# encoding:utf-8 #-- # Copyright (C) Bob Aman # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #++ require "addressable/version" require "addressable/idna" require "public_suffix" ## # Addressable is a library for processing links and URIs. module Addressable ## # This is an implementation of a URI parser based on # RFC 3986, # RFC 3987. class URI ## # Raised if something other than a uri is supplied. class InvalidURIError < StandardError end ## # Container for the character classes specified in # RFC 3986. module CharacterClasses ALPHA = "a-zA-Z" DIGIT = "0-9" GEN_DELIMS = "\\:\\/\\?\\#\\[\\]\\@" SUB_DELIMS = "\\!\\$\\&\\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\;\\=" RESERVED = GEN_DELIMS + SUB_DELIMS UNRESERVED = ALPHA + DIGIT + "\\-\\.\\_\\~" PCHAR = UNRESERVED + SUB_DELIMS + "\\:\\@" SCHEME = ALPHA + DIGIT + "\\-\\+\\." HOST = UNRESERVED + SUB_DELIMS + "\\[\\:\\]" AUTHORITY = PCHAR PATH = PCHAR + "\\/" QUERY = PCHAR + "\\/\\?" FRAGMENT = PCHAR + "\\/\\?" end SLASH = '/' EMPTY_STR = '' URIREGEX = /^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/ PORT_MAPPING = { "http" => 80, "https" => 443, "ftp" => 21, "tftp" => 69, "sftp" => 22, "ssh" => 22, "svn+ssh" => 22, "telnet" => 23, "nntp" => 119, "gopher" => 70, "wais" => 210, "ldap" => 389, "prospero" => 1525 } ## # Returns a URI object based on the parsed string. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] uri # The URI string to parse. # No parsing is performed if the object is already an # Addressable::URI. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The parsed URI. def self.parse(uri) # If we were given nil, return nil. return nil unless uri # If a URI object is passed, just return itself. return uri.dup if uri.kind_of?(self) # If a URI object of the Ruby standard library variety is passed, # convert it to a string, then parse the string. # We do the check this way because we don't want to accidentally # cause a missing constant exception to be thrown. if uri.class.name =~ /^URI\b/ uri = uri.to_s end # Otherwise, convert to a String begin uri = uri.to_str rescue TypeError, NoMethodError raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{uri.class} into String." end if not uri.is_a? String # This Regexp supplied as an example in RFC 3986, and it works great. scan = uri.scan(URIREGEX) fragments = scan[0] scheme = fragments[1] authority = fragments[3] path = fragments[4] query = fragments[6] fragment = fragments[8] user = nil password = nil host = nil port = nil if authority != nil # The Regexp above doesn't split apart the authority. userinfo = authority[/^([^\[\]]*)@/, 1] if userinfo != nil user = userinfo.strip[/^([^:]*):?/, 1] password = userinfo.strip[/:(.*)$/, 1] end host = authority.gsub( /^([^\[\]]*)@/, EMPTY_STR ).gsub( /:([^:@\[\]]*?)$/, EMPTY_STR ) port = authority[/:([^:@\[\]]*?)$/, 1] end if port == EMPTY_STR port = nil end return new( :scheme => scheme, :user => user, :password => password, :host => host, :port => port, :path => path, :query => query, :fragment => fragment ) end ## # Converts an input to a URI. The input does not have to be a valid # URI — the method will use heuristics to guess what URI was intended. # This is not standards-compliant, merely user-friendly. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] uri # The URI string to parse. # No parsing is performed if the object is already an # Addressable::URI. # @param [Hash] hints # A Hash of hints to the heuristic parser. # Defaults to {:scheme => "http"}. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The parsed URI. def self.heuristic_parse(uri, hints={}) # If we were given nil, return nil. return nil unless uri # If a URI object is passed, just return itself. return uri.dup if uri.kind_of?(self) # If a URI object of the Ruby standard library variety is passed, # convert it to a string, then parse the string. # We do the check this way because we don't want to accidentally # cause a missing constant exception to be thrown. if uri.class.name =~ /^URI\b/ uri = uri.to_s end if !uri.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{uri.class} into String." end # Otherwise, convert to a String uri = uri.to_str.dup.strip hints = { :scheme => "http" }.merge(hints) case uri when /^http:\/+/ uri.gsub!(/^http:\/+/, "http://") when /^https:\/+/ uri.gsub!(/^https:\/+/, "https://") when /^feed:\/+http:\/+/ uri.gsub!(/^feed:\/+http:\/+/, "feed:http://") when /^feed:\/+/ uri.gsub!(/^feed:\/+/, "feed://") when /^file:\/+/ uri.gsub!(/^file:\/+/, "file:///") when /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/ uri.gsub!(/^/, hints[:scheme] + "://") end match = uri.match(URIREGEX) fragments = match.captures authority = fragments[3] if authority && authority.length > 0 new_authority = authority.gsub(/\\/, '/').gsub(/ /, '%20') # NOTE: We want offset 4, not 3! offset = match.offset(4) uri[offset[0]...offset[1]] = new_authority end parsed = self.parse(uri) if parsed.scheme =~ /^[^\/?#\.]+\.[^\/?#]+$/ parsed = self.parse(hints[:scheme] + "://" + uri) end if parsed.path.include?(".") new_host = parsed.path[/^([^\/]+\.[^\/]*)/, 1] if new_host parsed.defer_validation do new_path = parsed.path.gsub( Regexp.new("^" + Regexp.escape(new_host)), EMPTY_STR) parsed.host = new_host parsed.path = new_path parsed.scheme = hints[:scheme] unless parsed.scheme end end end return parsed end ## # Converts a path to a file scheme URI. If the path supplied is # relative, it will be returned as a relative URI. If the path supplied # is actually a non-file URI, it will parse the URI as if it had been # parsed with Addressable::URI.parse. Handles all of the # various Microsoft-specific formats for specifying paths. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] path # Typically a String path to a file or directory, but # will return a sensible return value if an absolute URI is supplied # instead. # # @return [Addressable::URI] # The parsed file scheme URI or the original URI if some other URI # scheme was provided. # # @example # base = Addressable::URI.convert_path("/absolute/path/") # uri = Addressable::URI.convert_path("relative/path") # (base + uri).to_s # #=> "file:///absolute/path/relative/path" # # Addressable::URI.convert_path( # "c:\\windows\\My Documents 100%20\\foo.txt" # ).to_s # #=> "file:///c:/windows/My%20Documents%20100%20/foo.txt" # # Addressable::URI.convert_path("http://example.com/").to_s # #=> "http://example.com/" def self.convert_path(path) # If we were given nil, return nil. return nil unless path # If a URI object is passed, just return itself. return path if path.kind_of?(self) if !path.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{path.class} into String." end # Otherwise, convert to a String path = path.to_str.strip path.gsub!(/^file:\/?\/?/, EMPTY_STR) if path =~ /^file:\/?\/?/ path = SLASH + path if path =~ /^([a-zA-Z])[\|:]/ uri = self.parse(path) if uri.scheme == nil # Adjust windows-style uris uri.path.gsub!(/^\/?([a-zA-Z])[\|:][\\\/]/) do "/#{$1.downcase}:/" end uri.path.gsub!(/\\/, SLASH) if File.exist?(uri.path) && File.stat(uri.path).directory? uri.path.gsub!(/\/$/, EMPTY_STR) uri.path = uri.path + '/' end # If the path is absolute, set the scheme and host. if uri.path =~ /^\// uri.scheme = "file" uri.host = EMPTY_STR end uri.normalize! end return uri end ## # Joins several URIs together. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] *uris # The URIs to join. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The joined URI. # # @example # base = "http://example.com/" # uri = Addressable::URI.parse("relative/path") # Addressable::URI.join(base, uri) # #=> # def self.join(*uris) uri_objects = uris.collect do |uri| if !uri.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{uri.class} into String." end uri.kind_of?(self) ? uri : self.parse(uri.to_str) end result = uri_objects.shift.dup for uri in uri_objects result.join!