module VER module Methods module Control module_function def enter(text, old_mode, new_mode) clean_line(text, :insert) end def leave(text, old_mode, new_mode) # clean_line(text, :insert) end def temporary(buffer, action) action.to_method(buffer).call end def insert_at(text, motion, *count) Move.send(motion, text, *count) text.minor_mode(:control, :insert) end def insert_indented_newline_above(text) Insert.insert_indented_newline_above(text) end def insert_indented_newline_below(text) Insert.insert_indented_newline_below(text) end def open_file_under_cursor(text) Open.open_file_under_cursor(text) end def source_buffer(buffer) if filename = buffer.filename buffer.message("Source #{filename}") load(filename.to_s) else buffer.warn("#{buffer.uri} is no file") end end def cursor_vertical_top(text) insert = text.count('1.0', 'insert', :displaylines) last = text.count('1.0', 'end', :displaylines) fraction = ((100.0 / last) * insert) / 100 text.yview_moveto(fraction) end def cursor_vertical_top_sol(text) cursor_vertical_top(text) Move.start_of_line(text) end def cursor_vertical_center(text, index = :insert) insert = text.count('1.0', index, :displaylines) last = text.count('1.0', 'end', :displaylines) shown = text.count('@0,0', "@0,#{text.winfo_height}", :displaylines) fraction = ((100.0 / last) * (insert - (shown / 2))) / 100 text.yview_moveto(fraction) end def cursor_vertical_center_sol(text) cursor_vertical_center(text) Move.start_of_line(text) end def cursor_vertical_bottom(text) insert = text.count('1.0', 'insert', :displaylines) + 1 last = text.count('1.0', 'end', :displaylines) shown = text.count('@0,0', "@0,#{text.winfo_height}", :displaylines) fraction = ((100.0 / last) * (insert - shown)) / 100 text.yview_moveto(fraction) end def cursor_vertical_bottom_sol(text) cursor_vertical_bottom(text) start_of_line(text) end def cursor_horizontal_center(buffer) x, y, width, height = *buffer.bbox('insert') line_middle = y + (height / 2) # gives less room for error? buffer_middle = buffer.winfo_width / 2 set("@#{buffer_middle},#{y}") end def chdir(text) text.ask 'Change to: ' do |path, action| case action when :attempt path = File.expand_path(path.to_s) begin Dir.chdir(path) text.message 'Changed working directory to %s' % [path] :abort rescue Errno::ENOENT => ex VER.warn ex end end end end # Toggle case of the character under the cursor up to +count+ characters # forward (+count+ is inclusive the first character). # This only works for alphabetic ASCII characters, no other encodings. def toggle_case(text, count = text.prefix_count) from, to = 'insert', "insert + #{count} chars" chunk = text.get(from, to)!('a-zA-Z', 'A-Za-z') text.replace(from, to, chunk) end # Assigns env variables used in the given command. # - $f: The current buffer's filename # - $d: The current buffer's directory # - $F: A space-separated list of all buffer filenames # - $i: A string acquired from the user with a prompt # - $c: The current clipboard text # - $s: The currently selected text # # @param [String] command # The string containing the command executed def prepare_exec(text, command) prepare_exec_f(text) if command =~ /\$f/ prepare_exec_d(text) if command =~ /\$d/ prepare_exec_F(text) if command =~ /\$F/ prepare_exec_i(text) if command =~ /\$i/ prepare_exec_c(text) if command =~ /\$c/ prepare_exec_s(text) if command =~ /\$s/ end def prepare_exec_f(text) p f: (ENV['f'] = filename.to_s) end def prepare_exec_d(text) p d: (ENV['d'] = end def prepare_exec_F(text) p F: (ENV['F'] ={|key, buffer| buffer.filename }.join(' ')) end def prepare_exec_i(text) raise NotImplementedError end def prepare_exec_c(text) p c: (ENV['c'] = clipboard_get) end def prepare_exec_s(text) content = [] each_selected_line do |y, fx, tx| content << get("#{y}.#{fx}", "#{y}.#{tx}") end ENV['s'] = content.join("\n") end ENV_EXPORTERS = %w[ current_line current_word directory filepath line_index line_number scope selected_text ] # Set up the env for a script, then execute it. # For now, I only setup the env, until we figure out a good way to find # bundle commands. def exec_bundle ENV_EXPORTERS.each do |exporter| ENV["VER_#{exporter.upcase}"] = ENV["TM_#{exporter.upcase}"] = send("exec_env_#{exporter}").to_s end yield if block_given? end # textual content of the current line def exec_env_current_line get('insert linestart', 'insert lineend') end # the word in which the caret is located. def exec_env_current_word get('insert wordstart', 'insert wordend') end # the folder of the current document (may not be set). def exec_env_directory filename.dirname.to_s end # path (including file name) for the current document (may not be set). def exec_env_filepath filename.to_s end # the index in the current line which marks the caret's location. # This index is zero-based and takes the utf-8 encoding of the line (e.g. # read as TM_CURRENT_LINE) into account. def exec_env_line_index index('insert').x end # the carets line position (counting from 1). def exec_env_line_number index('insert').y end def exec_env_scope tag_names('insert').join(', ') end # full content of the selection (may not be set). # Note that environment variables have a size limitation of roughly 64 KB, # so if the user selects more than that, this variable will not reflect # the actual selection (commands that need to work with the selection # should generally set this to be the standard input). def exec_env_selected_text content = [] each_selected_line do |y, fx, tx| content << get("#{y}.