describe('', function () { var GoogleFontApi =, Any = jasmine.Matchers.Any, Font = webfont.Font, link = '', insert = '', onload = null, fakeDomHelper = { whenBodyExists: function (callback) { callback(); }, loadStylesheet: function (cssLink, cb) { link = cssLink; onload = cb; }, getProtocol: function () { return 'http:'; } }; beforeEach(function () { insert = ''; link = ''; onload = null; }); function notifySheetsLoaded() { if (onload) onload(); }; describe('call onReady with font family loading', function () { var googleFontApi = null, fonts = null; beforeEach(function () { googleFontApi = new GoogleFontApi(fakeDomHelper, { families: ['Font1', 'Font2'] }); googleFontApi.load(function (f) { fonts = f; }); }); it('has inserted the link element correctly', function () { expect(link).toEqual(''); }); it('has the correct families', function () { notifySheetsLoaded(); expect(fonts).not.toBeNull(); expect(fonts.length).toEqual(2); expect(fonts[0]).toEqual(new Font('Font1')); expect(fonts[1]).toEqual(new Font('Font2')); }); }); describe('call onReady with font family loading and custom API url', function () { var googleFontApi = null; var loaded = false; beforeEach(function () { loaded = false; googleFontApi = new GoogleFontApi(fakeDomHelper, { api: 'http://moo', families: ['Font1', 'Font2'] }); googleFontApi.load(function () { loaded = true; }); }); it('has inserted the link element correctly', function () { expect(link).toEqual('http://moo?family=Font1%7CFont2'); }); if (webfont.DomHelper.CAN_WAIT_STYLESHEET) { it('does not call onReady until sheets are loaded', function () { expect(onload).toMatch(new Any(Function)); expect(loaded).toBe(false); notifySheetsLoaded(); expect(loaded).toBe(true); }); } }); describe('spaces replaced by plus', function () { var googleFontApi = null; beforeEach(function () { googleFontApi = new GoogleFontApi(fakeDomHelper, { families: ['Font1 WithSpace', 'Font2 WithSpaceToo'] }); googleFontApi.load(function () {}); }); it('has inserted the link element correctly', function () { expect(link).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('load with variations', function () { var googleFontApi = null; beforeEach(function () { googleFontApi = new GoogleFontApi(fakeDomHelper, { families: ['Font1 WithSpace:bi', 'Font2 WithSpaceToo:b,r'] }); googleFontApi.load(function () {}); }); it('has inserted the link element correctly', function () { expect(link).toEqual(',r'); }); }); });