(uri) end return result end ## # Percent encodes a URI component. # # @param [String, #to_str] component The URI component to encode. # # @param [String, Regexp] character_class # The characters which are not percent encoded. If a String # is passed, the String must be formatted as a regular # expression character class. (Do not include the surrounding square # brackets.) For example, "b-zB-Z0-9" would cause # everything but the letters 'b' through 'z' and the numbers '0' through # '9' to be percent encoded. If a Regexp is passed, the # value /[^b-zB-Z0-9]/ would have the same effect. A set of # useful String values may be found in the # Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses module. The default # value is the reserved plus unreserved character classes specified in # RFC 3986. # # @param [Regexp] upcase_encoded # A string of characters that may already be percent encoded, and whose # encodings should be upcased. This allows normalization of percent # encodings for characters not included in the # character_class. # # @return [String] The encoded component. # # @example # Addressable::URI.encode_component("simple/example", "b-zB-Z0-9") # => "simple%2Fex%61mple" # Addressable::URI.encode_component("simple/example", /[^b-zB-Z0-9]/) # => "simple%2Fex%61mple" # Addressable::URI.encode_component( # "simple/example", Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED # ) # => "simple%2Fexample" def self.encode_component(component, character_class= CharacterClasses::RESERVED + CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED, upcase_encoded='') return nil if component.nil? begin if component.kind_of?(Symbol) || component.kind_of?(Numeric) || component.kind_of?(TrueClass) || component.kind_of?(FalseClass) component = component.to_s else component = component.to_str end rescue TypeError, NoMethodError raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{component.class} into String." end if !component.is_a? String if ![String, Regexp].include?(character_class.class) raise TypeError, "Expected String or Regexp, got #{character_class.inspect}" end if character_class.kind_of?(String) character_class = /[^#{character_class}]/ end # We can't perform regexps on invalid UTF sequences, but # here we need to, so switch to ASCII. component = component.dup component.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) # Avoiding gsub! because there are edge cases with frozen strings component = component.gsub(character_class) do |sequence| (sequence.unpack('C*').map { |c| "%" + ("%02x" % c).upcase }).join end if upcase_encoded.length > 0 component = component.gsub(/%(#{upcase_encoded.chars.map do |char| char.unpack('C*').map { |c| '%02x' % c }.join end.join('|')})/i) { |s| s.upcase } end return component end class << self alias_method :encode_component, :encode_component end ## # Unencodes any percent encoded characters within a URI component. # This method may be used for unencoding either components or full URIs, # however, it is recommended to use the unencode_component # alias when unencoding components. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] uri # The URI or component to unencode. # # @param [Class] return_type # The type of object to return. # This value may only be set to String or # Addressable::URI. All other values are invalid. Defaults # to String. # # @param [String] leave_encoded # A string of characters to leave encoded. If a percent encoded character # in this list is encountered then it will remain percent encoded. # # @return [String, Addressable::URI] # The unencoded component or URI. # The return type is determined by the return_type # parameter. def self.unencode(uri, return_type=String, leave_encoded='') return nil if uri.nil? begin uri = uri.to_str rescue NoMethodError, TypeError raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{uri.class} into String." end if !uri.is_a? String if ![String, ::Addressable::URI].include?(return_type) raise TypeError, "Expected Class (String or Addressable::URI), " + "got #{return_type.inspect}" end uri = uri.dup # Seriously, only use UTF-8. I'm really not kidding! uri.force_encoding("utf-8") leave_encoded.force_encoding("utf-8") result = uri.gsub(/%[0-9a-f]{2}/iu) do |sequence| c = sequence[1..3].to_i(16).chr c.force_encoding("utf-8") leave_encoded.include?(c) ? sequence : c end result.force_encoding("utf-8") if return_type == String return result elsif return_type == ::Addressable::URI return ::Addressable::URI.parse(result) end end class << self alias_method :unescape, :unencode alias_method :unencode_component, :unencode alias_method :unescape_component, :unencode end ## # Normalizes the encoding of a URI component. # # @param [String, #to_str] component The URI component to encode. # # @param [String, Regexp] character_class # The characters which are not percent encoded. If a String # is passed, the String must be formatted as a regular # expression character class. (Do not include the surrounding square # brackets.) For example, "b-zB-Z0-9" would cause # everything but the letters 'b' through 'z' and the numbers '0' # through '9' to be percent encoded. If a Regexp is passed, # the value /[^b-zB-Z0-9]/ would have the same effect. A # set of useful String values may be found in the # Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses module. The default # value is the reserved plus unreserved character classes specified in # RFC 3986. # # @param [String] leave_encoded # When character_class is a String then # leave_encoded is a string of characters that should remain # percent encoded while normalizing the component; if they appear percent # encoded in the original component, then they will be upcased ("%2f" # normalized to "%2F") but otherwise left alone. # # @return [String] The normalized component. # # @example # Addressable::URI.normalize_component("simpl%65/%65xampl%65", "b-zB-Z") # => "simple%2Fex%61mple" # Addressable::URI.normalize_component( # "simpl%65/%65xampl%65", /[^b-zB-Z]/ # ) # => "simple%2Fex%61mple" # Addressable::URI.normalize_component( # "simpl%65/%65xampl%65", # Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED # ) # => "simple%2Fexample" # Addressable::URI.normalize_component( # "one%20two%2fthree%26four", # "0-9a-zA-Z &/", # "/" # ) # => "one two%2Fthree&four" def self.normalize_component(component, character_class= CharacterClasses::RESERVED + CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED, leave_encoded='') return nil if component.nil? begin component = component.to_str rescue NoMethodError, TypeError raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{component.class} into String." end if !component.is_a? String if ![String, Regexp].include?(character_class.class) raise TypeError, "Expected String or Regexp, got #{character_class.inspect}" end if character_class.kind_of?(String) leave_re = if leave_encoded.length > 0 character_class = "#{character_class}%" unless character_class.include?('%') "|%(?!#{leave_encoded.chars.map do |char| seq = char.unpack('C*').map { |c| '%02x' % c }.join [seq.upcase, seq.downcase] end.flatten.join('|')})" end character_class = /[^#{character_class}]#{leave_re}/ end # We can't perform regexps on invalid UTF sequences, but # here we need to, so switch to ASCII. component = component.dup component.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) unencoded = self.unencode_component(component, String, leave_encoded) begin encoded = self.encode_component( Addressable::IDNA.unicode_normalize_kc(unencoded), character_class, leave_encoded ) rescue ArgumentError encoded = self.encode_component(unencoded) end encoded.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) return encoded end ## # Percent encodes any special characters in the URI. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] uri # The URI to encode. # # @param [Class] return_type # The type of object to return. # This value may only be set to String or # Addressable::URI. All other values are invalid. Defaults # to String. # # @return [String, Addressable::URI] # The encoded URI. # The return type is determined by the return_type # parameter. def self.encode(uri, return_type=String) return nil if uri.nil? begin uri = uri.to_str rescue NoMethodError, TypeError raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{uri.class} into String." end if !uri.is_a? String if ![String, ::Addressable::URI].include?(return_type) raise TypeError, "Expected Class (String or Addressable::URI), " + "got #{return_type.inspect}" end uri_object = uri.kind_of?(self) ? uri : self.parse(uri) encoded_uri = Addressable::URI.new( :scheme => self.encode_component(uri_object.scheme, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::SCHEME), :authority => self.encode_component(uri_object.authority, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::AUTHORITY), :path => self.encode_component(uri_object.path, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::PATH), :query => self.encode_component(uri_object.query, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::QUERY), :fragment => self.encode_component(uri_object.fragment, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::FRAGMENT) ) if return_type == String return encoded_uri.to_s elsif return_type == ::Addressable::URI return encoded_uri end end class << self alias_method :escape, :encode end ## # Normalizes the encoding of a URI. Characters within a hostname are # not percent encoded to allow for internationalized domain names. