module Picky # Rake tasks for Picky clients. # module Tasks # Copies the latest javascripts into the default javascript folder. # # Example: # # Use as follows in your Rakefile. # # # # Copies the files into the javascripts folder (by default). #'public/javascripts') # Copies the files into the public/javascripts folder. # class Javascripts define_method :initialize do |target = 'javascripts'| desc "Copy the latest client javascripts to '#{target}' (Give target dir to to change)." task :javascripts do target_dir = ::File.expand_path target, Dir.pwd source_dir = ::File.expand_path '../../../../javascripts/*.min.js', __FILE__ puts "Copying javascript files from picky-client gem to target dir #{target_dir}" `cp -i #{source_dir} #{target_dir}` end end end end end