require 'spec_helper' require 'synchromesh/integration/test_components' describe "random examples", js: true do it "can pass an array subclass as a param" do mount "Tester" do class SubArray < Array end class HelloWorld < React::Component::Base param :array, type: SubArray render do i = 10 div { div { "params.array.is_a? #{params.array.class}" } params.array.each {|i| h1 {i.to_s}} } end end class Tester < React::Component::Base def render normal_array = [1, 2] sub_array = sub_array << 1; sub_array << 2 DIV do # this works HelloWorld(array: normal_array) # this doesn't DIV { "out here a sub_array is a #{sub_array.class}" } HelloWorld(array: sub_array) end end end end pause end it "can destroy on the fly" do 5.times do |i| FactoryGirl.create(:test_model, test_attribute: "I am model #{i}") end mount "RecordsComp" do class RecordsComp < React::Component::Base # you had state.credits as an expression... not sure that is what you wanted render(:div, class: "state.credits") do h2.title { 'Records' } #RecordFormComp() hr { nil } table.table.table_bordered do thead { tr { th { 'Date' } th { 'Title' } #th { 'Amount' } th { 'Actions' } } } tbody do TestModel.each do |record| RecordComp key: record[:id], record: record end end end end end class RecordComp < React::Component::Base param :key, type: String param :record, type: TestModel # type is optional here def handle_delete params.record.destroy do |result| alert 'unable to delete record' unless result end end def render tr do # currently you should access attributes using # dot notation only. Currently the [] operator # accesses record values directly without setting up # any reactive response. This will probably change # with release of Hypermesh td { params.record.created_at } td { params.record.test_attribute } #td { amount_format(params.record[:amount]) } td { a.btn.btn_danger { 'Delete' }.on(:click) { handle_delete } } end end def amount_format(amount) '$ ' + amount.to_s.reverse.gsub(/...(?!-)(?=.)/,'\&,').reverse end end end pause end end