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] uri # The URI to encode. # # @param [Class] return_type # The type of object to return. # This value may only be set to String or # Addressable::URI. All other values are invalid. Defaults # to String. # # @return [String, Addressable::URI] # The encoded URI. # The return type is determined by the return_type # parameter. def self.normalized_encode(uri, return_type=String) begin uri = uri.to_str rescue NoMethodError, TypeError raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{uri.class} into String." end if !uri.is_a? String if ![String, ::Addressable::URI].include?(return_type) raise TypeError, "Expected Class (String or Addressable::URI), " + "got #{return_type.inspect}" end uri_object = uri.kind_of?(self) ? uri : self.parse(uri) components = { :scheme => self.unencode_component(uri_object.scheme), :user => self.unencode_component(uri_object.user), :password => self.unencode_component(uri_object.password), :host => self.unencode_component(uri_object.host), :port => (uri_object.port.nil? ? nil : uri_object.port.to_s), :path => self.unencode_component(uri_object.path), :query => self.unencode_component(uri_object.query), :fragment => self.unencode_component(uri_object.fragment) } components.each do |key, value| if value != nil begin components[key] = Addressable::IDNA.unicode_normalize_kc(value.to_str) rescue ArgumentError # Likely a malformed UTF-8 character, skip unicode normalization components[key] = value.to_str end end end encoded_uri = Addressable::URI.new( :scheme => self.encode_component(components[:scheme], Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::SCHEME), :user => self.encode_component(components[:user], Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED), :password => self.encode_component(components[:password], Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED), :host => components[:host], :port => components[:port], :path => self.encode_component(components[:path], Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::PATH), :query => self.encode_component(components[:query], Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::QUERY), :fragment => self.encode_component(components[:fragment], Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::FRAGMENT) ) if return_type == String return encoded_uri.to_s elsif return_type == ::Addressable::URI return encoded_uri end end ## # Encodes a set of key/value pairs according to the rules for the # application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME type. # # @param [#to_hash, #to_ary] form_values # The form values to encode. # # @param [TrueClass, FalseClass] sort # Sort the key/value pairs prior to encoding. # Defaults to false. # # @return [String] # The encoded value. def self.form_encode(form_values, sort=false) if form_values.respond_to?(:to_hash) form_values = form_values.to_hash.to_a elsif form_values.respond_to?(:to_ary) form_values = form_values.to_ary else raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{form_values.class} into Array." end form_values = form_values.inject([]) do |accu, (key, value)| if value.kind_of?(Array) value.each do |v| accu << [key.to_s, v.to_s] end else accu << [key.to_s, value.to_s] end accu end if sort # Useful for OAuth and optimizing caching systems form_values = form_values.sort end escaped_form_values = form_values.map do |(key, value)| # Line breaks are CRLF pairs [ self.encode_component( key.gsub(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/, "\r\n"), CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED ).gsub("%20", "+"), self.encode_component( value.gsub(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/, "\r\n"), CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED ).gsub("%20", "+") ] end return escaped_form_values.map do |(key, value)| "#{key}=#{value}" end.join("&") end ## # Decodes a String according to the rules for the # application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME type. # # @param [String, #to_str] encoded_value # The form values to decode. # # @return [Array] # The decoded values. # This is not a Hash because of the possibility for # duplicate keys. def self.form_unencode(encoded_value) if !encoded_value.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{encoded_value.class} into String." end encoded_value = encoded_value.to_str split_values = encoded_value.split("&").map do |pair| pair.split("=", 2) end return split_values.map do |(key, value)| [ key ? self.unencode_component( key.gsub("+", "%20")).gsub(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/, "\n") : nil, value ? (self.unencode_component( value.gsub("+", "%20")).gsub(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/, "\n")) : nil ] end end ## # Creates a new uri object from component parts. # # @option [String, #to_str] scheme The scheme component. # @option [String, #to_str] user The user component. # @option [String, #to_str] password The password component. # @option [String, #to_str] userinfo # The userinfo component. If this is supplied, the user and password # components must be omitted. # @option [String, #to_str] host The host component. # @option [String, #to_str] port The port component. # @option [String, #to_str] authority # The authority component. If this is supplied, the user, password, # userinfo, host, and port components must be omitted. # @option [String, #to_str] path The path component. # @option [String, #to_str] query The query component. # @option [String, #to_str] fragment The fragment component. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The constructed URI object. def initialize(options={}) if options.has_key?(:authority) if (options.keys & [:userinfo, :user, :password, :host, :port]).any? raise ArgumentError, "Cannot specify both an authority and any of the components " + "within the authority." end end if options.has_key?(:userinfo) if (options.keys & [:user, :password]).any? raise ArgumentError, "Cannot specify both a userinfo and either the user or password." end end self.defer_validation do # Bunch of crazy logic required because of the composite components # like userinfo and authority. self.scheme = options[:scheme] if options[:scheme] self.user = options[:user] if options[:user] self.password = options[:password] if options[:password] self.userinfo = options[:userinfo] if options[:userinfo] self.host = options[:host] if options[:host] self.port = options[:port] if options[:port] self.authority = options[:authority] if options[:authority] self.path = options[:path] if options[:path] self.query = options[:query] if options[:query] self.query_values = options[:query_values] if options[:query_values] self.fragment = options[:fragment] if options[:fragment] end self.to_s end ## # Freeze URI, initializing instance variables. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The frozen URI object. def freeze self.normalized_scheme self.normalized_user self.normalized_password self.normalized_userinfo self.normalized_host self.normalized_port self.normalized_authority self.normalized_site self.normalized_path self.normalized_query self.normalized_fragment self.hash super end ## # The scheme component for this URI. # # @return [String] The scheme component. def scheme return defined?(@scheme) ? @scheme : nil end ## # The scheme component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [String] The scheme component, normalized. def normalized_scheme return nil unless self.scheme @normalized_scheme ||= begin if self.scheme =~ /^\s*ssh\+svn\s*$/i "svn+ssh" else Addressable::URI.normalize_component( self.scheme.strip.downcase, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::SCHEME ) end end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 @normalized_scheme.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if @normalized_scheme @normalized_scheme end ## # Sets the scheme component for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_scheme The new scheme component. def scheme=(new_scheme) if new_scheme && !new_scheme.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_scheme.class} into String." elsif new_scheme new_scheme = new_scheme.to_str end if new_scheme && new_scheme !~ /\A[a-z][a-z0-9\.\+\-]*\z/i raise InvalidURIError, "Invalid scheme format: #{new_scheme}" end @scheme = new_scheme @scheme = nil if @scheme.to_s.strip.empty? # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_scheme) if defined?