#{fx}", "#{y}.#{tx}") end content.join("\n") end def exec_into_new(text, command = nil) if command target = text.options.home_conf_dir/'shell-result.txt' prepare_exec(command) system(command)'w+'){|io| io.write(`#{command}`) } VER.find_or_create_buffer(target) else text.ask 'Command: ' do |answer, action| case action when :attempt begin exec_into_new(answer) :abort rescue => ex VER.warn(ex) end end end end end def exec_into_void(text) text.ask 'Command: ' do |command, action| case action when :attempt begin system(command) text.message("Exit code: #{$?}") :abort rescue => ex VER.warn(ex) end end end end # Substitute over all lines of the buffer def gsub(text, regexp, with) total = 0 Undo.record text do |record| text.index('1.0').upto(text.index('end')) do |index| lineend = index.lineend line = text.get(index, lineend) if line.gsub!(regexp, with) record.replace(index, lineend, line) total += 1 end end end text.message "Performed gsub on #{total} lines" end # Substitute on current line def sub(text, regexp, with) linestart = text.index('insert linestart') lineend = linestart.lineend line = text.get(linestart, lineend) if line.sub!(regexp, with) text.replace(linestart, lineend, line) end end def executor(text, action = nil), action: action) end alias ex executor module_function :ex def wrap_line(text) content = text.get('insert linestart', 'insert lineend') textwidth = text.options.textwidth lines = wrap_lines_of(content, textwidth).join("\n") lines.rstrip! text.replace('insert linestart', 'insert lineend', lines) end def smart_evaluate(text) if sel = text.tag_ranges(:sel) from, to = sel.first return Selection.evaluate(text) if from && to end line_evaluate(text) end def line_evaluate(text) code = text.get('insert linestart', 'insert lineend') file = (text.filename || text.uri).to_s stdout_capture_evaluate(code, file, binding) do |res, out| text.at_insert.lineend.insert("\n%s%p" % [out, res]) end end def stdout_capture_evaluate(code, file, binding = binding) begin old_stdout = $stdout.dup rd, wr = IO.pipe $stdout.reopen(wr) result = eval(code, binding, file.to_s) $stdout.reopen old_stdout; wr.close stdout = yield(result, stdout) rescue Exception => exception yield(exception, '') ensure wr.closed? || $stdout.reopen(old_stdout) && wr.close rd.closed? || rd.close end end # for some odd reason, vim likes to have arbitrary commands that reduce # the argument by one if it's greater 1... def join_forward(buffer, count = buffer.prefix_count) count = count > 1 ? (count - 1) : count buffer.undo_record do |record| count.times do buffer.insert = buffer.at_insert.lineend record.replace('insert', 'insert + 1 chars', ' ') end end end def join_forward_nospace(buffer, count = buffer.prefix_count) count = count > 1 ? (count - 1) : count buffer.undo_record do |record| count.times do buffer.insert = buffer.at_insert.lineend record.replace('insert', 'insert + 1 chars', '') end end end def join_backward(text) from, to = 'insert - 1 lines linestart', 'insert lineend' lines = text.get(from, to) text.replace(from, to, lines.gsub(/\s*\n\s*/, ' ')) end def indent_line(text, count = text.prefix_count) indent = (' ' * text.options[:shiftwidth] * count) text.insert('insert linestart', indent) end def unindent_line(text, count = text.prefix_count) indent = ' ' * text.options[:shiftwidth] replace_from = 'insert linestart' replace_to = "insert linestart + #{indent.size} chars" Undo.record text do |record| count.times do line = text.get('insert linestart', 'insert lineend') return unless line.start_with?(indent) record.replace(replace_from, replace_to, '') end end end def clean_line(text, index, record = text) index = text.index(index) from, to = index.linestart, index.lineend line = text.get(from, to) bare = line.rstrip record.replace(from, to, bare) if bare.empty? end def wrap_lines_of(content, wrap = 80) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "+wrap+ must be > 1" unless wrap > 1 wrap -= 1 indent = content[/^\s+/] || '' indent_size = indent.size lines = [indent.dup] content.scan(/\S+/) do |chunk| last = lines.last last_size = last.size chunk_size = chunk.size if last_size + chunk_size > wrap lines << indent + chunk elsif last_size == indent_size last << chunk elsif chunk =~ /\.$/ last << ' ' << chunk lines << indent.dup else last << ' ' << chunk end end lines.pop if lines.last == indent lines end end end end