# frozen_string_literal: true require "rbconfig" require "etc" require "appsignal/cli/diagnose/utils" require "appsignal/cli/diagnose/paths" module Appsignal class CLI # Command line tool to run diagnostics on your project. # # This command line tool is useful when testing AppSignal on a system and # validating the local configuration. It outputs useful information to # debug issues and it checks if AppSignal agent is able to run on the # machine's architecture and communicate with the AppSignal servers. # # This diagnostic tool outputs the following: # - if AppSignal can run on the host system. # - if the configuration is valid and active. # - if the Push API key is present and valid (internet connection required). # - if the required system paths exist and are writable. # - outputs AppSignal version information. # - outputs information about the host system and Ruby. # - outputs last lines from the available log files. # # ## Exit codes # # - Exits with status code `0` if the diagnose command has finished. # - Exits with status code `1` if the diagnose command failed to finished. # # @example On the command line in your project # appsignal diagnose # # @example With a specific environment # appsignal diagnose --environment=production # # @example Automatically send the diagnose report without prompting # appsignal diagnose --send-report # # @example Don't prompt about sending the report and don't sent it # appsignal diagnose --no-send-report # # @see https://docs.appsignal.com/support/debugging.html Debugging AppSignal # @see https://docs.appsignal.com/ruby/command-line/diagnose.html # AppSignal diagnose documentation # @since 1.1.0 class Diagnose extend CLI::Helpers DIAGNOSE_ENDPOINT = "https://appsignal.com/diag" module Data def data @data ||= Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } end def data_section(key) @section = key yield @section = nil end def current_section @section end def save(key, value) data[current_section][key] = value end end extend Data class << self # @param options [Hash] # @option options :environment [String] environment to load # configuration for. # @return [void] # @api private def run(options = {}) # Do not start AppSignal on `Appsignal.start` and run the extension # and agent in diagnose mode. ENV["_APPSIGNAL_DIAGNOSE"] = "true" self.coloring = options.delete(:color) { true } $stdout.sync = true header print_empty_line library_information data[:installation] = fetch_installation_report print_installation_report print_empty_line host_information print_empty_line configure_appsignal(options) run_agent_diagnose_mode print_empty_line print_config_section print_empty_line check_api_key print_empty_line data[:process] = process_user paths_report = Paths.new data[:paths] = paths_report.report print_paths_section(paths_report) transmit_report_to_appsignal if send_report_to_appsignal?(options) end private def send_report_to_appsignal?(options) puts "\nDiagnostics report" puts " Do you want to send this diagnostics report to AppSignal?" puts " If you share this report you will be given a link to \n" \ " AppSignal.com to validate the report.\n" \ " You can also contact us at support@appsignal.com\n" \ " with your support token.\n\n" send_diagnostics = if options.key?(:send_report) if options[:send_report] puts " Confirmed sending report using --send-report option." true else puts " Not sending report. (Specified with the --no-send-report option.)" false end else yes_or_no( " Send diagnostics report to AppSignal? (Y/n): ", :default => "y" ) end unless send_diagnostics puts " Not sending diagnostics information to AppSignal." return false end true end def transmit_report_to_appsignal puts " Transmitting diagnostics report" transmitter = Transmitter.new( ENV.fetch("APPSIGNAL_DIAGNOSE_ENDPOINT", DIAGNOSE_ENDPOINT), Appsignal.config ) response = transmitter.transmit({ :diagnose => data }) unless response.code == "200" puts " Error: Something went wrong while submitting the report " \ "to AppSignal." puts " Response code: #{response.code}" puts " Response body:\n#{response.body}" return end begin response_data = JSON.parse(response.body) puts "\n Your support token: #{response_data["token"]}" puts " View this report: https://appsignal.com/diagnose/#{response_data["token"]}" rescue JSON::ParserError puts " Error: Couldn't decode server response." puts " #{response.body}" end end def puts_and_save(key, label, value) save key, value puts_value label, value end # Prints values as given. Does no formatting on the value def puts_value(label, value, options = {}) options[:level] ||= 1 puts "#{" " * options[:level]}#{label}: #{value}" end # Print values as inspected. # Surrounds Strings in quotes. def puts_format(label, value, options = {}) puts_value label, value.inspect, options end def configure_appsignal(options) # Try and load the Rails app, if any. # This will configure AppSignal through the config file or an # initializer. require_rails_app_if_present # If no config was found by loading the app, load with the defaults. Appsignal.configure(options.fetch(:environment, nil)) Appsignal.config.write_to_environment Appsignal._start_logger Appsignal.internal_logger.info("Starting AppSignal diagnose") end def run_agent_diagnose_mode puts "Agent diagnostics" unless Appsignal.extension_loaded? puts colorize(" Extension is not loaded. No agent report created.", :red) return end # Requires _APPSIGNAL_DIAGNOSE to be set. This is set at the # beginning of the diagnose CLI. diagnostics_report_string = Appsignal::Extension.diagnose begin report = JSON.parse(diagnostics_report_string) data[:agent] = report print_agent_report(report) rescue JSON::ParserError => error