(@normalized_scheme) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end ## # The user component for this URI. # # @return [String] The user component. def user return defined?(@user) ? @user : nil end ## # The user component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [String] The user component, normalized. def normalized_user return nil unless self.user return @normalized_user if defined?(@normalized_user) @normalized_user ||= begin if normalized_scheme =~ /https?/ && self.user.strip.empty? && (!self.password || self.password.strip.empty?) nil else Addressable::URI.normalize_component( self.user.strip, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED ) end end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 @normalized_user.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if @normalized_user @normalized_user end ## # Sets the user component for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_user The new user component. def user=(new_user) if new_user && !new_user.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_user.class} into String." end @user = new_user ? new_user.to_str : nil # You can't have a nil user with a non-nil password if password != nil @user = EMPTY_STR if @user.nil? end # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@userinfo) if defined?(@userinfo) remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_userinfo) if defined?(@normalized_userinfo) remove_instance_variable(:@authority) if defined?(@authority) remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_user) if defined?(@normalized_user) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end ## # The password component for this URI. # # @return [String] The password component. def password return defined?(@password) ? @password : nil end ## # The password component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [String] The password component, normalized. def normalized_password return nil unless self.password return @normalized_password if defined?(@normalized_password) @normalized_password ||= begin if self.normalized_scheme =~ /https?/ && self.password.strip.empty? && (!self.user || self.user.strip.empty?) nil else Addressable::URI.normalize_component( self.password.strip, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED ) end end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 if @normalized_password @normalized_password.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end @normalized_password end ## # Sets the password component for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_password The new password component. def password=(new_password) if new_password && !new_password.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_password.class} into String." end @password = new_password ? new_password.to_str : nil # You can't have a nil user with a non-nil password @password ||= nil @user ||= nil if @password != nil @user = EMPTY_STR if @user.nil? end # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@userinfo) if defined?(@userinfo) remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_userinfo) if defined?(@normalized_userinfo) remove_instance_variable(:@authority) if defined?(@authority) remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_password) if defined?(@normalized_password) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end ## # The userinfo component for this URI. # Combines the user and password components. # # @return [String] The userinfo component. def userinfo current_user = self.user current_password = self.password (current_user || current_password) && @userinfo ||= begin if current_user && current_password "#{current_user}:#{current_password}" elsif current_user && !current_password "#{current_user}" end end end ## # The userinfo component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [String] The userinfo component, normalized. def normalized_userinfo return nil unless self.userinfo return @normalized_userinfo if defined?(@normalized_userinfo) @normalized_userinfo ||= begin current_user = self.normalized_user current_password = self.normalized_password if !current_user && !current_password nil elsif current_user && current_password "#{current_user}:#{current_password}" elsif current_user && !current_password "#{current_user}" end end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 if @normalized_userinfo @normalized_userinfo.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end @normalized_userinfo end ## # Sets the userinfo component for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_userinfo The new userinfo component. def userinfo=(new_userinfo) if new_userinfo && !new_userinfo.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_userinfo.class} into String." end new_user, new_password = if new_userinfo [ new_userinfo.to_str.strip[/^(.*):/, 1], new_userinfo.to_str.strip[/:(.*)$/, 1] ] else [nil, nil] end # Password assigned first to ensure validity in case of nil self.password = new_password self.user = new_user # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@authority) if defined?(@authority) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end ## # The host component for this URI. # # @return [String] The host component. def host return defined?(@host) ? @host : nil end ## # The host component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [String] The host component, normalized. def normalized_host return nil unless self.host @normalized_host ||= begin if !self.host.strip.empty? result = ::Addressable::IDNA.to_ascii( URI.unencode_component(self.host.strip.downcase) ) if result =~ /[^\.]\.$/ # Single trailing dots are unnecessary. result = result[0...-1] end result = Addressable::URI.normalize_component( result, CharacterClasses::HOST) result else EMPTY_STR end end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 @normalized_host.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if @normalized_host @normalized_host end ## # Sets the host component for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_host The new host component. def host=(new_host) if new_host && !new_host.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_host.class} into String." end @host = new_host ? new_host.to_str : nil # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@authority) if defined?(@authority) remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_host) if defined?(@normalized_host) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end ## # This method is same as URI::Generic#host except # brackets for IPv6 (and 'IPvFuture') addresses are removed. # # @see Addressable::URI#host # # @return [String] The hostname for this URI. def hostname v = self.host /\A\[(.*)\]\z/ =~ v ? $1 : v end ## # This method is same as URI::Generic#host= except # the argument can be a bare IPv6 address (or 'IPvFuture'). # # @see Addressable::URI#host= # # @param [String, #to_str] new_hostname The new hostname for this URI. def hostname=(new_hostname) if new_hostname && (new_hostname.respond_to?(:ipv4?) || new_hostname.respond_to?(:ipv6?)) new_hostname = new_hostname.to_s elsif new_hostname && !new_hostname.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_hostname.class} into String." end v = new_hostname ? new_hostname.to_str : nil v = "[#{v}]" if /\A\[.*\]\z/ !~ v && /:/ =~ v self.host = v end ## # Returns the top-level domain for this host. # # @example # Addressable::URI.parse("www.example.co.uk").tld # => "co.uk" def tld PublicSuffix.parse(self.host, ignore_private: true).tld end ## # Returns the public suffix domain for this host. # # @example # Addressable::URI.parse("www.example.co.uk").domain # => "example.co.uk" def domain PublicSuffix.domain(self.host, ignore_private: true) end ## # The authority component for this URI. # Combines the user, password, host, and port components. # # @return [String] The authority component. def authority self.host && @authority ||= begin authority = String.new if self.userinfo != nil authority << "#{self.userinfo}@" end authority << self.host if self.port != nil authority << ":#{self.port}" end authority end end ## # The authority component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [String] The authority component, normalized. def normalized_authority return nil unless self.authority @normalized_authority ||= begin authority = String.new if self.normalized_userinfo != nil authority << "#{self.normalized_userinfo}@" end authority << self.normalized_host if self.normalized_port != nil authority << ":#{self.normalized_port}" end authority end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 if @normalized_authority @normalized_authority.