require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'taskwarrior-web/model/task' describe TaskwarriorWeb::Task do RSpec::Mocks::setup(TaskwarriorWeb::Runner) TaskwarriorWeb::Runner.stub(:run) { '{}' } describe '#initialize' do it 'should assign the passed attributes' do task ={:entry => 'Testing', :project => 'Project'}) task.entry.should eq('Testing') task.project.should eq('Project') end it 'should not assign bogus attributes' do task ={:bogus => 'Testing'}) task.respond_to?(:bogus).should be_false end end describe '#save!' do it 'should save the task' do task = command = command.should_receive(:run).once TaskwarriorWeb::Command.should_receive(:new).once.with(:add, nil, task.to_hash).and_return(command)! end end describe '#complete!' do it 'should complete the task' do task ={:uuid => 15}) command = command.should_receive(:run).once TaskwarriorWeb::Command.should_receive(:new).once.with(:complete, 15).and_return(command) task.complete! end end describe '.query' do before do @command = TaskwarriorWeb::Command.should_receive(:new).with(:query, nil).and_return(@command) end it 'should create and run a new Command object' do @command.should_receive(:run).and_return('{}') TaskwarriorWeb::Task.query end end describe '.count' do it 'just count the results of a query' do TaskwarriorWeb::Task.should_receive(:query).once.and_return(['hello']) TaskwarriorWeb::Task.count.should eq(1) end end describe '#tags=' do it 'should convert a string to an array when initializing' do task = => 'hi, twice') task.tags.should eq(['hi', 'twice']) end it 'should convert a string to an array when setting explicitly' do task = task.tags = 'hello, twice,thrice' task.tags.should eq(['hello', 'twice', 'thrice']) end it 'should break on any combination of spaces and commas' do try = ['hi twice and again', 'hi,twice,and,again', 'hi twice,and again', 'hi, twice and , again'] try.each do |tags| task = => tags) task.tags.should eq(['hi', 'twice', 'and', 'again']) end end it 'should support most characters' do task = => '@hi, -twice, !again, ~when') task.tags.should eq(['@hi', '-twice', '!again', '~when']) end end describe '#to_hash' do before do @task = => 'Testing', :due => '12/2/12', :tags => 'hello, twice') end it 'should return a hash' do @task.to_hash.should be_a(Hash) end it 'should have keys for each of the object\'s instance variables' do @task.to_hash.should eq({:description => 'Testing', :due => '12/2/12', :tags => ['hello', 'twice']}) end end describe '.method_missing' do it 'should call the query method for find_by queries' do TaskwarriorWeb::Task.should_receive(:query).with('status' => 'pending') TaskwarriorWeb::Task.find_by_status(:pending) end it 'should call pass other methods to super if not find_by_*' do TaskwarriorWeb::Task.should_not_receive(:query) Object.should_receive(:method_missing).with(:do_a_thing, anything) TaskwarriorWeb::Task.do_a_thing(:pending) end it 'should make the class respond to find_by queries' do TaskwarriorWeb::Task.should respond_to(:find_by_test) end it 'should not add support for obviously bogus methods' do TaskwarriorWeb::Task.should_not respond_to(:wefiohhohiihihih) end end end