puts " Error while parsing agent diagnostics report:" puts " Error: #{error}" puts " Output: #{diagnostics_report_string}" data[:agent] = { :error => error, :output => diagnostics_report_string.split("\n") } end end def print_agent_report(report) if report["error"] puts " Error: #{report["error"]}" return end agent_diagnostic_test_definition.each do |component, component_definition| puts " #{component_definition[:label]}" component_definition[:tests].each do |category, tests| tests.each do |test_name, test_definition| test_report = report .fetch(component, {}) .fetch(category, {}) .fetch(test_name, {}) print_agent_test(test_definition, test_report) end end end end def print_agent_test(definition, test) value = test["result"] error = test["error"] output = test["output"] print " #{definition[:label]}: " display_value = definition[:values] ? definition[:values][value] : value print display_value.nil? ? "-" : display_value print "\n Error: #{error}" if error print "\n Output: #{output}" if output print "\n" end def agent_diagnostic_test_definition { "extension" => { :label => "Extension tests", :tests => { "config" => { "valid" => { :label => "Configuration", :values => { true => "valid", false => "invalid" } } } } }, "agent" => { :label => "Agent tests", :tests => { "boot" => { "started" => { :label => "Started", :values => { true => "started", false => "not started" } } }, "host" => { "uid" => { :label => "Process user id" }, "gid" => { :label => "Process user group id" } }, "config" => { "valid" => { :label => "Configuration", :values => { true => "valid", false => "invalid" } } }, "logger" => { "started" => { :label => "Logger", :values => { true => "started", false => "not started" } } }, "working_directory_stat" => { "uid" => { :label => "Working directory user id" }, "gid" => { :label => "Working directory user group id" }, "mode" => { :label => "Working directory permissions" } }, "lock_path" => { "created" => { :label => "Lock path", :values => { true => "writable", false => "not writable" } } } } } } end def header puts "AppSignal diagnose" puts "=" * 80 puts "Use this information to debug your configuration." puts "More information is available on the documentation site." puts "https://docs.appsignal.com/" puts "Send this output to support@appsignal.com if you need help." puts "=" * 80 end def library_information puts "AppSignal library" data_section :library do save :language, "ruby" puts_value "Language", "Ruby" package_version = Appsignal::VERSION save :package_version, package_version puts_format "Gem version", package_version agent_version = Appsignal::Extension.agent_version save :agent_version, agent_version puts_format "Agent version", agent_version extension_loaded = Appsignal.extension_loaded save :extension_loaded, extension_loaded puts_format "Extension loaded", extension_loaded end end def fetch_installation_report path = File.expand_path("../../../ext/install.report", __dir__) raw_report = File.read(path) JSON.parse(raw_report) rescue StandardError, JSON::ParserError => e # rubocop:disable Lint/ShadowedException { "parsing_error" => { "error" => "#{e.class}: #{e}", "backtrace" => e.backtrace }.tap do |r| r["raw"] = raw_report if raw_report end } end def print_installation_report puts "\nExtension installation report" install_report = data[:installation] if install_report.key? "parsing_error" print_installation_report_parsing_error(install_report) return end print_installation_result_report(install_report) print_installation_language_report(install_report) print_installation_download_report(install_report) print_installation_build_report(install_report) print_installation_host_report(install_report) end def print_installation_report_parsing_error(report) report = report["parsing_error"] puts " Error found while parsing the report." puts " Error: #{report["error"]}" puts " Raw report:\n#{report["raw"]}" if report["raw"] end def print_installation_result_report(report) report = report.fetch("result", {}) puts " Installation result" puts " Status: #{report["status"]}" puts " Message: #{report["message"]}" if report["message"] puts " Error: #{report["error"]}" if report["error"] end def print_installation_language_report(report) report = report.fetch("language", {}) puts " Language details" puts_format "Implementation", report["implementation"], :level => 2 puts_format "Ruby version", report["version"], :level => 2 end def print_installation_download_report(report) report = report.fetch("download", {}) puts " Download details" puts_format "Download URL", report["download_url"], :level => 2 puts_format "Checksum", report["checksum"], :level => 2 end def print_installation_build_report(report) report = report.fetch("build", {}) puts " Build details" puts_format "Install time", report["time"], :level => 2 puts_format "Architecture", report["architecture"], :level => 2 puts_format "Target", report["target"], :level => 2 puts_format "Musl override", report["musl_override"], :level => 2 puts_format "Linux ARM override", report["linux_arm_override"], :level => 2 puts_format "Library type", report["library_type"], :level => 2 puts_format "Source", report["source"], :level => 2 if report["source"] != "remote" puts_format "Dependencies", report["dependencies"], :level => 2 puts_format "Flags", report["flags"], :level => 2 end def print_installation_host_report(report) report = report.fetch("host", {}) puts " Host details" puts " Root user: #{report["root_user"]}" puts " Dependencies: #{report["dependencies"]}" end def host_information rbconfig = RbConfig::CONFIG puts "Host information" data_section :host do agent_architecture = Appsignal::System.agent_architecture save :architecture, agent_architecture puts_format "Architecture", agent_architecture os = rbconfig["host_os"] os_label = os.inspect os_label = "#{os_label} (Microsoft Windows is not supported.)" if Gem.win_platform? save :os, os puts_value "Operating System", os_label distribution_file = "/etc/os-release" save :os_distribution, File.exist?