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end @normalized_authority end ## # Sets the authority component for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_authority The new authority component. def authority=(new_authority) if new_authority if !new_authority.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_authority.class} into String." end new_authority = new_authority.to_str new_userinfo = new_authority[/^([^\[\]]*)@/, 1] if new_userinfo new_user = new_userinfo.strip[/^([^:]*):?/, 1] new_password = new_userinfo.strip[/:(.*)$/, 1] end new_host = new_authority.gsub( /^([^\[\]]*)@/, EMPTY_STR ).gsub( /:([^:@\[\]]*?)$/, EMPTY_STR ) new_port = new_authority[/:([^:@\[\]]*?)$/, 1] end # Password assigned first to ensure validity in case of nil self.password = defined?(new_password) ? new_password : nil self.user = defined?(new_user) ? new_user : nil self.host = defined?(new_host) ? new_host : nil self.port = defined?(new_port) ? new_port : nil # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@userinfo) if defined?(@userinfo) remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_userinfo) if defined?(@normalized_userinfo) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end ## # The origin for this URI, serialized to ASCII, as per # RFC 6454, section 6.2. # # @return [String] The serialized origin. def origin if self.scheme && self.authority if self.normalized_port "#{self.normalized_scheme}://#{self.normalized_host}" + ":#{self.normalized_port}" else "#{self.normalized_scheme}://#{self.normalized_host}" end else "null" end end ## # Sets the origin for this URI, serialized to ASCII, as per # RFC 6454, section 6.2. This assignment will reset the `userinfo` # component. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_origin The new origin component. def origin=(new_origin) if new_origin if !new_origin.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_origin.class} into String." end new_origin = new_origin.to_str new_scheme = new_origin[/^([^:\/?#]+):\/\//, 1] unless new_scheme raise InvalidURIError, 'An origin cannot omit the scheme.' end new_host = new_origin[/:\/\/([^\/?#:]+)/, 1] unless new_host raise InvalidURIError, 'An origin cannot omit the host.' end new_port = new_origin[/:([^:@\[\]\/]*?)$/, 1] end self.scheme = defined?(new_scheme) ? new_scheme : nil self.host = defined?(new_host) ? new_host : nil self.port = defined?(new_port) ? new_port : nil self.userinfo = nil # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@userinfo) if defined?(@userinfo) remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_userinfo) if defined?(@normalized_userinfo) remove_instance_variable(:@authority) if defined?(@authority) remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_authority) if defined?(@normalized_authority) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end # Returns an array of known ip-based schemes. These schemes typically # use a similar URI form: # //:@:/ def self.ip_based_schemes return self.port_mapping.keys end # Returns a hash of common IP-based schemes and their default port # numbers. Adding new schemes to this hash, as necessary, will allow # for better URI normalization. def self.port_mapping PORT_MAPPING end ## # The port component for this URI. # This is the port number actually given in the URI. This does not # infer port numbers from default values. # # @return [Integer] The port component. def port return defined?(@port) ? @port : nil end ## # The port component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [Integer] The port component, normalized. def normalized_port return nil unless self.port return @normalized_port if defined?(@normalized_port) @normalized_port ||= begin if URI.port_mapping[self.normalized_scheme] == self.port nil else self.port end end end ## # Sets the port component for this URI. # # @param [String, Integer, #to_s] new_port The new port component. def port=(new_port) if new_port != nil && new_port.respond_to?(:to_str) new_port = Addressable::URI.unencode_component(new_port.to_str) end if new_port.respond_to?(:valid_encoding?) && !new_port.valid_encoding? raise InvalidURIError, "Invalid encoding in port" end if new_port != nil && !(new_port.to_s =~ /^\d+$/) raise InvalidURIError, "Invalid port number: #{new_port.inspect}" end @port = new_port.to_s.to_i @port = nil if @port == 0 # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@authority) if defined?(@authority) remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_port) if defined?(@normalized_port) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end ## # The inferred port component for this URI. # This method will normalize to the default port for the URI's scheme if # the port isn't explicitly specified in the URI. # # @return [Integer] The inferred port component. def inferred_port if self.port.to_i == 0 self.default_port else self.port.to_i end end ## # The default port for this URI's scheme. # This method will always returns the default port for the URI's scheme # regardless of the presence of an explicit port in the URI. # # @return [Integer] The default port. def default_port URI.port_mapping[self.scheme.strip.downcase] if self.scheme end ## # The combination of components that represent a site. # Combines the scheme, user, password, host, and port components. # Primarily useful for HTTP and HTTPS. # # For example, "http://example.com/path?query" would have a # site value of "http://example.com". # # @return [String] The components that identify a site. def site (self.scheme || self.authority) && @site ||= begin site_string = "" site_string << "#{self.scheme}:" if self.scheme != nil site_string << "//#{self.authority}" if self.authority != nil site_string end end ## # The normalized combination of components that represent a site. # Combines the scheme, user, password, host, and port components. # Primarily useful for HTTP and HTTPS. # # For example, "http://example.com/path?query" would have a # site value of "http://example.com". # # @return [String] The normalized components that identify a site. def normalized_site return nil unless self.site @normalized_site ||= begin site_string = "" if self.normalized_scheme != nil site_string << "#{self.normalized_scheme}:" end if self.normalized_authority != nil site_string << "//#{self.normalized_authority}" end site_string end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 @normalized_site.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if @normalized_site @normalized_site end ## # Sets the site value for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_site The new site value. def site=(new_site) if new_site if !new_site.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_site.class} into String." end new_site = new_site.to_str # These two regular expressions derived from the primary parsing # expression self.scheme = new_site[/^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*))?$/, 1] self.authority = new_site[ /^(?:(?:[^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/([^\/?#]*))?$/, 1 ] else self.scheme = nil self.authority = nil end end ## # The path component for this URI. # # @return [String] The path component. def path return defined?(@path) ? @path : EMPTY_STR end NORMPATH = /^(?!\/)[^\/:]*:.*$/ ## # The path component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [String] The path component, normalized. def normalized_path @normalized_path ||= begin path = self.path.to_s if self.scheme == nil && path =~ NORMPATH # Relative paths with colons in the first segment are ambiguous. path = path.sub(":", "%2F") end # String#split(delimeter, -1) uses the more strict splitting behavior # found by default in Python. result = path.strip.split(SLASH, -1).map do |segment| Addressable::URI.normalize_component( segment, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::PCHAR ) end.join(SLASH) result = URI.normalize_path(result) if result.empty? && ["http", "https", "ftp", "tftp"].include?(self.normalized_scheme) result = SLASH end result end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 @normalized_path.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if @normalized_path @normalized_path end ## # Sets the path component for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_path The new path component. def path=(new_path) if new_path && !new_path.