<%= render_icon('info') %>

<%= _('explain_upload.intro_%{name}') % {:name => item_type} %>:

  1. <%= _('explain_upload.step1_%{name}') % {:name => item_type} %>
  2. <%= _('explain_upload.step2_%{name}') % {:name => item_type} %>*
  3. <%= _('explain_upload.step3') %>
*<%= _('explain_upload.footnote_%{name}') % {:name => item_type} %>

<%= image_tag('alchemy/ajax_loader.gif', :style => 'width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 3px; position: relative') %> <%= _('Please wait. Flash® is loading...') %>

" onclick="swfu.cancelQueue();" style="display:none" /> <%- if file_types.first == '*' -%>

<%= _('You may upload any file') %>

<%- else -%>

<%= _('You may upload %{file_types_description} with following extensions: %{file_types}') % {:file_types_description => file_types_description, :file_types => file_types.to_sentence} %>.

<%- end -%>

<%= raw _('If you have any problems using the Flash® uploader you can switch to the %{link}') % {:link => %(%{value}) % {:value => _('regular method')}} %>

<%- post_params = { :query => params[:query] || '', :page => 1, :per_page => params[:per_page], :while_assigning => @while_assigning ? "true" : "false", :content_id => @content.blank? ? nil : @content.id, :element_id => @element.blank? ? nil : @element.id, :size => @size, :options => @options.to_param }.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? }.to_json -%>