package org.embulk.input.mysql; import java.util.List; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.TimeZone; import com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl; import com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionProperties; import org.embulk.input.MySQLTimeZoneComparison; import org.embulk.input.jdbc.JdbcInputConnection; import org.embulk.input.jdbc.JdbcLiteral; import org.embulk.input.jdbc.getter.ColumnGetter; public class MySQLInputConnection extends JdbcInputConnection { public MySQLInputConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException { super(connection, null); } @Override protected BatchSelect newBatchSelect(PreparedQuery preparedQuery, List<ColumnGetter> getters, int fetchRows, int queryTimeout) throws SQLException { String query = preparedQuery.getQuery(); List<JdbcLiteral> params = preparedQuery.getParameters();"SQL: " + query); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); // TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and CONCUR_READ_ONLY are default if (!params.isEmpty()) {"Parameters: {}", params); prepareParameters(stmt, getters, params); } if (fetchRows == 1) { // See MySQLInputPlugin.newConnection doesn't set useCursorFetch=true when fetchRows=1 // MySQL Connector/J keeps the connection opened and process rows one by one with Integer.MIN_VALUE. stmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); } else if (fetchRows <= 0) { // uses the default behavior. MySQL Connector/J fetches the all rows in memory. } else { // useCursorFetch=true is enabled. MySQL creates temporary table and uses multiple select statements to fetch rows. stmt.setFetchSize(fetchRows); } // Because socketTimeout is set in Connection, don't need to set quertyTimeout. return new SingleSelect(stmt); } public boolean getUseLegacyDatetimeCode() { return ((ConnectionProperties) connection).getUseLegacyDatetimeCode(); } public TimeZone getServerTimezoneTZ() { return ((ConnectionImpl) connection).getServerTimezoneTZ(); } public void compareTimeZone() throws SQLException { MySQLTimeZoneComparison timeZoneComparison = new MySQLTimeZoneComparison(connection); timeZoneComparison.compareTimeZone(); } // // // The MySQL Connector/J 5.1.35 introduce new option `Current MySQL Connect`. // It has incompatibility behavior current version and 5.1.35. // // This method announces users about this change before the update driver version. // @Override public void showDriverVersion() throws SQLException { super.showDriverVersion(); logger.warn("This plugin will update MySQL Connector/J version in the near future release."); logger.warn("It has some incompatibility changes."); logger.warn("For example, the 5.1.35 introduced `noTimezoneConversionForDateType` and `cacheDefaultTimezone` options."); logger.warn("Please read a document and make sure configuration carefully before updating the plugin."); } }