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_path.class} into String." end @path = (new_path || EMPTY_STR).to_str if !@path.empty? && @path[0..0] != SLASH && host != nil @path = "/#{@path}" end # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_path) if defined?(@normalized_path) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end ## # The basename, if any, of the file in the path component. # # @return [String] The path's basename. def basename # Path cannot be nil return File.basename(self.path).gsub(/;[^\/]*$/, EMPTY_STR) end ## # The extname, if any, of the file in the path component. # Empty string if there is no extension. # # @return [String] The path's extname. def extname return nil unless self.path return File.extname(self.basename) end ## # The query component for this URI. # # @return [String] The query component. def query return defined?(@query) ? @query : nil end ## # The query component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [String] The query component, normalized. def normalized_query(*flags) return nil unless self.query return @normalized_query if defined?(@normalized_query) @normalized_query ||= begin modified_query_class = Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::QUERY.dup # Make sure possible key-value pair delimiters are escaped. modified_query_class.sub!("\\&", "").sub!("\\;", "") pairs = (self.query || "").split("&", -1) pairs.sort! if flags.include?(:sorted) component = pairs.map do |pair| Addressable::URI.normalize_component(pair, modified_query_class, "+") end.join("&") component == "" ? nil : component end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 @normalized_query.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if @normalized_query @normalized_query end ## # Sets the query component for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_query The new query component. def query=(new_query) if new_query && !new_query.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_query.class} into String." end @query = new_query ? new_query.to_str : nil # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_query) if defined?(@normalized_query) remove_composite_values end ## # Converts the query component to a Hash value. # # @param [Class] return_type The return type desired. Value must be either # `Hash` or `Array`. # # @return [Hash, Array, nil] The query string parsed as a Hash or Array # or nil if the query string is blank. # # @example # Addressable::URI.parse("?one=1&two=2&three=3").query_values # #=> {"one" => "1", "two" => "2", "three" => "3"} # Addressable::URI.parse("?one=two&one=three").query_values(Array) # #=> [["one", "two"], ["one", "three"]] # Addressable::URI.parse("?one=two&one=three").query_values(Hash) # #=> {"one" => "three"} # Addressable::URI.parse("?").query_values # #=> {} # Addressable::URI.parse("").query_values # #=> nil def query_values(return_type=Hash) empty_accumulator = Array == return_type ? [] : {} if return_type != Hash && return_type != Array raise ArgumentError, "Invalid return type. Must be Hash or Array." end return nil if self.query == nil split_query = self.query.split("&").map do |pair| pair.split("=", 2) if pair && !pair.empty? end.compact return split_query.inject(empty_accumulator.dup) do |accu, pair| # I'd rather use key/value identifiers instead of array lookups, # but in this case I really want to maintain the exact pair structure, # so it's best to make all changes in-place. pair[0] = URI.unencode_component(pair[0]) if pair[1].respond_to?(:to_str) # I loathe the fact that I have to do this. Stupid HTML 4.01. # Treating '+' as a space was just an unbelievably bad idea. # There was nothing wrong with '%20'! # If it ain't broke, don't fix it! pair[1] = URI.unencode_component(pair[1].to_str.gsub(/\+/, " ")) end if return_type == Hash accu[pair[0]] = pair[1] else accu << pair end accu end end ## # Sets the query component for this URI from a Hash object. # An empty Hash or Array will result in an empty query string. # # @param [Hash, #to_hash, Array] new_query_values The new query values. # # @example # uri.query_values = {:a => "a", :b => ["c", "d", "e"]} # uri.query # # => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e" # uri.query_values = [['a', 'a'], ['b', 'c'], ['b', 'd'], ['b', 'e']] # uri.query # # => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e" # uri.query_values = [['a', 'a'], ['b', ['c', 'd', 'e']]] # uri.query # # => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e" # uri.query_values = [['flag'], ['key', 'value']] # uri.query # # => "flag&key=value" def query_values=(new_query_values) if new_query_values == nil self.query = nil return nil end if !new_query_values.is_a?(Array) if !new_query_values.respond_to?(:to_hash) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_query_values.class} into Hash." end new_query_values = new_query_values.to_hash new_query_values = new_query_values.map do |key, value| key = key.to_s if key.kind_of?(Symbol) [key, value] end # Useful default for OAuth and caching. # Only to be used for non-Array inputs. Arrays should preserve order. new_query_values.sort! end # new_query_values have form [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']] buffer = "" new_query_values.each do |key, value| encoded_key = URI.encode_component( key, CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED ) if value == nil buffer << "#{encoded_key}&" elsif value.kind_of?(Array) value.each do |sub_value| encoded_value = URI.encode_component( sub_value, CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED ) buffer << "#{encoded_key}=#{encoded_value}&" end else encoded_value = URI.encode_component( value, CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED ) buffer << "#{encoded_key}=#{encoded_value}&" end end self.query = buffer.chop end ## # The HTTP request URI for this URI. This is the path and the # query string. # # @return [String] The request URI required for an HTTP request. def request_uri return nil if self.absolute? && self.scheme !~ /^https?$/ return ( (!self.path.empty? ? self.path : SLASH) + (self.query ? "?#{self.query}" : EMPTY_STR) ) end ## # Sets the HTTP request URI for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_request_uri The new HTTP request URI. def request_uri=(new_request_uri) if !new_request_uri.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_request_uri.class} into String." end if self.absolute? && self.scheme !~ /^https?$/ raise InvalidURIError, "Cannot set an HTTP request URI for a non-HTTP URI." end new_request_uri = new_request_uri.to_str path_component = new_request_uri[/^([^\?]*)\?(?:.*)$/, 1] query_component = new_request_uri[/^(?:[^\?]*)\?(.*)$/, 1] path_component = path_component.to_s path_component = (!path_component.empty? ? path_component : SLASH) self.path = path_component self.query = query_component # Reset dependent values remove_composite_values end ## # The fragment component for this URI. # # @return [String] The fragment component. def fragment return defined?(@fragment) ? @fragment : nil end ## # The fragment component for this URI, normalized. # # @return [String] The fragment component, normalized. def normalized_fragment return nil unless self.fragment return @normalized_fragment if defined?(@normalized_fragment) @normalized_fragment ||= begin component = Addressable::URI.normalize_component( self.fragment, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::FRAGMENT ) component == "" ? nil : component end # All normalized values should be UTF-8 if @normalized_fragment @normalized_fragment.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end @normalized_fragment end ## # Sets the fragment component for this URI. # # @param [String, #to_str] new_fragment The new fragment component. def fragment=(new_fragment) if new_fragment && !new_fragment.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{new_fragment.class} into String." end @fragment = new_fragment ? new_fragment.to_str : nil # Reset dependent values remove_instance_variable(:@normalized_fragment) if defined?(@normalized_fragment) remove_composite_values # Ensure we haven't created an invalid URI validate() end ## # Determines if the scheme indicates an IP-based protocol. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # true if the scheme indicates an IP-based protocol. # false otherwise. def ip_based? if self.scheme return URI.ip_based_schemes.include?( self.scheme.strip.downcase) end return false end ## # Determines if the URI is relative. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # true if the URI is relative. false # otherwise. def relative? return self.scheme.nil? end ## # Determines if the URI is absolute. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # true if the URI is absolute. false # otherwise. def absolute? return !relative? end ## # Joins two URIs together. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI to join with. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The joined URI. def join(uri) if !uri.respond_to?(:to_str) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{uri.class} into String." end if !uri.kind_of?(URI) # Otherwise, convert to a String, then parse. uri = URI.parse(uri.to_str) end if uri.to_s.empty? return self.dup end joined_scheme = nil joined_user = nil joined_password = nil joined_host = nil joined_port = nil joined_path = nil joined_query = nil joined_fragment = nil # Section 5.2.2 of RFC 3986 if uri.scheme != nil joined_scheme = uri.scheme joined_user = uri.user joined_password = uri.password joined_host = uri.host joined_port = uri.port joined_path = URI.normalize_path(uri.path) joined_query = uri.query else if uri.authority != nil joined_user = uri.user joined_password = uri.password joined_host = uri.host joined_port = uri.port joined_path = URI.normalize_path(uri.path) joined_query = uri.query else if uri.path == nil || uri.path.empty? joined_path = self.path if uri.query != nil joined_query = uri.query else joined_query = self.query end else if uri.path[0..0] == SLASH joined_path = URI.normalize_path(uri.path) else base_path = self.path.dup base_path = EMPTY_STR if base_path == nil base_path = URI.normalize_path(base_path) # Section 5.2.3 of RFC 3986 # # Removes the right-most path segment from the base path. if base_path =~ /\// base_path.gsub!(/\/[^\/]+$/, SLASH) else base_path = EMPTY_STR end # If the base path is empty and an authority segment has been # defined, use a base path of SLASH if base_path.empty? && self.authority != nil base_path = SLASH end joined_path = URI.normalize_path(base_path + uri.path) end joined_query = uri.query end joined_user = self.user joined_password = self.password joined_host = self.host joined_port = self.port end joined_scheme = self.scheme end joined_fragment = uri.fragment return self.class.new( :scheme => joined_scheme, :user => joined_user, :password => joined_password, :host => joined_host, :port => joined_port, :path => joined_path, :query => joined_query, :fragment => joined_fragment ) end alias_method :+, :join ## # Destructive form of join. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] The URI to join with. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The joined URI. # # @see Addressable::URI#join def join!(uri) replace_self(self.join(uri)) end ## # Merges a URI with a Hash of components. # This method has different behavior from join. Any # components present in the hash parameter will override the # original components. The path component is not treated specially. # # @param [Hash, Addressable::URI, #to_hash] The components to merge with. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The merged URI. # # @see Hash#merge def merge(hash) if !hash.respond_to?(:to_hash) raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{hash.class} into Hash." end hash = hash.to_hash if hash.has_key?(:authority) if (hash.keys & [:userinfo, :user, :password, :host, :port]).any? raise ArgumentError, "Cannot specify both an authority and any of the components " + "within the authority." end end if hash.has_key?(:userinfo) if (hash.keys & [:user, :password]).any? raise ArgumentError, "Cannot specify both a userinfo and either the user or password." end end uri = self.class.new uri.defer_validation do # Bunch of crazy logic required because of the composite components # like userinfo and authority. uri.scheme = hash.has_key?(:scheme) ? hash[:scheme] : self.scheme if hash.has_key?(:authority) uri.authority = hash.has_key?(:authority) ? hash[:authority] : self.authority end if hash.has_key?(:userinfo) uri.userinfo = hash.has_key?(:userinfo) ? hash[:userinfo] : self.userinfo end if !hash.has_key?(:userinfo) && !hash.has_key?(:authority) uri.user = hash.has_key?(:user) ? hash[:user] : self.user uri.password = hash.has_key?(:password) ? hash[:password] : self.password end if !hash.has_key?(:authority) uri.host = hash.has_key?(:host) ? hash[:host] : self.host uri.port = hash.has_key?(:port) ? hash[:port] : self.port end uri.path = hash.has_key?(:path) ? hash[:path] : self.path uri.query = hash.has_key?(:query) ? hash[:query] : self.query uri.fragment = hash.has_key?(:fragment) ? hash[:fragment] : self.fragment end return uri end ## # Destructive form of merge. # # @param [Hash, Addressable::URI, #to_hash] The components to merge with. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The merged URI. # # @see Addressable::URI#merge def merge!(uri) replace_self(self.merge(uri)) end ## # Returns the shortest normalized relative form of this URI that uses the # supplied URI as a base for resolution. Returns an absolute URI if # necessary. This is effectively the opposite of route_to. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] uri The URI to route from. # # @return [Addressable::URI] # The normalized relative URI that is equivalent to the original URI. def route_from(uri) uri = URI.parse(uri).normalize normalized_self = self.normalize if normalized_self.relative? raise ArgumentError, "Expected absolute URI, got: #{self.to_s}" end if uri.relative? raise ArgumentError, "Expected absolute URI, got: #{uri.to_s}" end if normalized_self == uri return Addressable::URI.parse("##{normalized_self.fragment}") end components = normalized_self.to_hash if normalized_self.scheme == uri.scheme components[:scheme] = nil if normalized_self.authority == uri.authority components[:user] = nil components[:password] = nil components[:host] = nil components[:port] = nil if normalized_self.path == uri.path components[:path] = nil if normalized_self.query == uri.query components[:query] = nil end else if uri.path != SLASH and components[:path] self_splitted_path = split_path(components[:path]) uri_splitted_path = split_path(uri.path) self_dir = self_splitted_path.shift uri_dir = uri_splitted_path.shift while !self_splitted_path.empty? && !uri_splitted_path.empty? and self_dir == uri_dir self_dir = self_splitted_path.shift uri_dir = uri_splitted_path.shift end components[:path] = (uri_splitted_path.fill('..') + [self_dir] + self_splitted_path).join(SLASH) end end end end # Avoid network-path references. if components[:host] != nil components[:scheme] = normalized_self.scheme end return Addressable::URI.new( :scheme => components[:scheme], :user => components[:user], :password => components[:password], :host => components[:host], :port => components[:port], :path => components[:path], :query => components[:query], :fragment => components[:fragment] ) end ## # Returns the shortest normalized relative form of the supplied URI that # uses this URI as a base for resolution. Returns an absolute URI if # necessary. This is effectively the opposite of route_from. # # @param [String, Addressable::URI, #to_str] uri The URI to route to. # # @return [Addressable::URI] # The normalized relative URI that is equivalent to the supplied URI. def route_to(uri) return URI.parse(uri).route_from(self) end ## # Returns a normalized URI object. # # NOTE: This method does not attempt to fully conform to specifications. # It exists largely to correct other people's failures to read the # specifications, and also to deal with caching issues since several # different URIs may represent the same resource and should not be # cached multiple times. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The normalized URI. def normalize # This is a special exception for the frequently misused feed # URI scheme. if normalized_scheme == "feed" if self.to_s =~ /^feed:\/*http:\/*/ return URI.parse( self.to_s[/^feed:\/*(http:\/*.*)/, 1] ).normalize end end return self.class.new( :scheme => normalized_scheme, :authority => normalized_authority, :path => normalized_path, :query => normalized_query, :fragment => normalized_fragment ) end ## # Destructively normalizes this URI object. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The normalized URI. # # @see Addressable::URI#normalize def normalize! replace_self(self.normalize) end ## # Creates a URI suitable for display to users. If semantic attacks are # likely, the application should try to detect these and warn the user. # See RFC 3986, # section 7.6 for more information. # # @return [Addressable::URI] A URI suitable for display purposes. def display_uri display_uri = self.normalize display_uri.host = ::Addressable::IDNA.to_unicode(display_uri.host) return display_uri end ## # Returns true if the URI objects are equal. This method # normalizes both URIs before doing the comparison, and allows comparison # against Strings. # # @param [Object] uri The URI to compare. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # true if the URIs are equivalent, false # otherwise. def ===(uri) if uri.respond_to?(:normalize) uri_string = uri.normalize.to_s else begin uri_string = ::Addressable::URI.parse(uri).normalize.to_s rescue InvalidURIError, TypeError return false end end return self.normalize.to_s == uri_string end ## # Returns true if the URI objects are equal. This method # normalizes both URIs before doing the comparison. # # @param [Object] uri The URI to compare. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # true if the URIs are equivalent, false # otherwise. def ==(uri) return false unless uri.kind_of?(URI) return self.normalize.to_s == uri.normalize.to_s end ## # Returns true if the URI objects are equal. This method # does NOT normalize either URI before doing the comparison. # # @param [Object] uri The URI to compare. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # true if the URIs are equivalent, false # otherwise. def eql?(uri) return false unless uri.kind_of?(URI) return self.to_s == uri.to_s end ## # A hash value that will make a URI equivalent to its normalized # form. # # @return [Integer] A hash of the URI. def hash @hash ||= self.to_s.hash * -1 end ## # Clones the URI object. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The cloned URI. def dup duplicated_uri = self.class.new( :scheme => self.scheme ? self.scheme.dup : nil, :user => self.user ? self.user.dup : nil, :password => self.password ? self.password.dup : nil, :host => self.host ? self.host.dup : nil, :port => self.port, :path => self.path ? self.path.dup : nil, :query => self.query ? self.query.dup : nil, :fragment => self.fragment ? self.fragment.dup : nil ) return duplicated_uri end ## # Omits components from a URI. # # @param [Symbol] *components The components to be omitted. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The URI with components omitted. # # @example # uri = Addressable::URI.parse("http://example.com/path?query") # #=> # # uri.omit(:scheme, :authority) # #=> # def omit(*components) invalid_components = components - [ :scheme, :user, :password, :userinfo, :host, :port, :authority, :path, :query, :fragment ] unless invalid_components.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Invalid component names: #{invalid_components.inspect}." end duplicated_uri = self.dup duplicated_uri.defer_validation do components.each do |component| duplicated_uri.send((component.to_s + "=").to_sym, nil) end duplicated_uri.user = duplicated_uri.normalized_user end duplicated_uri end ## # Destructive form of omit. # # @param [Symbol] *components The components to be omitted. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The URI with components omitted. # # @see Addressable::URI#omit def omit!(*components) replace_self(self.omit(*components)) end ## # Determines if the URI is an empty string. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # Returns true if empty, false otherwise. def empty? return self.to_s.empty? end ## # Converts the URI to a String. # # @return [String] The URI's String representation. def to_s if self.scheme == nil && self.path != nil && !self.path.empty? && self.path =~ NORMPATH raise InvalidURIError, "Cannot assemble URI string with ambiguous path: '#{self.path}'" end @uri_string ||= begin uri_string = String.new uri_string << "#{self.scheme}:" if self.scheme != nil uri_string << "//#{self.authority}" if self.authority != nil uri_string << self.path.to_s uri_string << "?#{self.query}" if self.query != nil uri_string << "##{self.fragment}" if self.fragment != nil uri_string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) uri_string end end ## # URI's are glorified Strings. Allow implicit conversion. alias_method :to_str, :to_s ## # Returns a Hash of the URI components. # # @return [Hash] The URI as a Hash of components. def to_hash return { :scheme => self.scheme, :user => self.user, :password => self.password, :host => self.host, :port => self.port, :path => self.path, :query => self.query, :fragment => self.fragment } end ## # Returns a String representation of the URI object's state. # # @return [String] The URI object's state, as a String. def inspect sprintf("#<%s:%#0x URI:%s>", URI.to_s, self.object_id, self.to_s) end ## # This method allows you to make several changes to a URI simultaneously, # which separately would cause validation errors, but in conjunction, # are valid. The URI will be revalidated as soon as the entire block has # been executed. # # @param [Proc] block # A set of operations to perform on a given URI. def defer_validation(&block) raise LocalJumpError, "No block given." unless block @validation_deferred = true block.call() @validation_deferred = false validate return nil end protected SELF_REF = '.' PARENT = '..' RULE_2A = /\/\.\/|\/\.$/ RULE_2B_2C = /\/([^\/]*)\/\.\.\/|\/([^\/]*)\/\.\.$/ RULE_2D = /^\.\.?\/?/ RULE_PREFIXED_PARENT = /^\/\.\.?\/|^(\/\.\.?)+\/?$/ ## # Resolves paths to their simplest form. # # @param [String] path The path to normalize. # # @return [String] The normalized path. def self.normalize_path(path) # Section 5.2.4 of RFC 3986 return nil if path.nil? normalized_path = path.dup begin mod = nil mod ||= normalized_path.gsub!(RULE_2A, SLASH) pair = normalized_path.match(RULE_2B_2C) parent, current = pair[1], pair[2] if pair if pair && ((parent != SELF_REF && parent != PARENT) || (current != SELF_REF && current != PARENT)) mod ||= normalized_path.gsub!( Regexp.new( "/#{Regexp.escape(parent.to_s)}/\\.\\./|" + "(/#{Regexp.escape(current.to_s)}/\\.\\.$)" ), SLASH ) end mod ||= normalized_path.gsub!(RULE_2D, EMPTY_STR) # Non-standard, removes prefixed dotted segments from path. mod ||= normalized_path.gsub!(RULE_PREFIXED_PARENT, SLASH) end until mod.nil? return normalized_path end ## # Ensures that the URI is valid. def validate return if !!@validation_deferred if self.scheme != nil && self.ip_based? && (self.host == nil || self.host.empty?) && (self.path == nil || self.path.empty?) raise InvalidURIError, "Absolute URI missing hierarchical segment: '#{self.to_s}'" end if self.host == nil if self.port != nil || self.user != nil || self.password != nil raise InvalidURIError, "Hostname not supplied: '#{self.to_s}'" end end if self.path != nil && !self.path.empty? && self.path[0..0] != SLASH && self.authority != nil raise InvalidURIError, "Cannot have a relative path with an authority set: '#{self.to_s}'" end if self.path != nil && !self.path.empty? && self.path[0..1] == SLASH + SLASH && self.authority == nil raise InvalidURIError, "Cannot have a path with two leading slashes " + "without an authority set: '#{self.to_s}'" end unreserved = CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED sub_delims = CharacterClasses::SUB_DELIMS if !self.host.nil? && (self.host =~ /[<>{}\/\\\?\#\@"[[:space:]]]/ || (self.host[/^\[(.*)\]$/, 1] != nil && self.host[/^\[(.*)\]$/, 1] !~ Regexp.new("^[#{unreserved}#{sub_delims}:]*$"))) raise InvalidURIError, "Invalid character in host: '#{self.host.to_s}'" end return nil end ## # Replaces the internal state of self with the specified URI's state. # Used in destructive operations to avoid massive code repetition. # # @param [Addressable::URI] uri The URI to replace self with. # # @return [Addressable::URI] self. def replace_self(uri) # Reset dependent values instance_variables.each do |var| if instance_variable_defined?(var) && var != :@validation_deferred remove_instance_variable(var) end end @scheme = uri.scheme @user = uri.user @password = uri.password @host = uri.host @port = uri.port @path = uri.path @query = uri.query @fragment = uri.fragment return self end ## # Splits path string with "/" (slash). # It is considered that there is empty string after last slash when # path ends with slash. # # @param [String] path The path to split. # # @return [Array] An array of parts of path. def split_path(path) splitted = path.split(SLASH) splitted << EMPTY_STR if path.end_with? SLASH splitted end ## # Resets composite values for the entire URI # # @api private def remove_composite_values remove_instance_variable(:@uri_string) if defined?(@uri_string) remove_instance_variable(:@hash) if defined?(@hash) end end end