module Airbrake module Rails ## # Rails <4.2 has a bug with regard to swallowing exceptions in the # +after_commit+ and the +after_rollback+ hooks: it doesn't bubble up # exceptions from there. # # This module makes it possible to report exceptions occurring there. # # @see Detailed description of the # bug and the fix # @see Rails 4.2+ implementation (fixed) # @see Rails <4.2 implementation (bugged) module ActiveRecord ## # Patches default +run_callbacks+ with our version, which is capable of # notifying about exceptions. # # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException def run_callbacks(kind, *args, &block) # Let the post process handle the exception if it's not a bugged hook. return super unless [:commit, :rollback].include?(kind) # Handle the exception ourselves. The 'ex' exception won't be # propagated, therefore we must notify it here. begin super rescue Exception => ex Airbrake.notify(ex) raise ex end end # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException end end end