self, input: input, parent: parent, context: context, error_key: error_key ) end def root_node? @is_root_node end def optional? @optional end def omnipresent? @omnipresent end def default(value =, &block) value = missing_input?(value) ? block : value condition = ->(input) { missing_input?(input) || input.nil? } on(condition, value) self end def on(condition, value =, &block) value = missing_input?(value) ? block : value on_evaluators << condition, value: value) self end def maybe(value =, &block) value = missing_input?(value) ? block : value maybe_evaluators << value) self end def validate(key =, *args, &block) # TODO: This does not really work with all kinds of chaining combinations yet! validator = if key.is_a?(Symbol) validator(key, *args) elsif key.respond_to?(:call) key elsif block_given? if key.is_a?(NxtSchema::MissingInput) block else configure(&block) end else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to resolve validator from: #{key} with: #{args} #{block}" end register_validator(validator) self end def validate_with(&block) proxy = ->(node) { } register_validator(proxy) end private attr_writer :path, :meta, :context, :on_evaluators, :maybe_evaluators def validator(key, *args) Validators::REGISTRY.resolve!(key).new(*args).build end def register_validator(validator) validations << validator end def resolve_type(name_or_type) @type = root_node.send(:type_resolver).resolve(type_system, name_or_type) end def resolve_type_system @type_system = self).call end def type_resolver @type_resolver ||= begin root_node? ? : (raise NoMethodError, 'type_resolver is only available on root node') end end def application_class @application_class ||= "NxtSchema::Application::#{}".constantize end def configure(&block) if block.arity == 1 else instance_exec(&block) end end def resolve_additional_keys_strategy @additional_keys_strategy = options.fetch(:additional_keys) do parent_node&.send(:additional_keys_strategy) || :allow end end def resolve_optional_option optional = options.fetch(:optional, false) raise Errors::InvalidOptions, 'Optional nodes are only available within schemas' if optional && !parent_node.is_a?(Schema) raise Errors::InvalidOptions, "Can't make omnipresent node optional" if optional && omnipresent? if optional.respond_to?(:call) # When a node is conditionally optional we make it optional and add a validator to the parent to check # that it's there when the option does not apply. optional_node_validator = validator(:optional_node, optional, name) parent_node.send(:register_validator, optional_node_validator) @optional = true else @optional = optional end end def resolve_omnipresent_option omnipresent = options.fetch(:omnipresent, false) raise Errors::InvalidOptions, 'Omnipresent nodes are only available within schemas' if omnipresent && !parent_node.is_a?(Schema) raise Errors::InvalidOptions, "Can't make omnipresent node optional" if optional? && omnipresent @omnipresent = omnipresent end def resolve_path self.path = root_node? ? name : "#{parent_node.path}.#{name}" end def resolve_context self.context = options.fetch(:context) { parent_node&.send(:context) } end def missing_input?(value) value.is_a? MissingInput end def resolve_key_transformer @key_transformer = options.fetch(:transform_keys) { parent_node&.key_transformer || ->(key) { key.to_sym } } end def resolve_name(name) raise ArgumentError, 'Name can either be a symbol or an integer' unless[Symbol, Integer]) @name = name end end end end