(distribution_file) ? File.read(distribution_file) : "" language_version = "#{rbconfig["RUBY_PROGRAM_VERSION"]}-p#{rbconfig["PATCHLEVEL"]}" save :language_version, language_version puts_format "Ruby version", language_version heroku = Appsignal::System.heroku? save :heroku, heroku puts_format "Heroku", true if Appsignal::System.heroku? root = Process.uid.zero? save :root, root puts_value "Root user", root ? "true (not recommended)" : "false" running_in_container = Appsignal::Extension.running_in_container? save :running_in_container, running_in_container puts_format "Running in container", running_in_container end end def print_config_section puts "Configuration" config = Appsignal.config data[:config] = { :options => config.config_hash.merge(:env => config.env), :sources => { :default => Appsignal::Config::DEFAULT_CONFIG, :system => config.system_config, :loaders => config.loaders_config, :initial => config.initial_config, :file => config.file_config, :env => config.env_config, :override => config.override_config, :dsl => config.dsl_config } } print_config_options(config) end def print_environment(config) env = config.env option = :env option_sources = sources_for_option(option) sources_label = config_sources_label(option, option_sources) print " environment: #{format_config_option(env)}" if env == "" message = " Warning: No environment set, no config loaded!\n" \ " Please make sure appsignal diagnose is run within your\n" \ " project directory with an environment.\n" \ " appsignal diagnose --environment=production" puts "\n#{colorize(message, :red)}" else puts sources_label end end def print_config_options(config) # We add the nullified "environment" key to print it ordered # instead of adding it at the top of the list. ordered_config_options = config .config_hash .merge(:environment => nil) .sort ordered_config_options.each do |key, value| option_sources = sources_for_option(key) sources_label = config_sources_label(key, option_sources) if key == :environment print_environment(config) else puts " #{key}: #{format_config_option(value)}#{sources_label}" end end puts "\nRead more about how the diagnose config output is rendered\n" \ "https://docs.appsignal.com/ruby/command-line/diagnose.html" end def sources_for_option(option) config_sources = data[:config][:sources] [].tap do |option_sources| config_sources.each do |source, c| option_sources << source if c.key?(option) end end end def config_sources_label(option, sources) return if sources == [:default] if sources.length == 1 " (Loaded from: #{sources.join(", ")})" elsif sources.any? ["\n Sources:"].tap do |a| max_source_length = sources.map(&:length).max + 1 # 1 is for ":" sources.each do |source| source_label = "#{source}:".ljust(max_source_length) value = data[:config][:sources][source][option] a << " #{source_label} #{format_config_option(value)}" end end.join("\n") else " (Not configured)" end end def format_config_option(value) case value when NilClass "nil" when String value.inspect else value end end def process_user return @process_user if defined?(@process_user) process_uid = Process.uid @process_user = { :uid => process_uid, :user => Utils.username_for_uid(process_uid) } end def check_api_key puts "Validation" auth_check = ::Appsignal::AuthCheck.new(Appsignal.config) status, error = auth_check.perform_with_result result, color = case status when "200" ["valid", :green] when "401" ["invalid", :red] else ["Failed to validate: status #{status}\n#{error.inspect}", :red] end data[:validation][:push_api_key] = result puts_value "Validating Push API key", colorize(result, color) end def print_paths_section(report) puts "Paths" report_paths = report.paths data[:paths].each do |name, file| print_path_details report_paths[name][:label], file end end def print_path_details(name, path) puts " #{name}" puts_value "Path", path[:path].to_s.inspect, :level => 2 unless path[:exists] puts_value "Exists?", path[:exists], :level => 2 print_empty_line return end puts_value "Writable?", path[:writable], :level => 2 ownership = path[:ownership] owned = process_user[:uid] == ownership[:uid] owner = "#{owned} " \ "(file: #{ownership[:user]}:#{ownership[:uid]}, " \ "process: #{process_user[:user]}:#{process_user[:uid]})" puts_value "Ownership?", owner, :level => 2 if path.key?(:content) puts " Contents (last 10 lines):" puts path[:content].last(10) else print_empty_line end return unless path.key?(:read_error) puts " Read error: #{path[:read_error]}" print_empty_line end def print_empty_line puts "\n" end def require_rails_app_if_present return unless rails_present? # Mark app as Rails app data[:app][:rails] = true # Manually require the railtie, because it wasn't loaded when the CLI # started and AppSignal loaded, because the `Rails` constant wasn't # present. require "appsignal/integrations/railtie" # Start the Rails app, including railties and initializers. require Appsignal::Utils::RailsHelper.environment_config_path rescue LoadError, StandardError => error print_empty_line puts "ERROR: Error encountered while loading the Rails app" puts "#{error.class}: #{error.message}" puts error.backtrace data[:app][:load_error] = "#{error.class}: #{error.message}\n#{error.backtrace.join("\n")}" end def rails_present? # Try and load the Rails gem require "rails" true rescue LoadError false end end end end end